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  1. topgun3690

    Best rifle display cabinet?

    A nice display cabinet looks really good......just not secure at all. :(
  2. topgun3690

    Poppet valve

    Don't believe your motor has one, so it's not the issue. You could remove the tell tale hose and check it for debris, along with the 2 fittings it attaches to. I'm not 100% sure but I believe the thermostat has to open before the tell tale pisses. On a cold day that could take a little...
  3. topgun3690

    Best rifle display cabinet?

    The safe manufacturers tend to exaggerate about 3 things.....the amount of steel used, gun capacity, and fire ratings. I believe very few safes available on the market could survive a total loss house fire. It's just too hot for too long.....but most will provide some level of protection.
  4. topgun3690

    1989 force 85 tilt/trim

    @WIMUSKY .....could you move this thread over to the Force section....thanks. @jbcurt00
  5. topgun3690

    Now I went and did something.

    Falling out of a tree stand could ruin anybody's day....or life. Smart move.
  6. topgun3690

    1996 Force 120 overheat question

    Agree with jerry 100 percent......Sierra would be acceptable as aftermarket brand IMO.....and a little cheaper than Quicksilver. Just look at the brand names in the product descriptions on ebay......the one in the link above states it is "UanOfcn"......sounds very Chinese to me......
  7. topgun3690

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    To all the good folks on the Chrysler and Force Forum......Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! 🎄☃️🚤
  8. topgun3690

    Merry Christmas & a good new year

    Hope yall have a great Christmas and a better New Year!
  9. topgun3690

    Water in lower unit

    12-19183 3 (blue) for the Quicksilver and 18-2945-9 for Sierra. Looks like they are the same for both motors. I would get extras and change them out every time you change LU lube. Ebay sells them in multi-packs FYI.
  10. topgun3690

    Can't decide who's the most annoying

    I like this idea......will cost them some money. lol
  11. topgun3690

    Mr & Mrs Claus go camping

    Gotta love Florida in December.....T-shirts and shorts. (y)
  12. topgun3690

    1965 west bend 450 45hp turning over issues.

    Do as racerone said.....also, I see a lot of black stuff/particles all over the engine.....if your cowling has the black foam sound proofing, looks like it is deteriorating.....that stuff will get sucked into the carbs and cause all kinds of issues. IF that is what that is, I would remove it...
  13. topgun3690

    Sourcing parts '89 125 HP

    Should have been HD for Hell-drive.....:LOL:
  14. topgun3690

    Sea/Lake Food

    Same here.....the Texas Fish Consumption Bans and Advisories section of the TPWD is a pretty sobering read....Mercury, dioxins, and PCBs.....
  15. topgun3690

    Home plumbing lesson learned.

    Whenever we leave the house for more than a few days, I always shut off the main water supply to keep this from happening.....each sink has 2 flexible water supplies, each toilet has 1, clothes washer and dishwasher has several....and don't forget the icemaker line.....there are at least 13 of...
  16. topgun3690

    What rifle to scope for hunting?

    That is true for private property with owner authorization.....on public land will need a license.....FYI
  17. topgun3690

    Nobody fishing?

    @BWR1953....You did a good thing taking your old neighbor fishin with could tell he was excited about catching that 5 pounder in the video. My neighbor next door is 82, he lives gonna ask him to go with me sometime after seeing this.
  18. topgun3690

    Chrysler 1057HF distributor

    Agree with Nordin, Franz Marine aint cheap but unlike most sources for parts he will answer your questions and give you worth a little extra money for that. Have you ever sent a message to a seller on ebay? Most of them are clueless and are only interested in selling the parts......
  19. topgun3690

    New to the site with a question about a 1996 90hp Force

    I use yellow teflon tape on my drain plug, it doesn't have a washer or seal, just threads.....
  20. topgun3690

    New to the site with a question about a 1996 90hp Force

    Be sure to replace the Fill/Vent plug washers when changing the lube.