UK sailors captured at gunpoint


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

jimlad said:
OldMercsRule said:
jimlad said:
it seems the obvious is being missed here in that 15 sailors are in Iran somewhere no one apparently knows where and people want to nuke the country
with the sailors still in it.


[colour=blue]Hi Lisa, One thing I have learned in my studies is that Persians and Muslims do IN FACT respect POWER. They are very sure we will not do anything like Rubber says, (and I think he may be right). Why did the Iranians release our people when Ronald Reagon took power? I think that is rather obvious don't you? 15 sailors are very important to me and most Americans and British, but not important AT ALL to the Mullahs: Lisa. If they had to ponder trading those 15 for the city of Tehran I bet they would blink if they really thought it would happen, don't you Mrs J? Respectfully, (and I do mean it) JR[/colour]

yeah your right they would blink i agree but a bluff is a big gamble if thats what it is your saying

thankyou with respect also to yourself


[colour=blue]Hi Lisa, If it was a bluff it would never work. I'm deadly serious. Some people, (most Americans) don't have much knowledge of history, and therefore are doomed to repeat the past mistakes over and over again. They do know a lot about every aspect of homosexuality, (you will be glad to know)! George Santayana has a famous spot on quote to that effect that I wish I could remember the exact phrase to post here. I was never picked on too much as a kid in school when I was growing up. I was not the toughest kid in school but I was fairly tough. Any bully who picked on me got an unpredictable response where I would immeadiately escalate the dispute way beyound the bully's espectations. It has worked very well my entire life. Please examine history. There are zero examples of successfull pacifism through out human history. If you know of any to contradict my statement: please share, (n' good luck there are not any examples). Iran's case is very instructive over the last 30 years. They saw an incompetent pacifist in President Jimmy Carter as only 30% + or - of our military planes could fly due to spare parts he denied our troops. Our Navy was relatively weak and in real trouble too. All branches of the US Military were in very low spirits. Post 1989 the Soviet Generals have stated for the record how close they were to testing us, and had Ronald Reagan not won in 1980 we likely all would have different masters today in a very different world. That said: Iran got away with taking our people hostage, they established Hesbola who killed 241 American servicemen without any payback, and we left Lebenon in disgrace. Hesbola has been growing stronger and more lethal ever since, (think about what happened last year). We intercepted an Iranian freighter filled with weopons headed for Gaza a few years back, (remember)? Any cornsequences? They are now openly interferring in Iraq and boldly took 15 of your Soldiers. Next they will be dealing in Nuclear weopons. If you follow history you can predict what will happen next. Have you followed the 1930s style rhetoric of Iran's leaders? I guess ya thought Hitler was kiddin' too right? The posting of dead children is a favorite tactic of the Left and MSM as has been done here on iboats. Do you think the seventh century thugs ruling Iran care? They love it, as it ackomplishes their objectives to freeze the good people of the West!! If a smoldering Tehran sends a message to the Mullahs that if you mess with us you get hit real hard they would not even think of trying again. I know that is hard to understand in todays fuzzy world dominated by a MSM who works closely with Terrosts and Dictators, (note CNNs agreement with ol' Sadam) people who worry about the 15 soldiers sooooo much that they let London or New York go up in smoke to the Iranian or "Saracen" Barbarians. At some point, (after we suffer a real problem that will make that 4 year old look very inconsequential), we will then get tough and persue Sir Winston's very sound policies. Those with the courage to do that will be ruined by the looney Left after the job is done. I hope London and New York survive, but I doubt it as a large sacrifice will be necessary to get these great democracies riled up. Sacrifice Tehran next week and the world would become much safer , Mr Bush and or Blair would have real problems for saving all of us, as Sir Winston did not fare so well for his service to mankind. That's history Mrs J! The loons on the Left cost us dearly in the 1930s, and again in the 1970s and likely now in the 2000s thank you very much! Hope I'm wrong here but history cornvinces me I'm not! Respectfully, JR[/colour]


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 4, 2007
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

OldMercsRule said:
jimlad said:
OldMercsRule said:
jimlad said:
it seems the obvious is being missed here in that 15 sailors are in Iran somewhere no one apparently knows where and people want to nuke the country
with the sailors still in it.


[colour=blue]Hi Lisa, One thing I have learned in my studies is that Persians and Muslims do IN FACT respect POWER. They are very sure we will not do anything like Rubber says, (and I think he may be right). Why did the Iranians release our people when Ronald Reagon took power? I think that is rather obvious don't you? 15 sailors are very important to me and most Americans and British, but not important AT ALL to the Mullahs: Lisa. If they had to ponder trading those 15 for the city of Tehran I bet they would blink if they really thought it would happen, don't you Mrs J? Respectfully, (and I do mean it) JR[/colour]

yeah your right they would blink i agree but a bluff is a big gamble if thats what it is your saying

thankyou with respect also to yourself


[colour=blue]Hi Lisa, If it was a bluff it would never work. I'm deadly serious. Some people, (most Americans) don't have much knowledge of history, and therefore are doomed to repeat the past mistakes over and over again. They do know a lot about every aspect of homosexuality, (you will be glad to know)! George Santayana has a famous spot on quote to that effect that I wish I could remember the exact phrase to post here. I was never picked on too much as a kid in school when I was growing up. I was not the toughest kid in school but I was fairly tough. Any bully who picked on me got an unpredictable response where I would immeadiately escalate the dispute way beyound the bully's espectations. It has worked very well my entire life. Please examine history. There are zero examples of successfull pacifism through out human history. If you know of any to contradict my statement: please share, (n' good luck there are not any examples). Iran's case is very instructive over the last 30 years. They saw an incompetent pacifist in President Jimmy Carter as only 30% + or - of our military planes could fly due to spare parts he denied our troops. Our Navy was relatively weak and in real trouble too. All branches of the US Military were in very low spirits. Post 1989 the Soviet Generals have stated for the record how close they were to testing us, and had Ronald Reagan not won in 1980 we likely all would have different masters today in a very different world. That said: Iran got away with taking our people hostage, they established Hesbola who killed 241 American servicemen without any payback, and we left Lebenon in disgrace. Hesbola has been growing stronger and more lethal ever since, (think about what happened last year). We intercepted an Iranian freighter filled with weopons headed for Gaza a few years back, (remember)? Any cornsequences? They are now openly interferring in Iraq and boldly took 15 of your Soldiers. Next they will be dealing in Nuclear weopons. If you follow history you can predict what will happen next. Have you followed the 1930s style rhetoric of Iran's leaders? I guess ya thought Hitler was kiddin' too right? The posting of dead children is a favorite tactic of the Left and MSM as has been done here on iboats. Do you think the seventh century thugs ruling Iran care? They love it, as it ackomplishes their objectives to freeze the good people of the West!! If a smoldering Tehran sends a message to the Mullahs that if you mess with us you get hit real hard they would not even think of trying again. I know that is hard to understand in todays fuzzy world dominated by a MSM who works closely with Terrosts and Dictators, (note CNNs agreement with ol' Sadam) people who worry about the 15 soldiers sooooo much that they let London or New York go up in smoke to the Iranian or "Saracen" Barbarians. At some point, (after we suffer a real problem that will make that 4 year old look very inconsequential), we will then get tough and persue Sir Winston's very sound policies. Those with the courage to do that will be ruined by the looney Left after the job is done. I hope London and New York survive, but I doubt it as a large sacrifice will be necessary to get these great democracies riled up. Sacrifice Tehran next week and the world would become much safer , Mr Bush and or Blair would have real problems for saving all of us, as Sir Winston did not fare so well for his service to mankind. That's history Mrs J! The loons on the Left cost us dearly in the 1930s, and again in the 1970s and likely now in the 2000s thank you very much! Hope I'm wrong here but history cornvinces me I'm not! Respectfully, JR[/colour]

I know of some of the history your talking about so are you saying that if we dont go to iran and show a force by bombing them history will repeat itself.



Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 4, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint


There are some great picture of the tests done over the years unfortunately alot were done before people realised the effects. Still dont let that worry you enjoy, everybody likes fireworks.

Radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons tests probably caused 17,000 cancer deaths in the United States in the latter half of the 20th century, a US-based environmental watchdog reports.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Vlad said:
OldMercsRule said:
Vlad said:
" If Maggie Thatcher were in charge: look out! She is not, and Britian is hampered by Liberals (as are we). "

Tony Blair leads the Labour party, they are the party of the "left" in British politics.
If the Labour party can declare war and send troops into battle as they have done in the case of Iraq, what gives you the idea that Britain is hampered by "liberals" when it comes to defending itself ?

[colour=blue]Hey Vlad, I guess you think ol' Tony is in good shape poltically today in our Mother Country? I don't! I said I admired him, (and the British People), didn't I? JR.[/colour] ps: the Brits are much more like Americans then are the French aren't they, (or do ya think I got some smoke from PW2 or Rolmops)? 8)8)

Tony is in good shape and so is the Labour party, don't believe all of the left wing and right wing BS that comes out of the so-called news media and their editorial blowhards, having been a member of the British Conservative party for over thirty years i do not consider myself to be a fan of Tony Blair, however i do admire his hutspah.

P.S: I don't know what Rolmops and PW smokes, but there are times when i do agree and disagree with their opinions, and yours too. ;)

[colour=blue]Hey Vlad, So: Tony is in good shape eh? I guess that is why he anounced he is stepping down Sept 2007? You may be right about the MSM, as I have read American and Brit papers who have indicated that he has had real political trouble since being labeled as Bush's poodle in early 2002. I do not claim to know Brit politics like I do know American politics, (so: you do have an advantage). I know the Brits' very left Media luved Bill Clinton, n' hate George Bush just like they hated Ronald Reagan. You could be right: maybe all the World's media lies to us poor boobs all they time, jus' so we never know what is really goin' on. The reports I have read over the last five years are not just editorials they are supposidly: "Hard News". Is it a lie that he is stepping down? Why would a relitively young ambitious man do such a thing? Hmmmmmmmm? Thanks for your reply. Respectfully JR[/colour]


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

jimlad said:
OldMercsRule said:
jimlad said:
OldMercsRule said:
jimlad said:
it seems the obvious is being missed here in that 15 sailors are in Iran somewhere no one apparently knows where and people want to nuke the country
with the sailors still in it.


[colour=blue]Hi Lisa, One thing I have learned in my studies is that Persians and Muslims do IN FACT respect POWER. They are very sure we will not do anything like Rubber says, (and I think he may be right). Why did the Iranians release our people when Ronald Reagon took power? I think that is rather obvious don't you? 15 sailors are very important to me and most Americans and British, but not important AT ALL to the Mullahs: Lisa. If they had to ponder trading those 15 for the city of Tehran I bet they would blink if they really thought it would happen, don't you Mrs J? Respectfully, (and I do mean it) JR[/colour]

yeah your right they would blink i agree but a bluff is a big gamble if thats what it is your saying

thankyou with respect also to yourself


[colour=blue]Hi Lisa, If it was a bluff it would never work. I'm deadly serious. Some people, (most Americans) don't have much knowledge of history, and therefore are doomed to repeat the past mistakes over and over again. They do know a lot about every aspect of homosexuality, (you will be glad to know)! George Santayana has a famous spot on quote to that effect that I wish I could remember the exact phrase to post here. I was never picked on too much as a kid in school when I was growing up. I was not the toughest kid in school but I was fairly tough. Any bully who picked on me got an unpredictable response where I would immeadiately escalate the dispute way beyound the bully's espectations. It has worked very well my entire life. Please examine history. There are zero examples of successfull pacifism through out human history. If you know of any to contradict my statement: please share, (n' good luck there are not any examples). Iran's case is very instructive over the last 30 years. They saw an incompetent pacifist in President Jimmy Carter as only 30% + or - of our military planes could fly due to spare parts he denied our troops. Our Navy was relatively weak and in real trouble too. All branches of the US Military were in very low spirits. Post 1989 the Soviet Generals have stated for the record how close they were to testing us, and had Ronald Reagan not won in 1980 we likely all would have different masters today in a very different world. That said: Iran got away with taking our people hostage, they established Hesbola who killed 241 American servicemen without any payback, and we left Lebenon in disgrace. Hesbola has been growing stronger and more lethal ever since, (think about what happened last year). We intercepted an Iranian freighter filled with weopons headed for Gaza a few years back, (remember)? Any cornsequences? They are now openly interferring in Iraq and boldly took 15 of your Soldiers. Next they will be dealing in Nuclear weopons. If you follow history you can predict what will happen next. Have you followed the 1930s style rhetoric of Iran's leaders? I guess ya thought Hitler was kiddin' too right? The posting of dead children is a favorite tactic of the Left and MSM as has been done here on iboats. Do you think the seventh century thugs ruling Iran care? They love it, as it ackomplishes their objectives to freeze the good people of the West!! If a smoldering Tehran sends a message to the Mullahs that if you mess with us you get hit real hard they would not even think of trying again. I know that is hard to understand in todays fuzzy world dominated by a MSM who works closely with Terrosts and Dictators, (note CNNs agreement with ol' Sadam) people who worry about the 15 soldiers sooooo much that they let London or New York go up in smoke to the Iranian or "Saracen" Barbarians. At some point, (after we suffer a real problem that will make that 4 year old look very inconsequential), we will then get tough and persue Sir Winston's very sound policies. Those with the courage to do that will be ruined by the looney Left after the job is done. I hope London and New York survive, but I doubt it as a large sacrifice will be necessary to get these great democracies riled up. Sacrifice Tehran next week and the world would become much safer , Mr Bush and or Blair would have real problems for saving all of us, as Sir Winston did not fare so well for his service to mankind. That's history Mrs J! The loons on the Left cost us dearly in the 1930s, and again in the 1970s and likely now in the 2000s thank you very much! Hope I'm wrong here but history cornvinces me I'm not! Respectfully, JR[/colour]

I know of some of the history your talking about so are you saying that if we dont go to iran and show a force by bombing them history will repeat itself.


[colour=blue]Hi Lisa, The Iranians and most of the rest of the Middle East, (as dominated by the Religion o' Peace), practice 1000 year old politics and warfare tactics very sucessfully in our modern PC world. They are very sharp and know the modern West is dominated by soft n' fuzzy loons from the Left. News Flash: the defeat in Vietnam was not won on the battlefield: Lisa. It was the GREAT WALTER CRONKITE n' his Liberal buds in the MSM that helped bring the US to it's knees, with the help of John F Kerry and Ted Kennedy, and our enemies world wide did take note: Lisa! There were over three million inocents slaughtered, (kinda makes a li'l perspective fer some ponderin' of the little naked girl runnin' away from the napalm like has been tried here on iboats), don't ya think? The Left is nearly in total corntrol of most of the worlds 'primary media' as measure by viewership and readership. N' they are our enemies best friends! My .$02. Respectfully, JR[/colour]ps: you do know the saying: "pay me now or pay me later". I would prefer Tehran NOW then London or New York later: thank you very much Mrs. J!


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 4, 2007
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

OldMercsRule said:
jimlad said:
OldMercsRule said:
jimlad said:
OldMercsRule said:
jimlad said:
it seems the obvious is being missed here in that 15 sailors are in Iran somewhere no one apparently knows where and people want to nuke the country
with the sailors still in it.


[colour=blue]Hi Lisa, One thing I have learned in my studies is that Persians and Muslims do IN FACT respect POWER. They are very sure we will not do anything like Rubber says, (and I think he may be right). Why did the Iranians release our people when Ronald Reagon took power? I think that is rather obvious don't you? 15 sailors are very important to me and most Americans and British, but not important AT ALL to the Mullahs: Lisa. If they had to ponder trading those 15 for the city of Tehran I bet they would blink if they really thought it would happen, don't you Mrs J? Respectfully, (and I do mean it) JR[/colour]

yeah your right they would blink i agree but a bluff is a big gamble if thats what it is your saying

thankyou with respect also to yourself


[colour=blue]Hi Lisa, If it was a bluff it would never work. I'm deadly serious. Some people, (most Americans) don't have much knowledge of history, and therefore are doomed to repeat the past mistakes over and over again. They do know a lot about every aspect of homosexuality, (you will be glad to know)! George Santayana has a famous spot on quote to that effect that I wish I could remember the exact phrase to post here. I was never picked on too much as a kid in school when I was growing up. I was not the toughest kid in school but I was fairly tough. Any bully who picked on me got an unpredictable response where I would immeadiately escalate the dispute way beyound the bully's espectations. It has worked very well my entire life. Please examine history. There are zero examples of successfull pacifism through out human history. If you know of any to contradict my statement: please share, (n' good luck there are not any examples). Iran's case is very instructive over the last 30 years. They saw an incompetent pacifist in President Jimmy Carter as only 30% + or - of our military planes could fly due to spare parts he denied our troops. Our Navy was relatively weak and in real trouble too. All branches of the US Military were in very low spirits. Post 1989 the Soviet Generals have stated for the record how close they were to testing us, and had Ronald Reagan not won in 1980 we likely all would have different masters today in a very different world. That said: Iran got away with taking our people hostage, they established Hesbola who killed 241 American servicemen without any payback, and we left Lebenon in disgrace. Hesbola has been growing stronger and more lethal ever since, (think about what happened last year). We intercepted an Iranian freighter filled with weopons headed for Gaza a few years back, (remember)? Any cornsequences? They are now openly interferring in Iraq and boldly took 15 of your Soldiers. Next they will be dealing in Nuclear weopons. If you follow history you can predict what will happen next. Have you followed the 1930s style rhetoric of Iran's leaders? I guess ya thought Hitler was kiddin' too right? The posting of dead children is a favorite tactic of the Left and MSM as has been done here on iboats. Do you think the seventh century thugs ruling Iran care? They love it, as it ackomplishes their objectives to freeze the good people of the West!! If a smoldering Tehran sends a message to the Mullahs that if you mess with us you get hit real hard they would not even think of trying again. I know that is hard to understand in todays fuzzy world dominated by a MSM who works closely with Terrosts and Dictators, (note CNNs agreement with ol' Sadam) people who worry about the 15 soldiers sooooo much that they let London or New York go up in smoke to the Iranian or "Saracen" Barbarians. At some point, (after we suffer a real problem that will make that 4 year old look very inconsequential), we will then get tough and persue Sir Winston's very sound policies. Those with the courage to do that will be ruined by the looney Left after the job is done. I hope London and New York survive, but I doubt it as a large sacrifice will be necessary to get these great democracies riled up. Sacrifice Tehran next week and the world would become much safer , Mr Bush and or Blair would have real problems for saving all of us, as Sir Winston did not fare so well for his service to mankind. That's history Mrs J! The loons on the Left cost us dearly in the 1930s, and again in the 1970s and likely now in the 2000s thank you very much! Hope I'm wrong here but history cornvinces me I'm not! Respectfully, JR[/colour]

I know of some of the history your talking about so are you saying that if we dont go to iran and show a force by bombing them history will repeat itself.


[colour=blue]Hi Lisa, The Iranians and most of the rest of the Middle East, (as dominated by the Religion o' Peace), practice 1000 year old politics and warfare tactics very sucessfully in our modern PC world. They are very sharp and know the modern West is dominated by soft n' fuzzy loons from the Left. News Flash: the defeat in Vietnam was not won on the battlefield: Lisa. It was the GREAT WALTER CRONKITE n' his Liberal buds in the MSM that helped bring the US to it's knees, with the help of John F Kerry and Ted Kennedy, and our enemies world wide did take note: Lisa! There were over three million inocents slaughtered, (kinda makes a li'l perspective fer some ponderin' of the little naked girl runnin' away from the napalm like has been tried here on iboats), don't ya think? The Left is nearly in total corntrol of most of the worlds 'primary media' as measure by viewership and readership. N' they are our enimies best friends! My .$02. Respectfully, JR[/colour]ps: you do not the saying: "pay me now or pay me later". I would prefer Tehran NOW then London or New York later: thank you very much Mrs. J!

with total respect to you i dont know a lot about americans history and i think i have lost my way on this thread in that some people think the answer to everything is bomb them show them whos boss kind of thing i dont believe in this case it is needed to get back our sailors in certain cases i suppose it is.
I was reading threads on here about how many soldiers are dieing everyday in iraq US and brits and people on here want to send us fighting with iran mmmmm dont make no sense to me.
in regards to your saying at the bottom i think i understand it has get them before they get us is that right.



Jul 4, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

We should have let them choke on there Oil in 1973 which they could have not pumped without the support of western powers they cut off :devil:

Who really had Who we blinked to fast and are still paying for caveing into them


Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

"Is it a lie that he is stepping down? Why would a relitively young ambitious man do such a thing? Hmmmmmmmm? Thanks for your reply. Respectfully JR "

Britain is not some tin pot banana republic, he has been in the leadership role long enough and its time for him leave the stage and let someone else have a go.
Gordon Brown even though he may be from the "tax and spend" labour party, he does appear to be quite capable of grasping the helm.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

CJY, if you read my original post, I never ever said nuke anybody. I said bomb them, not sure if you are up on your military jargon, but we have several choices of bombs short of a nuke.

If saying bomb them but don't nuke them is "splitting hairs" in your opinion, then so be it.

Bombing works, it brought Germany to her knees and kept, yep, Germany out of the UK, it brought Japan to her knees, it is an effective way as no nation wants to see its homeland decimated.

Continue to appease, it's not Americans who are being tortured in Iran. And don't think they aren't being tortured.

To give credit to someone on here whom I can't recall, "The best way to let evil win is for good people to do nothing."


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Wow . . . left this thread long ago . . . Hi cmyers, I think I remember you . . . Hi Lisa, Jim seems to be OK and if I remember correctly you like dogs. Anyway, we need a rewind . . .

Fifteen soldiers are captured. Frogger says the Brits won't really do anything, most defend Britain, Frogger sez meant no harm just think they'll talk. Lisa and cmyers (Chris?) say talk good. Many Americans say not talk, nuke. Sane Americans say conventional maybe, but need swift action. Lisa and Chris (?) say you learn nothing, look at picture. Others know that war is heck and remember who is doing the evil doing. I say yeah, there is an up and a down, and a good and a bad and less bad good, so kick arse if it slows down evil. Appeasement is not a solution, negotiation with terrorists is not a solution. Sorry, but these things may simply be numbers games when dealing with those who believe in Genocide, and frankly, it ain't us . . . ;)


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

[colour=blue]Lisa, (Mrs. Jimlad). I can only speak for me ol' Murky, (not anyone else). The answer to repeated agression over a thirty year time frame is FORCE. History, (not just American history but the history of the human species is: if you face an aggressor meet them with overwhelming FORCE, if you choose to 'turn the other cheek' be prepared to live under the aggressor's thumb). There aren't any examples from human history that show anything different then what I just said. I understand warm n' fuzzy feelings Mrs J., (even though I may seem mean spirited to you: I have them too)! That said: those warm n' fuzzy feelings just get you killed, (even if you choose to pray to Mecca five time per day). If we just give Iran nuclear weapons do you think they would behave? If so: based on what; Neville Chamberlains wishfull thinking? They, (Iran) have repeatedly been agressive with the West as my previous posts indicate and that is not a complete list of things, and they have been rewarded EACH TIME, and it is goin' to get worse if you listen to what the Iranian leaders say. Mrs. J: please take a little time to review the RECENT history and conduct of Iran. Why do you want to reward that behavior? When do you draw the line? If London were vaporized with an Iranian Nuclear weapon would you turn your cheek for some more abuse? If you study history, I think you would recognize that history does not reward the Neville Chamberlains of the world, (the left sees to it that the Sir Winston Churchills will go down after they save us), but God is watching Mrs J, and Sir Winston is a GIANT AMOUNG us mere mortals. Regards, it is hard to say much more here. Thanks for your thoughtfull replies, and Good luck to you and all Britians. Respectfully, JR[/colour]


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 4, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

QC I like your Summary, Britain Good , America Good, Iran Evil. Appeasement bad. Act now, if we dont they will have nuke and then like N.Korea we can do nothing except sanctions.

No objections to limited strike / invasion to take out Nuclear facilities big NO to using Nukes and killing everybody.

In all honesty though air strikes alone will not remove the nuclear facilities IMHO.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Thanks cmyers, sorry for the misspelled myers above. Was I right about Chris?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 4, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Yes you were right its definately Chris not Chamberlain d:)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 4, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Interesting Quote by Churchill

To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.
Winston Churchill


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Still haven't seen the brits do anything but talk.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 4, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Yawn Yawn


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 4, 2007
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

To quote BT 'its good to talk' ;)



Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Vlad said:
"Is it a lie that he is stepping down? Why would a relitively young ambitious man do such a thing? Hmmmmmmmm? Thanks for your reply. Respectfully JR "

Britain is not some tin pot banana republic,

[colour=blue]I know that: Vlad.[/colour]

he has been in the leadership role long enough and its time for him leave the stage and let someone else have a go.

[colour=blue]Never met a politician that felt or acted that way, but maybe British Politics are much more civil then here in the baby Country, n' they just decide to be bigger then their own ambitions, (which never hapens here in the States). I do know that I read in major Brit papers that he has suffered significant political problems over his courage in Iraq and Afganistan, (Like you: I admire Mr. Blair). Are the Brit papers Lyin'?[/colour]

Gordon Brown even though he may be from the "tax and spend" labour party, he does appear to be quite capable of grasping the helm.

[colour=blue]I hope you are right, (if he has half the hair Mr. Blair does, the world will be a better place for his leadership), they, (the Libs of the world), may hate him, (especially the BBC et al), but we, (mankind n' women too), will all benifit! Respectfully JR[/colour]