Re: 1968 15' Starcraft Jet Star Rebuild
You guys are weirdos, like it
OK got that starboard bow trim installed, cool! Picked up
another 200 rivets at HD yesterday, man am I going through these fast.
You can see how stinking humid it is, my camera was fogged up.
This time around was a bit better. I finessed the heat much more, and relied on my sandwich holders (hands) way more this time vs. using the clamps. Even though I stuffed em in doubled leather gloves I still managed to get a couple of good burns (knew I would going into it, didn't really care). It went much better overall and I am pretty darn happy with the outcome. All cleaned up it should look good
Having that unfinished was nagging at me, really glad it's done. The rest of the trim should be a cinch to install.
Few more small structure/trim type stuff to do and I can start prepping this hull for Gluvit and paint. Seems like I already said that a while ago