Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild
Well guys, just got back from a truly bitter sweet week at Lake Michigan.
Had a totally awesome time hanging on the beach and at the pool with the whole family. All we did was eat and play, play and eat. It was great! I did drool a bunch at the big water and longed for the Islander to be there with us. That day will come.
Mom and Dad foot the bill for the whole works, what a huge blessing that was. What great memories we drove away with. Would not have been possible otherwise, huge thanks to them!
Late in the week Mom had numbness in her leg and trouble walking. We decided to take her to the hospital. They took an MRI and within hours she was in route from South Haven to the Cleveland Clinic down in OH. They ended up finding "several" new cancer tumors in her brain, "several" new ones on her spine and a new one on her liver. Could not have been worse news for us, absolutely terrible.
From there they decided to send her back home to Saginaw (more comfortable at home) to begin whole brain radiation. Once that treatment is complete they will move on to the rest.
Why am I writing all this? I dunno, I hate it. Big time. Maybe just to give you guys a heads up I may be a little slow on the Islander, other things may need tending to ya know.
I still need to keep forward motion though, Mom really wants to take a boat ride.