1964 Starcraft Jet Star Aluminum Runabout Project

1964 Starcraft Jet Star Aluminum Runabout Project

  • Rustoleum Marine

    Votes: 19 41.3%
  • Interlux Brightsides

    Votes: 16 34.8%
  • Pettit Easypoxy

    Votes: 11 23.9%

  • Total voters


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

So I think I read that you retired - must be a retired engineer? Have to be!

Excellent work, just awesome!:D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 29, 2010
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

First of all that trailer is plent for a 15 foot aluminum starcraft. I'm not big on those roller bunks. I like bunk carpet and 2x4's personally. Our boats are so light that roller bunks i have investigated are overkill and can dent the hull. You should be fine.

Also when bending that frame back, make sure to overbend way past strait. The trailer will want to relax back to the old bend and if you don't overbend, it will relax way past strait back to completely crooked.

If possible, lightly heat up the stress points also. You can use a propane torch which doesn't get very hot in the grand scheme of things. Doing so will soften the grains in the steel just enuf so when you overbend, once it cools, it won't relax as far back.
Mind you this is a " watch this, hold muh beer " suggestion but i have seen it work many times.
If your handy, weld up some gussets and cross members like i did on mine.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

So I think I read that you retired - must be a retired engineer? Have to be!

I wish! Retired...yes. Engineer, not by any means!!

Chrisp, I may just go out again and try to tweak it a little before I move it from the "sweet spot". I did go past straight, but never having done anything like this before, I wasn't sure of the limits....keeping in mind the limits of the timbers, the tree and my ability to jump out of the way!

I prefer the carpeted 2x4's too.


After the final tweak...I'm going to leave well enough alone now.


SC's Forever!

Seaman Apprentice
Sep 26, 2010
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Hi John..You got me by a couple of years....but one thing I have learned was DO NOT USE PRESSURE TREATED WOOD OR PRESERVATIVES in an Aluminum boat!!!!!
Chemicals will react with the metal............


Apr 1, 2009
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Another ATTABOY for LL. :p
You have a straight trailer AND all your fingers & toes. Not bad at all. I think with that trailer tongue you can launch your boat and park your truck at the same time.:D


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

i think with that trailer tongue you can launch your boat and park your truck at the same time.:d

Last edited:


Vice Admiral
Oct 4, 2008
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Another ATTABOY for LL. :p
You have a straight trailer AND all your fingers & toes. Not bad at all. I think with that trailer tongue you can launch your boat and park your truck at the same time.:D

Yep...that trailer got a tounge like Gene Simmons..lol


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project


If my eyes haven't gone bad, that trailer looks staight to me. Get some good old Rusto Primer and Paint and Make her look like a new one!!!

I'm just sayin...:D


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project


Get some good old Rusto Primer and Paint and Make her look like a new one!!!


That's on my agenda waayyyyy in the future!

SC's Forever!

Seaman Apprentice
Sep 26, 2010
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Ingenious work on that trailer LL!!!! Looking at your final product though, the rear two rollers are pretty horizonal while the one mounted on the tongue is tilted considerably............Is your tongue twisted????, the trailers that is!!!.......Put a level across it near the coupler and see!!!!
Be sure to add a couple or three more small rollers(like whats on the tongue now) to support the front half of that hull!!!! As long as you walk near the center of the boat while on the trailer, you shouldn't need side supports that far up front!!!!
Congrats on the build!!!!! Can't wait to see the completed project!!!


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

You're right, it's far from perfect, but for the price, I think it will do!:D

Eventually I'll be replacing all the rollers and the bunks. There is a little side-to-side play in the tongue because it's a tilt-all. If I push on the winch support, it will straighten up. I think it naturally goes to one side because of the weight of the jack mounted on that side. Once the boat is on, it should level out. I think the PO had the rollers/bunks adjusted to account for the bending.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

At a standstill.

After a lot confusion and emails back and forth with the Thinboards.com site for my white oak for the dashboard, I'm still waiting for them to ship it after 10 days. After I placed the order and paid online, I didn't hear anything from them for days. Last I heard from them, they wanted to confirm the length I ordered. Seems like a simple order but I don't know what's happening. If I don't hear from them tomorrow, I'll get in touch with them again. Last heard from them 3 days ago.

And after 10 days and a phone call to Harbor Freight customer service (sounded like it was in India), my order for the buffing supplies that was supposed to ship on 10/29 still reads "In Process". I'll call them again on Monday.

My weather is running out! Guess I'm relegated to raking leaves today.:(


Jul 27, 2009
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Bummer on supplies. Ingenious frame bending system. Guess you will have that tree for a while just in case.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Guess you will have that tree for a while just in case.

Actually today I'm forming a plan to use it to flip the boat over on it's trailer. I don't have much help available in the form of muscle, so I'm thinking of backing down with the bow under the branch, as close as I can get to the tree trunk, jacking up the boat and pulling the trailer out; then building a frame on the trailer out of 2x6's.

After that, I'll use a come-along to lift the bow, get my son's help to flip it over using that as a pivot point, put the supports under the stern again, then back the trailer underneath and lower it onto the 2x6 trailer frame. That way I can use it as a dolly like someone else on here did with his (can't find the thread right now). When I paint, I'll need to get out in the middle of the yard to minimize exposure to all the junk that falls out of my trees.

After my project is over, I plan to dispose of the red trailer one way or another.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

This morning I moved the winch post and jack forward. It seems pretty far forward on the tongue, but that's where I need it to be to extend my new bunks a few inches so the transom will rest on them. After I actually saw them moved, I didn't recall seeing any other trailers with the post so far forward. It won't interfere with anything, so I'm assuming it's all right. Looks a little weird though. The new bunks will extend about 7" past the roller bunks on there now, leaving a little leeway if I need to shorten them. I was pleased that I didn't have to fight too hard with the nuts & bolts.


Later I picked up a couple treated 2x4's for the new bunks and some 2x6's for my "dolly trailer" mod for flipping and painting.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2010
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Later I picked up a couple treated 2x4's for the new bunks...

I know it's been mentioned before but don't use treated lumber for your bunks! Corrosion like crazy! Ask me how I know.....


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

LL, That trailer is Glavanized Steel correct?? If so, your Treated Lumber should be fine. If it's aluminum then stay away from the Treated stuff.

I'm just sayin...:D


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2010
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

LL, That trailer is Glavanized Steel correct?? If so, your Treated Lumber should be fine. If it's aluminum then stay away from the Treated stuff.

I'm just sayin...:D

What about his aluminum boat sitting on the treated bunks?


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

It's a galvanized trailer. I have carpeted treated lumber bunks on my other trailer and store my aluminum boat on it all off-season with no problems. And its bottom is unpainted. They only get dunked twice a year. So far they've lasted 7 years and still are in great shape, no problem with the boat..


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Re: 1964 15' Starcraft Aluminum Runabout Project

Yeah, I thought it looked galvanized. As long as your bunks are carpeted you won't have any issues with the treated lumber and your boat. What kind of glue you gunna use to glue the carpet on? Make sure the wood is good and dry or it might react negatively with the glue. You gunna use stainless staples or what?

I'm just sayin...:D