Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild
Nice work Jason! Looks like a nice stiff structure for your deck.
Wow! Now that's thinking outside the box. That turned out great man! Well done, that deck is gonna be twice as strong as the original.
Thanks guys! I am pretty happy with how that turned out so far.
J now that's making something out of nothing! could you imagine what that stock would have cost you and plus it already has the flat anle edge for the deck to mount to Good thinking. Heck you could just about use one of those ladders to make a full stringer assembly if you wanted could you imagine one of those being in a fiberglass rig as a stringer set up man I should patend that idea it would never rot. Well anyway great work J
That is one of the greatest ideas I have seen,......Now I wish I had stopped and picked up some of the ladders I have seen laying in the ditches over the years,....
Thanks guys! Yah, when I crushed that ladder I actually wasn't all that grumpy. Well maybe a little. I just knew that it would be used for something some day. Sure saved me some cash!
Nice work, that's gotta add lots of strength and will give you tons of places to tie the deck into with rivets or screws.
How are your popeye arms doing after using the hand tool for all those?
I will be with you as soon as I get mine fixed. Darn mandrel still stuck in there somehow.
Excellent way to raise the deck to fit the tank. If I had done something as simple as that I could have probably fit a tank below the deck.
I am pretty sure that with two 17' ladders, two aluminum canoes, a sawsall and a pop riveter I could fashion a sweet catamaran set up for an outboard
Yah buddy, really stiffened things up. Those two main stringers were pretty stiff to begin with. Now they are rock solid.
Yup, all I needed was a smidge of extra height for the tank to go sub deck.
Lemme know when you get that catamaran put together, I'll bring my video camera for the launch

Yes yes I like. Beautiful Man. Now we can do stunts with the boat

Azlo! You and a few of the other alum boat builders around here gave me the idea, just following your lead. Thanks buddy!
Hey a big ol salmon on deck would be stunt enough for me. Shoot I'll take a little one for that matter!
Well, I think I need for my fuel line to get here. Maybe another day or two for that. I can then get the 28 gal tank set, add in structure around that, finish foaming the bow, think through and set up for my livewell plumbing, then foam everything.
Then, onto the deck.
Heads up, it's Monday again guys.
Hey, I think I am noticing something. There might just be a touch more daylight these days, just barely. The single digit temps wouldn't tell you but, spring may be on her way.