Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild
Flybridge Islander would be sweet TII!
Yah Jerry, I was going to use it as an outboard bracket but I only have enough pop rivets to get it rated to 200 hp and I really can't go for anything less than 250. Huh, maybe a little PL adhesive would help
Ah, see. Mike has it! Definitely the smart one of the bunch! Yah buddy, it will deck support one way or another. I'll need to take some measurements and figure out the best way to use it. Any way you shake it, I am aiming for this deck to be uber solid, ya know.
OK, I know I am going to have to spend some money now - fuel lines. This is going to hurt a little.
A few quick questions for you guys who are wise on this stuff...
1. Anybody have a good lead on reasonably priced fuel line?
2. I might have some bends that will be a little tough as I know this fuel line is very stiff. Can I add elbows? I think I remember reading that the line cannot have any breaks (fittings) from the fill to the tank - one solid line, is that right? I can still make it happen without elbows, they would just make it a little easier for me is all.
3. I think I remember reading up that there are lines that are a little more flexible? Anybody know anything about that?
It kinda, sorta looks like I am on to fuel lines, plumbing, live well drain and flotation about now. All the stuff that needs to happen below deck, ya know. I'd like to keep it to a minimum as much as I can. I need to think this stuff through carefully as I have absolutely zero interest in pulling up the deck to run another line I forgot about!
Cheers guys