UK sailors captured at gunpoint


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Iran WANTS us to something drastic to get the world behind them and against us, once again. Given time, I hope they are released. If not within, say 30 days or whatever the powers that be decide, then make a new judgement on waht needs to be done.

I wonder if they have been given a bible and a special diet, it is lent you know. But wait, those things only apply if the USA is holding you. More double standards! Where is the ouotrage on this?!


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Vlad said:
" If Maggie Thatcher were in charge: look out! She is not, and Britian is hampered by Liberals (as are we). "

Tony Blair leads the Labour party, they are the party of the "left" in British politics.
If the Labour party can declare war and send troops into battle as they have done in the case of Iraq, what gives you the idea that Britain is hampered by "liberals" when it comes to defending itself ?

[colour=blue]Hey Vlad, I guess you think ol' Tony is in good shape poltically today in our Mother Country? I don't! I said I admired him, (and the British People), didn't I? JR.[/colour] ps: the Brits are much more like Americans then are the French aren't they, (or do ya think I got some smoke from PW2 or Rolmops)? 8)8)


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

jimlad said:
it seems the obvious is being missed here in that 15 sailors are in Iran somewhere no one apparently knows where and people want to nuke the country
with the sailors still in it.


[colour=blue]Hi Lisa, One thing I have learned in my studies is that Persians and Muslims do IN FACT respect POWER. They are very sure we will not do anything like Rubber says, (and I think he may be right). Why did the Iranians release our people when Ronald Reagon took power? I think that is rather obvious don't you? 15 sailors are very important to me and most Americans and British, but not important AT ALL to the Mullahs: Lisa. If they had to ponder trading those 15 for the city of Tehran I bet they would blink if they really thought it would happen, don't you Mrs J? Respectfully, (and I do mean it) JR[/colour]


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 4, 2007
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

OldMercsRule said:
jimlad said:
it seems the obvious is being missed here in that 15 sailors are in Iran somewhere no one apparently knows where and people want to nuke the country
with the sailors still in it.


[colour=blue]Hi Lisa, One thing I have learned in my studies is that Persians and Muslims do IN FACT respect POWER. They are very sure we will not do anything like Rubber says, (and I think he may be right). Why did the Iranians release our people when Ronald Reagon took power? I think that is rather obvious don't you? 15 sailors are very important to me and most Americans and British, but not important AT ALL to the Mullahs: Lisa. If they had to ponder trading those 15 for the city of Tehran I bet they would blink if they really thought it would happen, don't you Mrs J? Respectfully, (and I do mean it) JR[/colour]

yeah your right they would blink i agree but a bluff is a big gamble if thats what it is your saying

thankyou with respect also to yourself



Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

cmyers_uk said:
Tail Gunner.

I apologise if the word Hitler offended you, however the quotes below are from this thread, this thead is very tame in comparision to other threads where American nationals are involved. These people articulate that they want all iranians dead, everyone man, women and child. In my view its called GENOCIDE it has no proportion to whats happend / happening and is no different in conception to WWII. N.B 6 Members of my family fought the Germans and three died doing it were well aware of our history maybe thats why in your compatriots eyes we are 'Liberal' and dont want to kill with the slightest provocation.

Kind Regards

P.S I really dont want to offend you, sorry, but this kill , kill , kill stuff gets me mad!

They should bomb Iran back to the stone age....& we should help.......

I say nuke em now. In the end it'll save a lot of hot air and possibly improve the environment

I still say those who oppose us should glow green and their great grandchildren should be born with 13 fingers because we put so much radiation in their area.

Alrighty then, don't punish there future generations. Totally wipe them out

Can you name one thing that they contribute to this world besides grief and oil? Liberals are liberals, regardless of borders.

You would kiss their arses while they were murdering your countrymen.

I thought Chamberlain had been thoroughly discredited in your country.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

To all you people from the UK:

What happened to the phrase: "You let them go or we will start bombing Tehran. If you intend to stop us we will shoot down any resistance we encounter." That's right, that would require guts.

We lost fewer people in Pearl Harbor than we did in 9-11, and we haven't nuked anyone yet.

If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen, for the second time in 60 years. You won't even stand up and go get your own boys out of harms way. I betcha if that would have been 15 Americans ol' W woulda had some serious bombin' on his mind.

All this softie a$$ talk when soldiers are captured is sickening. This is an act of war, no damnit, stand up for your boys and do something about it. That's right, lets get them out without a shot being fired. We wouldn't want that to happen, then we might actually kill one of the SOB's that did it. Surely we wouldn't want that. After all, we might just OFFEND someone....


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 4, 2007
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

yawn you just dont get it , thats it go offline run away as you always do i have a spoon for you.

yeah lets just kill more innocent men women and children that makes you no better than them



Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 4, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Ensign / Boomyal,

Gary Powers imprisoned for 2 years then swapped for a Soviet. Who did you bomb then?

Mike Durant released after you changed foreign policy and scooted out of Somalia.

You talk from your armchairs about killing millions of people but put it into context. Below is the picture of one 4 year old girl killed would you really do this to millions for the sake of 15 service personnel without trying all other options first? Really take a good look would YOU do it, NOT talk about it and let someone else do it for you? If you find it uncomfatable viewing good if you dont there nothing more to discuss.

War is a last resort it is NOT a wonderful and great honour to fight and die for your country.


Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Gary Powers was spying.........;)
How do I know that pic wasn't from a car bomb?
The new trend now is to take children through the checkpoints with you so they don't look at you too hard, then abandon them with the car/bomb........:|Maybe her IED blew up in her hands.......
Has Iran made any demands or conditions of release yet?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Lib this and lib that. What a bunch of BS. I don't think the US or UK is hampered by libs at all. Personally, I believe both(mainly the US as I know much less about TB) are hampered by incompetant leaders that have a proven inability to problem solve.

Libs did not stop the UK or US from going into Iraq...did they?

It is incompetant leadership while in Iraq that has both sides screaming, including those standing on the right side of the fence. W has lost the trust of the people. Trust he will never earn back in his remaining time in office.

Depending on what the UK decides as an appropriate action, the US should be by their side regardless of the action deemed appropriate. We must be very careful though. See below.

[colour=red]This may be a case of Iran trying to remove the UK from Iraq, hence putting more pressure on the US in Iraq.

Think about it; UK pulls out of Iraq to go after Iran. This would cause more pressure to be placed on the US troups while in Iraq making it less likely for a US attack on Iran. Therefore, Iran only has to deal with the UK while the US now deals with Iraq...alone. Something I am sure Iran would love to see happen.

This scenarion increases the likelihood of both the US and UK failing. I believe these are both very high on Iran's list of things to do.[/colour]


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

waterinthefuel said:
To all you people from the UK:

What happened to the phrase: "You let them go or we will start bombing Tehran. If you intend to stop us we will shoot down any resistance we encounter." That's right, that would require guts.

We lost fewer people in Pearl Harbor than we did in 9-11, and we haven't nuked anyone yet.

If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen, for the second time in 60 years. You won't even stand up and go get your own boys out of harms way. I betcha if that would have been 15 Americans ol' W woulda had some serious bombin' on his mind.

All this softie a$$ talk when soldiers are captured is sickening. This is an act of war, no damnit, stand up for your boys and do something about it. That's right, lets get them out without a shot being fired. We wouldn't want that to happen, then we might actually kill one of the SOB's that did it. Surely we wouldn't want that. After all, we might just OFFEND someone....

I cannot help but to laugh at this. You do understand times have changed....right? Let me see, when we bombed Japan, we were the only country with nuclear technology. I may be mistaken, but I believe other countries have nukes now.....countries that would love to have an excuse to use them on us. I may be wrong, but I believe if you google countries with nukes, others besides the US would pop up.


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

I am not going to argue or get into a pissing contest with you people here on iboats.
These sailors (pick your country) need our support!
We need to unite and kick some serious ass!
Lock this post or ban me from iboats.. I really don't care.
These sailors need our help now!
Not next week!

My .02


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 4, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint


How do I know that pic wasn't from a car bomb

It was from an airstrike as it happens but who gives a flying f..k who did it the point I was trying to make is you call for nuke this or nuking that , kill this person or that person but that photo is the reality of what your words mean and as long as your happy with what your words really mean then fine. If your happy to inflict that on men , women and children who had nothing to do with the arrest of 15 sailors then fine we will just have to disagree.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Cmeyers, you want to go ahead and post a photo of one of our soldiers hanging from a bridge? Maybe post a link to an insurgent beheading video, where an innocent man gets his head sawed off with a knife. I can google one and get one for ya if you want. Instead of trying to be a softie, grow some nuts and stand up for your country and her men! People will die on both sides, its your job to make sure its more of them than you!

CJY, you're sadly mistaken. If you'd know so much, you'd know that we weren't the only nation with nuclear technology in WW2. Germany had it, the US had it, several nations had it, we were simply the fastest to make the bomb, but we were by no means the only nation with nuclear technology. We didn't know who else had a nuke back then, we didn't care, we were going to bring Japan to her knees where she belonged.

Your problem, along with most libs, is you read things that aren't there. I never said anything about bombing with nukes, other people are touting the nuclear word, but I'm not. I simply stated that we used nukes in WW2 after losing fewer people in the initial attack, and we haven't nuked anybody yet in this war. Conventional is fine with me. This was no doubt an act of war, but I can't justify using nuclear weapons.

That way if someone else slings a nuke, we are justified to return fire.

We have enough to wipe out every nation on this planet, so no nation will step up to the plate and be the first to be flattened by the US, believe me.

I'm with Link, lets help these soldiers! We know how good the Brits are at negotiations, just ask Hitler!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

You are simply splitting hairs at this point. We were the only country that had the technology to successfully bomb another country using atomic weapons at that point.

Ok WITF, if nukes are not your answer, what is your answer? Your entire post was laden with nuclear bombs and inuendo regarding them. Are you simply complaining? Remember your motto to Iraq, don't complain if you don't have a solution.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 4, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint


Sorry you missed the whole point of the photo. Daily there are photos of dead / wounded American , British soliders, what is your point? I think its terrible. I have never met a combat veteran that likes war.

The point of the photo was a) To Haut not you and trying to drive home the point that its really easy to say bomb this bomb that but that is the reality. I want to know if he really believes what he says.

Re your last point we have walked the walk in more than one conflict and come away victorious. et tu?

Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

OldMercsRule said:
Vlad said:
" If Maggie Thatcher were in charge: look out! She is not, and Britian is hampered by Liberals (as are we). "

Tony Blair leads the Labour party, they are the party of the "left" in British politics.
If the Labour party can declare war and send troops into battle as they have done in the case of Iraq, what gives you the idea that Britain is hampered by "liberals" when it comes to defending itself ?

[colour=blue]Hey Vlad, I guess you think ol' Tony is in good shape poltically today in our Mother Country? I don't! I said I admired him, (and the British People), didn't I? JR.[/colour] ps: the Brits are much more like Americans then are the French aren't they, (or do ya think I got some smoke from PW2 or Rolmops)? 8)8)

Tony is in good shape and so is the Labour party, don't believe all of the left wing and right wing BS that comes out of the so-called news media and their editorial blowhards, having been a member of the British Conservative party for over thirty years i do not consider myself to be a fan of Tony Blair, however i do admire his hutspah.

P.S: I don't know what Rolmops and PW smokes, but there are times when i do agree and disagree with their opinions, and yours too. ;)

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

The point of the photo was a) To Haut not you and trying to drive home the point that its really easy to say bomb this bomb that but that is the reality. I want to know if he really believes what he says.

Re your last point we have walked the walk in more than one conflict and come away victorious. et tu?

HMMMMMM...... I don't recall mentioning the use of a nuclear device in this thread......
Except this:
Your words:
Should we nuke the country with the associate loss of life , irradiating 125K american troups in the neighbouring country, possibly triggering WWIII?

My answer:

Tehran is far enough away that it won't affect US troops....

There is no harm in seeing what they want.....
As long as it is not too much.....
Then act accordingly....
Maybe we should sink their Navy again, that would put a stop to these this type of shenanigans......;)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 4, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint


Me fears I may have taken you too seriously! I rest in this thread, no doubt we shall cross words in another.
