

Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Re: Vape!!!

Im into the more advanced stuff. SO it may confuse a lot of you.


I am not confused at all, and if there were more things I could say under the rules of this forum, I would.

Don't be like that!

I have been trying to be real nice with this thread, but, I think it has got out of hand and gone farther than we ever have on the political side.


Goodnight guys!

By the way, you might want to take a look at this thread on the ebay community website.
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Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Re: Vape!!!

BIGDOG98 PM me the info the way just because were older doesn't mean were stupid .didn't make it to 55 by being dense.their all dead at 20 or so:lol:


Jul 27, 2006
Re: Vape!!!

In our state and many other states I know of, it is illegal to sell e-cigs to anyone under the age of 18, they make people show ID in order to buy them.

Edit: Tired of the political statements. Time to reign it in, guys. - Mod Squad
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Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Re: Vape!!!

Tired of the political statements. Time to reign it in, guys.


There is nothing political about my statement, it is up to the moderation team to reign it in, if they find it to political.
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Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Vape!!!


There is nothing political about my statement, it is up to the moderation team to reign it in, if they deem needed.
Yours wasn't the political statement. His was removed by aspeck.


Jun 13, 2007
Re: Vape!!!

Based somewhat on this thread....I'm pretty surprised at how many people still smoke these days.
I think I know one person (..maybe two) who smoke in my widespread social group.
Its free choice I suppose....but it knocks years and years off your life but it appears to take quite a feat of strength to quit.
Hence the idea of getting them hooked when they are younger...which was the mantra of the tobacco companies many moons ago.
That said the comments that smokers can be a lesser cost on the health system due to their early demise is true.....its certainly not for any other reason or situation.
Whats going to kill the next generation...and already is, is fast food and overeating resulting in obesity and heart/health issues. The amount of chubby 150lb 12 years olds running around is ridiculous.:eek:
It almost makes it worthwhile to send the kids out for smokes just so they get off the couch and get some excercise.;)

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Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Vape!!!

Guys, we are doing our best to edit instead of close/delete threads. The rules have not changed. Our methods are adjusting a little. This means that edits will be more obvious and often, and gentle nudging posts may be more frequent :)

We retain our tools:


greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
Re: Vape!!!

so do you think the organic growers go out and wash off all the rain water from their veggies?start reading .organic is not as organic as you or I think.also it is an inefficient way to grow food.the yeild per acre is much less than the established way.hope your buddy that's a doc isn't as big a hypocrite as mine is.caught him smoking and he,s been away several times for sampling his own meds a little too much.

Speaking of organic and the latest craze that media has again managed to get consumers to buy into.

Do you guys have any idea where all of the organic feed farmers use to feed their animals, comes from? Take one wild guess?
It should make those who eat organic rethink paying all that extra $$ for.

Any one care to guess?


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: Vape!!!

Sure, wasn't it ground animal parts, or something along those lines?


Jul 27, 2006
Re: Vape!!!

Edit: Tired of the political statements. Time to reign it in, guys. - Mod Squad

Sorry you seen it that way, it wasn't political I just using an analogy about using common sense.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: Vape!!!

Sorry you seen it that way, it wasn't political I just using an analogy about using common sense.

I saw your reply and it was anything but common sense. But as they say, common sense isn't so common.......


Jun 24, 2006
Re: Vape!!!

ok first things first.sorry for letting my posts get out of hand I should know back to the original intent of this question is do you stop smoking right away when you vape or do you gradually cut down?where can you find them? I apologise for even arguing about smoking as that was not the original intent of op,s thread.better go ski-doing ive been in the house to long I believe,lol.

I'll be happy to give you what i know from my experiences. I have smoked for well over 50 years and have quit many times, once for almost 2 years. I know a few people who have successfully (so far) quit by switching to e-cigs. It's all about commitment to do quit. I also know people who have quit without any aids, just decided to do it. The e-cig is a bit of crutch just like gum, patches or in my case, eatin' tobacco. I thought the gum was nasty and friends who tried patches told horror stories of trying to go to sleep with their teeth grinding. Chaw is better, although I don't really like it either.

The problem, in my opinion, is NOT replacing the nicotine, it's replacing the smoking activity. Firing up a cigarette, taking a drag and drawing it into your lungs and then gently exhaling. THAT'S the fun. That's what you miss when you quit. The e-cig comes closest to duplicating that, but not quite, at least for me. I use e-cigs some but I still prefer a real smoke.

Basis of my theory: My Dad was a heavy cigarette smoker until his mid-40s when his uncle died of lung cancer. He quit cigarettes and switched to smoking a pipe figuring no inhaling, probably better. 60s wisdom. In late 2000 he moved into assisted living due to the effects of a stroke. They didn't allow smoking in the building so when he wanted to smoke the pipe, he had to be wheeled outside to the smoking hut. He had smoked the pipe basically non-stop for 35 years up to this point and since he didn't really want to spend all his waking hours in the smoking hut, he decided to quit. A few weeks after we were talking and he said the funny thing was that when he quit cigarettes, all the tension was in his lungs, craving the smoke. When he quit the pipe, all the tension was in his arms, missing the filling, tamping, lighting, etc.

tl;dr: It ain't the nicotine, it's the fun.


Jul 27, 2006
Re: Vape!!!

The problem, in my opinion, is NOT replacing the nicotine, it's replacing the smoking activity. Firing up a cigarette, taking a drag and drawing it into your lungs and then gently exhaling. THAT'S the fun. That's what you miss when you quit. The e-cig comes closest to duplicating that, but not quite, at least for me. I use e-cigs some but I still prefer a real smoke.

tl;dr: It ain't the nicotine, it's the fun.

^^^X2^^^ Edit: comment directed at Moderators. - Mod Squad
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Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Re: Vape!!!

Speaking of organic and the latest craze that media has again managed to get consumers to buy into.

Do you guys have any idea where all of the organic feed farmers use to feed their animals, comes from? Take one wild guess?
It should make those who eat organic rethink paying all that extra $$ for.

Any one care to guess?
lets have an answer im interested.i do know that up until they banned it they use to dust organic plants with was called tobacco dust .
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May 27, 2007
Re: Vape!!!

Through the years cig companies refined the formula of cigs to produce an enriched smoke from the burning-end that enhances the "experience" even more, locking their customer in even harder. Some individuals, along with the fiddle factor, are hooked on the environment they can create by being inundated with the smoke off the burning end.

Nicotine is one of those drugs that affects behavior patterns in the brain, locking in whatever physical habits and sensations were associated with getting the nicotine fix. It has been put forth that it turns the brain into a "smoker's brain" and one of the reasons smokers (not all) will defy logic in their defense of smoking or whatever method of nicotine ingestion was being used.

It used to be a win-win-win for the tobacco companies. It will be interesting to see the big tobacco response if e-cigs start to deflate or erode their "empire". Then again, they may own all that type of stuff already :)