You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 15, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Bruce have they called yet?

Not to make light of your situation ( you seem like a nice, patient, reasonable person and deserve at least a call from the owner) but after following this thread from the beginning I feel the dealer owes all of us 250.00 and an apology!!! LOL

Again Bruce not making light, just couldn't resist.

Good luck.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 3, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Bruce have they called yet?

No call yet. I tried to call them at around 4:30 and used someone elses phone in case they were ducking my number I left another message. I also sent another email about an hour ago...

OMG, I hope you epoxied all those holes back up. A little water intrusion and the rot will come faster than you can imagine.

Of course I filled all the holes and if the stringers are bad Ill fix em up next winter. I have seen alot of people start out with a boat in much worse condition than this one is in and fix them up new. After reading all the threads in the restoration section I'm kinda looking forward to tearing into the deck...


Oct 6, 2003
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

but after following this thread from the beginning I feel the dealer owes all of us 250.00 and an apology!!! LOL

Again Bruce not making light, just couldn't resist.

Good luck.

Yeah, I think we should each get $250 per post we put in the thread...

He would ge broke and out of business then, BUt we could all chip in and buy Alpheus a NEW TRAILER...


Oct 6, 2003
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Another Post to add another $250....

I could not resist...


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 6, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

OK, if you put it that way, I'm in for $250 as well. I know a good class action lawyer by the name of Tony - maybe he can get us our money.

By the way, do you really haul that triple axle trailer with that huge boat behind that little Dodge? I do hope that you have good brakes.


Oct 23, 2008
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Libel: Written Defamation of character.

Slander: Oral Defamation of character. must have at least 2 parties involved, but usually have around 3.
Yeah, I left out the "written" part of the definition of libel in my post.:redface:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 13, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Bruce.....I read the thread again, so I apologize if I missed this. I posted earlier how impressed I am with the way that you have handled this, and I still am, but at this point why not GO to the dealership? I don't mean go to show your a@#, but if he is ignoring your calls, why not just show up?


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 3, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

By the way, do you really haul that triple axle trailer with that huge boat behind that little Dodge? I do hope that you have good brakes.

That little Dodge hardly knows that boats back there when I haul it. As for the brakes, the trailer has brakes and they work perfect. My rig stops on a dime...

GO to the dealership? I don't mean go to show your a@#, but if he is ignoring your calls, why not just show up?

I think if I show up and I was unwanted there I could be tresspassing. I am going to stop calling and emailing because Im starting to think it may be harassment. I will give him 24 more hours then I will release the name of the dealership and this thread is


Oct 6, 2003
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Alpheus, he is a dealership, open to the public. While it is still private property, it is open tot he public. If you are not wanted, he must ask you to leave a minimum of three times ( and can be three times in a row - please leave, please leave, please leave...) before he can call the police to ascort you away or site you for tresspassing. I myself would go by there to try to get my face to face meeting to work out the issue with the junk trailer...

As I stated before, I felt you should have gone by while owner and salesman were away to see if the original trailer was still on the site of not, then you would have a "Card" in your pocket so to speak...

If it were me, I would not give up because I do not have the extra cash to purchase another trailer, assuming I was getting a "Great" trailer... You lucked out that the boat runs and is in great shape, but I suppose the dealership was unaware of the great condition of the boat.... Their loss, your gain. But they should still make right on the trailer. And I really do not think the $250 is right, even considering the $1000 total transaction...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 12, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

That said, I do not feel that Alpheus needs to consult a laywer before speaking of this situation, even if he does mention the name of the dealer. He is already protected by the Bill of Rights, First Amendment...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

That said there is nothing preventing a lair (make that lawyer), judge or jury to decide what they want. How many times have we seen stories of juries and judges letting someone who is guilty and admitted to a crime walk because they want to get home and watch the next episode of the Simpsons or Mythbusters.

You have to really trust the judical system to do the right thing. That doesn't always happen in this society. And if Bruce were to loose, then the dealer is now in a position to sue for damages, legal costs, etc.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 23, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

That said there is nothing preventing a lair (make that lawyer), judge or jury to decide what they want. How many times have we seen stories of juries and judges letting someone who is guilty and admitted to a crime walk because they want to get home and watch the next episode of the Simpsons or Mythbusters.

You have to really trust the judical system to do the right thing. That doesn't always happen in this society. And if Bruce were to loose, then the dealer is now in a position to sue for damages, legal costs, etc.

Legal schmeagle. The issue seems to be that of a moral compass, which has apparently become depolarized.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 26, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

The more I think about this story.....something just seems odd.....

Alpheus - why would you go all this time without revisiting the dealership in person? Did I miss something? That would be something I would be doing frequently - and at some point, you would think they would get tired of looking at you, and get you another trailer. Especially with your "calm" demeanor....They couldn't throw you out without totally clowning themselves.

Additionally - if you are resigning to the fact that they aren't going to help you, surely you will get your $250 right? Shoot, I realize it isn't about the money...but it's $250 more than you had before you walked in there....

Maybe I am a miser.....but I won't EVER leave money on the table.....especially in this telling them to keep the $250 you aren't going to teach them a lesson.....might as well put the cash in the pocket.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 15, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

It might be worth your time to stop in the dealership & have a face to face meeting with them. Will be much harder for them to ignore you in person. You seem to be very reasonable & should be able to negotiate an acceptable solution for both parties.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 3, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I didnt go back to the dealership because it isnt exactly across the street. Its a pretty good drive. Thats one of the issues I have because the salesman also did the paper work knew how far I had to drive to get home with that bad trailer. Maybe if I lived a mile or two away he could make himself feel better by thinking "Oh he's just towing it down the street, it will be fine."


Nov 29, 2008
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I have a welder and know how to use it also. Have you seen the pics? There is nothing to weld to...

Yes, I saw the photos. That area is a junction of three, possibly four, pieces of structural steel. From a photo one can only speculate what caused the failure. This area may have had too much heat when it was manufactured, leaving thin metal next to the weld bead. Or it simply could have rusted there since weld bead areas tend to start rusting first because of the heat, and the inside cannot be painted. Throw in some salt water, and there you have it. Who knows? Should the dealer make it right? I think so. Only you can decide what right for you is.

It is hard to say from photos, but that area is totaled. So, no, you couldn't weld to that area again. But from your photos it looks as if you could cut out the tube and cross supports, weld in new pieces, wire brush, prime, and paint, and get on with it. If the boat is that good, I would take the $250 and buy some steel. That would be right for me. Depends on your goals. If the goal was to get a cheap boat- you did that. Making a point on principle is usually not productive.

I just need to know that I did my part to make them think twice about selling unsafe equipment and just slapping inspection stickers on trailers without even looking at them...

I agree with your point here and if you have the time and desire to make that point go ahead. I commend you. But I would tend to get in motion and either buy another or fix this one.

I will forgo any money or replacement trailer if you would just call me.

Now I am getting confused...

I think if I show up and I was unwanted there I could be tresspassing. I am going to stop calling and emailing because Im starting to think it may be harassment.

Now I am know I am confused. Unless they have already given you notice against being on their property, you should go get your check.

For a $1000 boat, 25% off is pretty good! Maybe the dealer knowingly bilked you... But what is your goal? If it was sending a message I think you have sent it and I would be cashing that check, movin' on. Life on the water is good, man!


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 3, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

In the last email I got from them they asked me if the 250 dollars was OK. I sent them a counter offer. Now they refuse to answer my phone calls or emails. I think they may have lawyered up.


Oct 6, 2003
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Time for a visit.... They are not dodging you because they are busy, it is because they are figuring out a game plan to continue to ignore you, play you and get you to go away. I woul dnot stand for it. Stop by and find out what is going on...


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 26, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

In the last email I got from them they asked me if the 250 dollars was OK. I sent them a counter offer. Now they refuse to answer my phone calls or emails. I think they may have lawyered up.

I would be :eek:shocked:eek: if they retained a lawyer for this situation.....That doesn't make sense. I think you have made this issue much larger in your mind than it actually is.

In order for them to technically make it right, all they have to do is offer your money back ($1000) and come and pick up the boat/trailer.

Regardless of how "unsafe" the trailer is/was - you didn't damage anything with it, and it didn't cause any harm.

If they offered you your $$$ back, and offered to come and get the boat, they would be off the hook. Mistakes (as done by the trailer tech) happen.....and as long as it didn't cause monetary damage outside of the original deal (meaning, the trailer didn't break loose on the freeway and kill someone, etc)...which it didn't, the dealer will have a get out of jail free card by offering to give you your money back.

Soooo.....Why would they pony up for a lawyer, when they can offer you your money back...(lawyer would cost more than that)..They can resell the boat to 70% of the iboats readers (including myself) for $1500 w/out a trailer?

I have a feeling that they are embarrassed about the deal, they offered you 25% refund....and they don't give a crap about doing anymore than that - seeing as it is a $1000 STEAL you got on it in the first place.....


Aug 12, 2003
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

i agree, i'd cash it and move on. not worth the sweat, def not worth bothering with lawyers. they probably have someone they've used before and can get relatively cheaper help. you could go to small claims but that's more of your time. if you're happy with the boat and cost, you've got a funny story to tell to boot.

the dealer no doubt ended up with that boat as a trade in. i'm sure they wanted nothing to do with it but wanted to move a new boat. if that trailer wasn't a rust bucket, it would have had 3 times the value of the boat. an inboard dealer doesn't toss out decent inboard trailers. on a new boat invoice, it would list for about $8k.

i think you've ended up better off at $750 and some hopefully nice trailer parts. doesn't look like that boat was ever going to fit the trailer very well.

tell them you want to pick the check up in person.
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