You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

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fat fanny

Lieutenant Commander
Feb 9, 2006
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Naaa @ this point after waiting I'd go for the jugular. Tell them you need a trailer that is suitable for the road and boat and if that is'nt reasonable enough for them do what the mob does say nothing just do what you need to to get what's comming to you alwyer,news and better buisness bureau.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 3, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Alpheus tell Bruce to pound sand!!! tell them you need a trailer.

I am Bruce. That's my first name. I sent him an email back with a counter offer. We'll see what happens...


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 15, 2006
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Hey if ya need a trailer my buddy has one froma 22' Boston whaler, Rollers good we picked it up in florida and Pulled it back to Illinois with a 21' Chaparral on it. It does have brakes but is a single axle. He would take any offer.....his wife is on a rampage. It is in Illinois. Send me a PM if interested. I will post some pics but never thought of listing it on here.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 28, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

lol this thread is comedy. So blatant that the dealer knew what they were doing... amazing.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 5, 2006
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Take the money and run. Everyone can armchair quarterback this thing to death but any attorney worth anything will cost you more than you paid for the boat just to draft up a letter of response. And then the dealer can simply say fine, bring it in and we will give you your money back, if they are in fact reading this posting then they already know you don't want to do that and won't do that. And you want to be careful about slandering a company unless you have already talked to an attorney about what you can and cannot say on a public forum like this.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 2, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

lol this thread is comedy. So blatant that the dealer knew what they were doing... amazing.

Now that I have thought about it for a few mins, it really is apparent that the owner knew that trailer was a POS and probably TOLD the sales guy to swap the boat to it.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 28, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Now that I have thought about it for a few mins, it really is apparent that the owner knew that trailer was a POS and probably TOLD the sales guy to swap the boat to it.

Highly likely. I guess we can all shout about what /could/ have happened, but it didn't. So it means nothing. I could have got run down by a bus today, but I didn't doesn't mean busses should be banned just in case etc..

In any respect, This boat was mega cheap by US standards, let alone UK where a bare empty hull would nearly sell for this price on ebay. Its probably worth getting a nice trailer on it. A counter offer is brave, but I too would probably take the ?$ or ask for a deal on any trailers in the dealers stock. That way potentially you have a happy customer from a potentially angry one and the dealer has made a sale of perhaps less margins but more importantly no ones reputation is ruined in the process, and the issues is closed.

puddle jumper

Jul 5, 2006
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I think $250 dollars for your troubles + the rusted trailer for parts would be worth it.
considering you only paid $1000.00 for the package.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I'm on the fence. I'm pretty sure the dealer knew exactly what they were doing in this case...and I'd sure like to see 'em have to own up tp it and give Alpheus a decent trailer. However, I'm wondering how much of a pain getting them to do that would be for Alpheus and he could probably find a semi-decent trailer on CL for $250+


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 3, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

And you want to be careful about slandering a company unless you have already talked to an attorney about what you can and cannot say on a public forum like this.

In all of these post never once was the dealerships name mentioned,EVER!!!

I never even said what state its in. Just that its on the east coast and that's it...

There is no difference between what this guy did with this trailer than selling a me used car knowing that the brakes didn't work and let me drive it off the lot...

I have been very patient with this guy hoping that he would answer the phone and speak to me man to man, but he keeps leaving me these one line emalis. Im starting to wander if this salesman is not telling the owner the whole story.

All I want is the old trailer for this boat or the mechanic who signed the inspection sticker 5 months ago is not gonna be happy. It wont even cost the dealer anything to just give me the old trailer. He can keep his money...


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 2, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Now it sounds like it's about get good.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 15, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Dealers response is disappointing but not surprising. I feel sorry for Bruce as it appears he was taken / misled and could have been injured had the trailer let go while on the road. But, since we don't have a copy of the purchase agreement between Bruce and dealer or a recording of what the sales guy said, we cant say for sure what the dealers "legal" liability is on this 1,000 as is sale. Dealers reputation and ethical obligations are another story. All I can add is...I would have some serious concerns about the BOAT given the condition of the trailer was misrepresented. Good luck Bruce and be careful in that boat.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 21, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Sounds like a good story for the local TV station. One of those "just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right" kind of thing where the reporter walks into the owners office and asks how many other unsafe trailers he's put on the road while my kids are on the way to school?


Oct 6, 2003
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

And you want to be careful about slandering a company unless you have already talked to an attorney about what you can and cannot say on a public forum like this.

From what I have gathered here, Alpheus has not slandered anyone as he has keep the Dealership name and location quite. However, if what Alpheus has told us is all true ( and I have no doubts that it is not) then he has not slandered anyone...

That said, I do not feel that Alpheus needs to consult a laywer before speaking of this situation, even if he does mention the name of the dealer. He is already protected by the Bill of Rights, First Amendment...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I am sure you have read this before, but maybe it is worth another... People talk trash about business that do bad business everyday... all protected.. If the Dealer does not like it, he can start doing better business...


Oct 6, 2003
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Sounds like a good story for the local TV station. One of those "just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right" kind of thing where the reporter walks into the owners office and asks how many other unsafe trailers he's put on the road while my kids are on the way to school?

I would love to see this story when it airs.........


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 5, 2006
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I never said he slandered anyone, I was just offering some friendly advise. Freedom of speech is indeed still legal in this country but you cannot go on a public forum and trash a company if they have done nothing wrong. If the boat was sold as is and no warranty was provided, then it is up to the buyer to determine the condition of the purchase. If the dealer gave him a certificate or inspection report for the trailer, then local laws regarding liability and remedies would apply. I doubt the owner is going to do anything further on this but it is interesting fodder.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Amazing how much interest in this thread for a $1,000 boat and trailer.

My advice is take the $250. Sounds like a fair offer to me. Another fair offer would be for the dealer to give you your $1,000 back and take both the boat and trailer back. Take your pick.

I sure would be interested in seeing the purchase order on this purchase. My bet it says "As is" in big black letters with "No Warranty". Its the buyers responsibility to check everything out. If the motor goes out after 20 hours should the dealer cover that as well?


Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

What a joke....

"the dealer knew it was junk"

Of course the dealer considered the trailer junk, they also considered the boat junk or they never would have sold it for $1000.... If the mechanic's inspection was to include structural integrity of the steel frame and he did not test it properly out of laziness then he deserves to lose his certification no matter what the outcome.....
This is like buying a $200 car and getting a flat tire and then expecting the dealer to buy you a $200 set of tires... if he offers you $10 for a bald tire at the junkyard he has "hooked you up" out of the goodness of his heart

Besides this is a 2006 model trailer so all this corrosion occured in 3 years.... He says the inspection is 5 months old..... that means it is likely that at least 15% of the corrosion damage was after the inspection.... 15% is ALOT as far as making the difference between rusty and rusted out. This trailer was subjected to something that made it rust FAST and it is hardly fair to blame the dealer for that...

$250 is a VERY reasonable offer and the dealer is to be commended.... I would have told you that if you weren't happy I would be glad to send a roll back and give you a full refund of the initial purchase price along with any receipts you could show dated before the failure of the trailer.... If you refused that would be your choice and would indicate that you were satisfied with your purchase.

I will add that while some slight threats of further action were made by alph as far as I can see he so far has only asked for help...... I don't think that's over the top as long as it doesn't go much further but the comments made by some of the vultures here are just plain rediculous and frankly embarrassing to the sensible among us


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 25, 2008
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I never said he slandered anyone, I was just offering some friendly advise. Freedom of speech is indeed still legal in this country but you cannot go on a public forum and trash a company if they have done nothing wrong. If the boat was sold as is and no warranty was provided, then it is up to the buyer to determine the condition of the purchase. If the dealer gave him a certificate or inspection report for the trailer, then local laws regarding liability and remedies would apply. I doubt the owner is going to do anything further on this but it is interesting fodder.

Are you positive about this? I have a very good friend that took somebody to court over this issue and lost. Judge told him there isn't anything you can do about things written on the web.


Oct 6, 2003
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

All Bruce wants is the trailer that was originally under the boat, the one the dealer swapped out for the Junk they put under it... In this thread it was stated that the orginal trailer was aluminum, but had bad hubs and axles. I would prefer to have it and change the axles for new...

Alpheus, I think it is time to visit the dealer and talk to the owner in person. He apparently is not taking your issue seriously by not contacting you directly to work something out. Instead, he continued to hide behind the salesman, with only one short statement and a take it or leave it type of attitude with it...

From that, I am sure the dealer new it was junk and sold it with the $1000 boat intentionally to get rid of it. He knew he could get more money for the aluminum trailer, either alone or with another boat. Better deal for him, OH WELL for Alpheus cause he bought a $1000 boat anyway...
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