1974 Ouachita Tri-hull Bass Boat Restoration

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Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Pin yourself on the map .https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=935424 NE FL is a bit empty .. I could use the company .. :)

I will when I learn to pin you forget this is new for me and besides haven't had that class yet lol. lisa

Just click the link Sam posted. Once the map opens, along the top of the map, on the left is an Additions tab. Choose Add marker - detailed.

Fill in the requested info. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE A PHONE # nor your actual email &/or physical address. When I pinned my name, I also listed my iboats user name and included info about my projects.

Any iboaters who happen to be planning a trip to your neck of the woods can see where your boat shed is & maybe make contact thru the iboats forum.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 31, 2011
We are making some progress on the boat. Or, more accurately, Sam and mom are making some progress. We have the dremel dremel dremel, sand, fill, sand part done, and Sam has the primer on the top cap and the various pieces. He and mom did the taping up for the general painting and the stripe, and I think some blue is going to get on there today. I've been a little lax about posting pics but there are a few below, up to the first coat of primer. The boat looks awesome, and I will try to post more pictures later. Kelly



Chief Petty Officer
Apr 1, 2012
OH YEAH!!! now that's what I'm talkin' about!! I'm living vicariously thru this as I am still not able to partake in the boat buildification process....kinda like, if you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter!! Lookin' good!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 31, 2011
awwww......thank you! Sam got the first coat of blue on today - totally awesome. IT LOOKS SO GOOD! I will try to post pics later.
How is the thumb coming along?


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 1, 2012
thanks for asking...it's coming along...I will update my own thread so as to not hijack yours....I have pics of thumbs & presents!!! Must see tv!! Looking forward to your pics later...keep working girls (& you too Sam-say hello for me)


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
You guys are doing some fantastic looking work on the Ouachita...Keep up the awesome progress...I too, am living vicariously through your endeavors until such time that I can get back to my tub-o-wood-n-glass...to which I am making some effort this weekend to prepare for just such a thing...
Happy Sunday!;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 31, 2011
Woody, Lisa, Gus, all of you...
I know we keep saying this but we SO appreciate all of your kind support. Getting this going, your comments, and Sam's awesome help and presence have uplifted us so much. My dad would feel so honored to have you all involved.

Hey, Tall Canadian! I'm glad you're dropping by. My mom thought she remembered your handle from when my dad used to post on here, and so she looked back and found where you had complimented him on his glass work (so cool). Dad really enjoyed talking with everyone on this site, and mom and I can smile when we think of how good it was for him to have some people with like interests to talk to, and also how nice you all were to him and are to us. When we see his posts to some of you and see the conversations, it's like we get to re-experience this part of his life a little. It's a nice thing for us to have.

With that said, I added a few more pics below. We visited my uncle in the hospital last night and so were a little too tired/bummed to get on the computer. BUT pics up to yesterdays finish are posted below. We got the first coat of blue on! There was a little snafu in that we all thought the blue was going to be a darker blue. I should have looked but didn't. Dad had originally wanted the commodore blue (which was the blue we were all imagining) but he could not get that color at the time so eventually settled on the twilight blue (which arrived at the house the very day that he passed). So, it's not really a snafu, just more came as a little surprise. We are going with it, and I think it looks awesome so far.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 31, 2011
OH, and to answer your question, woody, she did do some of the primer on the bottom (maybe the paint to) but I think is generally more comfortable with letting the master handle this stuff. She sais "I want it to look good" LOL. She routinely ends up with paint on her face (especially her nose!) and suggests that this is another indicator that she should only observe. ;)

Lisa, feel free to hijack the thread at will. we love hearing from you! :)


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Sam would argue he is No Master at shooting paint, but I would eagerly put his quality work up against any so called experts...Great looking job there, Sam 'ol boy!
And that shade of blue is a very nice and classy shade...definitely compliments the lines and era of the boat...
Can't wait to see the finished product!:thumb:


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 1, 2012
Oh yeah....that's what we've been waiting for!! Looks absolutely awesome...and I love the color. In fact, I have almost the same color on the main wall in my house, with surrounding walls accented gray. Love, love, love!!! Now I have a question, for which the answer is probably in the original thread & I'm too lazy to find it....what are all those bolts on the bow? what are they for? I am so happy for the both of you ladies (and I must admit....a lot jealous of getting to observe one of the many masters here on the forum...Don't tell him & burst his bubble, but I have NEVER sprayed anything that didn't come out of a can...It's on my bucket list to learn the in's & out's of spraying with a grown up gun...Sure wish I could be a fly on the wall. Keep up the great work...ok...what's next???? Let's keep this ball rollin'.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Well, after seeing the paint job he did on his boat, I KNOW how this one is gunna turn out!!! I'm likin the color more n' more!!! She may be tooooo purdy to get fish blood n' guts on!!!:eek::lol:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
This being only the second boat I have attempted to lay some paint on I can assure you that I'm sure no pro by any means ... I guess the normal stuff that happens happens to everyone . High humidity , some orange peel and whatnot ..
​I can NOT guarantee a perfect job but I will guarantee to try and do my best with whatever little bit of talent the man upstairs allows me to borrow ...
Lisa the screws sticking up have glassed in T-nuts that will hold down 2 plywood step pads .. These will have the same color and texture as the deck with just maybe an accent band around the edges .. :)
Charles purchased some sand texture additive to go on the decking for slip resistance . Need to figure if we just add to paint or sprinkle over wet paint then recover ..
Cheers everyone !!!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 31, 2011
Sam got the final coat of blue on the top cap and the stripe today. It looks SOOOOOOOOOO good. I'll post a couple of pics below. The lighting is a little off (the color is slightly more blue than it looks) but you can see the awesomeness. We will post more pics with better lighting soon. (so excited!)



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 31, 2011
i know right! we are so excited we keep going out to look at it. One more pic for tonight.
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