Okay, I am going to show my "I know nothing" rivet intelligence to the world...brave man that I am. LOL
Seriously, I have been doing some basic research because I have no experience with rivets. Have talked to individuals who offer conflicting advice, have stopped in to three different fastener stores and have received different advice on what to use (usually what they carry), have not found out where the rivets are made (probably overseas) or have not even had a consensus on what size to use (I would like to use 3/16"dia. X 5/32" or 3/8" shank. Some of the online information is not clear. I am trying to purchase locally and not order online because of a prior identity theft situation that was not good (pray you don't have to experience that during your lifetime). The only thing that keeps being repeated is to avoid buying rivets for the boat from the big box stores to avoid the possibility of getting soft metal . As an example I had a store owner tell me, a few hours ago, that I should be using Stainless Steel rivets throughout the restoration because it was ok to do so (of course he sold them at a higher price than aluminum rivets)...I don't think so! So if you want to offer some thoughts on the subject, like whether or not rivets from a distributor like Fastenal would be a good choice or not, or whether I should be ordering the rivets from an online store that offers better quality. This may be "old hat" to most of you but it isn't to me. I need to get the right product for the restoration so as to avoid problems popping up (I know...lol) later. Thanks again for your patience and help my friends.
Safe boating,