Re: 1961 Lonestar Flamingo - SPLASHED w/Pics
OK If I remember Right sombody started puttin together some kind of a Location Map of where Everybody was located. If I'm wrong then Somebody NEEDS to do that so we could figure out a Centralized location where we could Make an attempt to CONGREGATE!!! JBC are you the one that did that???
I didn't put one together, but I certainly can....
Boom, DONE:
Iboats member map
Please pass it along. NOTE: I don't mind a good, friendly, occasional drubbing via the glass VS tin debate, so both tin & glass 'pinnings' as certainly welcome.
Directions for adding your 'pin':
Under the
Additions tab, please select
Add Marker - Detailed
Fill in the details you feel relevant. As the iboats forum links to the map are going to be public, and the map is public, I'd strongly recommend adding only details you would to a public forum. City/State is sufficient. Please DO NOT include ph#'s, physical/email addresses. You can add pix of your boat as an avatar, and any other details in your description is good. I added some of my signature links info. And there is the option of linking back to the iboats forums.
I used my iboats user name/id to mark my pin, so it'd be easier to put me @ the map w/ me here @iboats. If another iboats member wants to contact you, they can do so via the iboats PM system.
As the map fills w/ pins, you can look under the
View tab & select
Show list. That will bring up an alphabetical list of the user names. If you use your iboats id, I can click your user id & the map will highlight your pin. If I click a mapped pin, the map will display any info you've detailed.
Anyone interested can copy & paste this as they see fit. So please share it. I have PM'd it to some of my frequent iboats contacts.