You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

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Lieutenant Commander
Aug 3, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I didn't take it as a bashing, just another point of view. I love a good debate. If everybody agreed on everything life would be pretty boring. ..

But anyways 3 more days to go...


Jan 25, 2008
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I actually wonder how much "damage" (not rust) was on the trailer while it was at the dealership, and how much damage was caused during the ride home. I bet the boat was set on this trailer and then backed into a parking spot,,, the combination never being towed on roadways until it was sold.

Rotted trailer frame, too much tongue weight, boat sitting on mis-aligned bunks,,, seems like a recipe for distruction to me. With the boat slid so far forward on the trailer, I bet the tongue weight is way up there and a good reason for a marginal trailer to fail.

Here's a scary thought, that trailer could still be on the road if the original boat were sitting on it. I wonder how many trailers like we all drive you every day.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 15, 2008
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

That is BS!

95% of people driving there vehicles on the road today rely on the word of PROFESSIONALS that there vehicle is safe and roadworthy. In my case yes, I said it before I should have gotten my ***** under that trailer and checked it out,But that's me. I am mechanically inclined and have been working on my own vehicles since I was 11 years old. You tell me your Mother,Sister or who ever after they get their car out of the shop that they tear the car down in the parking lot and check out all of the work that was just performed??? I doubt it.

Do you really think every time you see a U-Haul trailer going down the highway that its being piloted by an experienced trailer pulling driver? Do you think every person climbs under the trailer to make sure that every bolt is tight and the trailer is 100% safe? No because the rely on the reputation of U-Haul trailers and the trained staff to tell you its safe...

That is your opinion which you are entitled to. However I am also entitled to my opinion as well.

I do believe that drivers need to be responsible for the safety of their vehicles. I did not say that those drivers have to do all their own maintenance, nor do I think that is realistic, but they do need to know enough to recognize an unsafe condition and get it corrected. If that means parking the car, or trailler, and having it towed, thne that is what needs to be done

If a car just came out of the shop then I guess that whoever took it in there knew enough that it needed maintenance. I never said that someone had to do all the work on their vehicles whether a car or a trailer or whatever, but they do need to know enough to know when their car or trailer or whatever needs maintenance. Whether they do the maintenance or someone else was not mentioned by me. My wife knows enough about her car to know when something is not right or not safe. She doesn't drive if there is any question in this matter.

As far as the U-haul question: No I don't think everyone pulling a rental trailer knows what they are doing and I personally see that as a big problem. I have rented trailers before and I do look at the frame, axles, tires, coupler, etc before I pull off the rental lot. If I were to see something out of whack, I would report it and get a different trailer, which I would look over as well. BTW, U-haul provides many free towing guides (to educate people about towing trailers) and it says:

No discussion of the driver?s role in the car-trailer system is complete if consideration is not given to predriving activities. Here, we are referring to the driver?s specific responsibility for such activities as proper loading, inspection and maintenance of equipment, and recognition of local laws. The driver alone bears the responsibility for these vital activities.

In this specific case:
Do I think they should have sold you that trailer? No I don't.
Do I think it was misrepresented by the salesman? Yes I do.

Because of that misrepresentation I do believe that you have an argument for getting another trailer from the dealer. If I were the owner of the dealership, I would go get the boat at your house, either by flat bed wrecker or flat bed trailer, bring it back to my place, and put a safe used trailer under it and make sure it was set up/adjusted for the boat. Note I did not say I would give you a new trailer and I know you never said you were entitled to a "new" trailer. I actually do believe that you are taking the appropriate actions, but the majority of the people posting to this thread want to crucify the dealer without giving him a chance. That was the main point I wanted to get across, but I guess it got lost in translation.

Again, my intent was not to bash you and I'm sorry if it seemed out that way.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I do believe that drivers need to be responsible for the safety of their vehicles. I did not say that those drivers have to do all their own maintenance, nor do I think that is realistic, but they do need to know enough to recognize an unsafe condition and get it corrected. If that means parking the car, or trailer, and having it towed, then that is what needs to be done.

I agree with this statement. AND I also at least sorta agree with all the "what did you expect for $1000" posts. HOWEVER....the dealer told him that the trailer was checked out and ready to go. THAT is where the problem is. As was mentioned previously, if the dealer had not said this, then 100% of the responsibility to check it out would have been on Alpheus.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 15, 2008
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I agree with this statement. AND I also at least sorta agree with all the "what did you expect for $1000" posts. HOWEVER....the dealer told him that the trailer was checked out and ready to go. THAT is where the problem is. As was mentioned previously, if the dealer had not said this, then 100% of the responsibility to check it out would have been on Alpheus.

Yep. As I said in my last post the trailer was misrepresented by the salesman and should not have been sold. That alone should get him a trailer if the dealer does what he should. I believe that the dealer should replace it with a good used one that I know the OP will give a good looking over. We'll see on the 3rd.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 26, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

WOW!!! Looking at that trailer it was definately good from afar, but far from good. Also I think MC should be comended for using such sturdy paint as I think that is all that was holding that trailer together.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 25, 2008
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

That is your opinion which you are entitled to. However I am also entitled to my opinion as well.

I do believe that drivers need to be responsible for the safety of their vehicles.

Ok, I'll bite. Your wife runs down to the local "Oil Change" business to get the oil changed. Would you demand that she get down underneath the car after it pulled out of the bay? Reach up and make sure the oil filter is screwed on properly and not cross threaded..also make sure that the oil pan screw is on correctly? Oh and lets not forget to check the level of the oil and make sure that the oil cap was put back on. Of course not, thats why she took it to a professional business to take care of it.

You get where I'm going...These people are in business because they are the "experts" in that field. They run a business changing oil and lubing cars and they are expected to do things the right way and make sure your car is roadworthy when it leaves. They don't tell you as you are leaving..;"Good bye!, and remember, once you leave our lot, your car is in "As is" condition even if oil spills all over the road as you drive away and it blows up because we forgot to tighten down the oil filter"

Same thing applies here and this situation is entirely in the dealerships court. With owning a business comes and entirely new level of responsibility.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 3, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

With the boat slid so far forward on the trailer, I bet the tongue weight is way up there and a good reason for a marginal trailer to fail.

The boat moved over 18 inches forward after the trailer came apart. It wasnt sitting that far forward when I left the dealership. I asked the guy who sold me the boat if he is sure that the placement of the boat on the trailer was safe and he told me he has been doing this for years and knows how to put a boat on a trailer. If it wasn't for the straps hooked to the transom hooks, that boat might have completely came off the trailer...

Which reminds me Right as I was hooking up the trailer to my truck at the dealership the salesman came running out with those brand new pair of transom straps. He told me he would throw them in since there were none on the boat at the time. He saved my boat! I'm gonna drop this whole thing and call it even Steven...:D:D:D


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 21, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

If you need people to show up with torches and pichforks to "storm the castle" let us know. I'm not sure what the TSA will allow us to travel with though. From what I gather we can probably get the pitchforks and torches on a plane but they might arrest our underwear :D.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 20, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Goes to show that looks can be decieving! I would of bought that trailer in a heartbeat cause it looks to be in good shape, but dang i guess not!

puddle jumper

Jul 5, 2006
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I was just thinking about the recent posts about inspecting the trailer.

If you owned and expensive trailer with powder coating on it that looked good. Would you let a potential customer with a screwdriver or a welding hammer start picking/hitting it. I don't think so. That,s the only way you would find out how deep the rust was.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 2, 2001
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I was just thinking about the recent posts about inspecting the trailer.

If you owned and expensive trailer with powder coating on it that looked good. Would you let a potential customer with a screwdriver or a welding hammer start picking/hitting it. I don't think so. That,s the only way you would find out how deep the rust was.

Well then a knowledgeable buyer would have to have a $1000 plus non-destructive, painted surface, ultrasonic metal thickness tester to make sure it was good and road worthy.


Jul 4, 2004
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Well then a knowledgeable buyer would have to have a $1000 plus non-destructive, painted surface, ultrasonic metal thickness tester to make sure it was good and road worthy.

I have a StressTel ultrasonic thickness gauges that measure wall thickness of pipelines, tanks & other :)

Its will measure a 4" long piece of steel too .001 BUT its not much good at finding spots of rust UNLESS you happen to get lucky and find the rust pimple ;) and your willing to measure in hundreds of spots



Jan 25, 2008
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

The boat moved over 18 inches forward after the trailer came apart. It wasnt sitting that far forward when I left the dealership.

I asked the guy who sold me the boat if he is sure that the placement of the boat on the trailer was safe and he told me he has been doing this for years and knows how to put a boat on a trailer.

Which reminds me Right as I was hooking up the trailer to my truck at the dealership the salesman came running out with those brand new pair of transom straps.

So the boat was placed on the trailer 18-24" back from the bow stop? I wonder if the complimentary transom straps were a CYA move on their part since there wasn't anything holding the boat on the trailer except gravity?

I don't know if I would back off before finding out what they are would be willing to do. But, best of luck on whatever the outcome is.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 2, 2001
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I have a StressTel ultrasonic thickness gauges that measure wall thickness of pipelines, tanks & other :)

Its will measure a 4" long piece of steel too .001 BUT its not much good at finding spots of rust UNLESS you happen to get lucky and find the rust pimple ;) and your willing to measure in hundreds of spots

In this instance, it appears that would have been an easy task, LOL.


Aug 12, 2003
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

So the boat was placed on the trailer 18-24" back from the bow stop?

with an inboard prop guard, he'd have to be careful.

did the dealer explain that you could easily trash your prop on it? not a great trailer for the boat.



Jan 1, 2010
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Ok, I'll bite. Your wife runs down to the local "Oil Change" business to get the oil changed. Would you demand that she get down underneath the car after it pulled out of the bay? Reach up and make sure the oil filter is screwed on properly and not cross threaded..also make sure that the oil pan screw is on correctly? Oh and lets not forget to check the level of the oil and make sure that the oil cap was put back on. Of course not, thats why she took it to a professional business to take care of it.

You get where I'm going...These people are in business because they are the "experts" in that field. They run a business changing oil and lubing cars and they are expected to do things the right way and make sure your car is roadworthy when it leaves. They don't tell you as you are leaving..;"Good bye!, and remember, once you leave our lot, your car is in "As is" condition even if oil spills all over the road as you drive away and it blows up because we forgot to tighten down the oil filter"

Same thing applies here and this situation is entirely in the dealerships court. With owning a business comes and entirely new level of responsibility.

This is the reason I do most everything my self. I once took my wifes Lexus to the dealer to do a oil change and when I got home noticed a drip on my driveway and when I looked they never chained the oil filter. same one I put on there 3k before.. So pro or not you are at the mercy of the 17 year old they hired for $7.00 a hour to work on your expensive piece of equipment.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 3, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

with an inboard prop guard, he'd have to be careful.

did the dealer explain that you could easily trash your prop on it? not a great trailer for the boat.

I knew that trailer was not made for an I/O boat. I was going to mod the trailer to fit the boat. The trailer has 4 wheel disc surge brakes, a swing away tongue,solenoid activated reverse brake lockout. It has all the bells and whistles already installed on it. I was starting out with a pretty good platform, So I thought...

fat fanny

Lieutenant Commander
Feb 9, 2006
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Maybe when you have your meeting @the dealership tell them to give you the trailer that is made for the boat I think you said they told you it had bad hubs and strip that rust bucket down and use all that hardware on the original and you might end up with a pretty good set up just a thought once again Good Luck!!


Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

you know I've been reading this and......
According to you the dealer put you and the public in danger......
You are going to decide whether this was a simple oversight based on whether he lines your pocket with another trailer...
If he doesn't then maybe the public has a right to know what a terrible danger he is but if you get another trailer then it was a simple mistake and people should keep giving him their business
You were thrilled at the great deal you got on a $5000 boat on a $1000 trailer that you paid $1000 for..
Now you figure out that the trailer is junk which c'mon you bought this stuff at a junk price as is.... so the salesman made a bum claim...... he's a jerk.....

Were it me I would suck it up, buy a used trailer and still be proud of the great deal on a beautiful boat.
But hey take em for every penny you can get..... after all that is the american way

On the other hand, had that trailer come apart on the highway you would have been responsible for the accident and possibly the dealer too

This is exactly why stuff like this usually goes to the junkyard.... it just isn't worth the liability or headache to sell some old stuff for such small money
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