Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

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Apr 18, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

The boat can be a nice break from day to day stufff...unless it becomes a dam* full time job. Can't wait to finish mine. You made a nice dent in the to do list as it's looking great.

Sorry to hear about the latest news on the family side.

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

Hey Bob, Yes me too, I was happy to see her with primer on her. Colleen was happy to see it as one color instead of a rainbow of glass and fairing fillers so it was a win win it cheered her up a bit.

Thanks Sprint, Lately it feels like a full-time job Lol I'm to the point where I just want her finished.

All in all it came out OK, there are some areas that aren't as good as I would like. I am thinking of just hitting them with the high build primer again and sanding them some. The thought of fairing AGAIN kills me so I'm thinking the heck with it.

Well today I am going to scrape down and sand everything below the water line and get her primed with Pettit 4700 protect, establish my line for the boot stripe and really get the hull sealed up good. Yesterday I noticed that the helper that I had scraping the bottom paint but some gouges in the gel coat. For that I am hoping after sanding the high build primer smooths it out a bit if not I'll have more filling to do anyway :(


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 14, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

Sorry to hear about your loss. I just lost a friend to colon cancer a few weeks ago after battling it for a year. He was very young only 58 and a great guy that spent a ton of time in the National guard.

The boat is looking great. It will be awsome when its all one color again. Your in the high reward stage now. Every step makes a huge difference in the way she looks.

I take my boat soon to the mechanic for a new waterpump and then soon for a splash test. I need to get a new fishfinder/depthfinder/gps cheap. The budget is gone and i can see the scrapes at the bottom of the money barrel.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 12, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

Not only do the mice play when the cats away...they work well too...looking good Bill!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 4, 2010
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

Comin along!! Great to see some paint on her!!! :D Hope the sanding gets things smoothed out for ya. Will be checkin this one out later to see the days progress!! :)

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

Hi Damifudo, Thank you, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. The worst part of my wifes loss is that he was just told he was cancer free. He took his own life at 88 I guess he was just tired of it all :(.

Hey Kenny, Yep and it only took a 6 pack to get it done LOL

Hey SnowHunter, Thank you, yep she is getting there. I'm going out now to start scraping and sanding. It's a little cold this morning only 50 deg. hope it warms up a bit or there will be no priming today. Glad to see you got your respirator and tyvec suite your lungs and family will thank you for it :). It wouldn't be any fun having to lug an oxygen bottle around with ya :eek:.

Well its back to work


Jul 13, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

Wow Bill that boat sure is coming along fine! :D

Sorry to hear about the Uncle... :(

Congrats on the parents 60th Anniv....:D

keep up the great work! Overkill Bill!

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

Hey Vegas,
Thanks man, I just came in from sanding to take a break. Well I have a little bit of a setback, underneath the bottom paint I have some blistering going on :eek: So it looks like I am going to be doing a lot more sanding and I'm thinking of giving it a full coat of epoxy with a roller to seal it

Oh Well


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 1, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

looking good.....

just don't spend too much time away from the family right now ;)


Jul 3, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

I cannot believe I missed what happened. I am so sorry to hear of the loss. That is really tough on all of the family. You guys are in my prayers.

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

Well just finished for today, my air compressor gave up :mad: .
Things where going ok, sanding away with my DA sander and 80 grit got most of the starboard side done and some of the bow.Then POW the compressor started running longer and longer :eek:, changed the oil to no avail. I figured OK, its 11 years old, lots of folks sand with an electric DA.

I have to tell you, an electric DA sander is for the birds. It is by far the biggest waste of 69.95 I have spent in a long time Grrrr, everyone that uses one has my sympathy !!!!!!!

well here is how she looks now


Here is some of the cracked/blistering gel coat I am concerned about.

Its real hard to see from the one pic, other areas look like a dot with spider cracks stemming from it. Looking real good at it they are really not that bad. I am thinking of just picking up a gal of Interlux 2000 interprotect. Does anyone have any thoughts??? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Looking real close at it it looks like there is damage from the rollers on the trailer, I'm thinking of converting the trailer to a bunk type to prevent damage in the future. iBoats have those bunk rollers, I think that might be the ticket :) .

EDIT P.S. the second pic shows the worst area of cracks/blistering The rest is far less severe , thank god


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 4, 2010
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

That sucks on the compressor givin up!!! YIKES! Thems fairly $ to replace too!

Guess I'm gonna be a hollerin usin my electric orbital on my boat huh? :eek:

BTW, that boat looks SERIOUSLY intimidating from the front view pic!

I'll be interested to see the advice folks say bout those boat has several of them as well....

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

That sucks on the compressor givin up!!! YIKES! Thems fairly $ to replace too!

Guess I'm gonna be a hollerin usin my electric orbital on my boat huh? :eek:

BTW, that boat looks SERIOUSLY intimidating from the front view pic!

I'll be interested to see the advice folks say bout those boat has several of them as well....

Hey SnowHunter,
LOL on the intimidating :D, take a look at my other project that one looks very serious, it a real real deep V hull.

Yea, I was not a happy camper with the compressor. I have had my suspicions that it was on its last leg but I was to cheep to buy a new compressor pump for it, guess now I have to get one. Time to spend 300 guess thats better than 1200 for a new compressor. DA sanders at constant use take a lot of air a little $300 one wouldn't cut it so repair here I come. In the meantime I am borrowing one from my pal Charlie :D I am picking it up tomorrow on my way home from a job.

As far as the cracks go, I think I know what I am supposed to do, that's open them up and epoxy then prime. I am hoping someone says, thats not necessary and just to hit it with interlux 2000 or Pettit Protect which are 2 part epoxy primers.

There are spider cracks on the the cap near the bow. For them I am sanding down to open them up, relieve the cracks removing anything that has de-laminated, giving a coat of epoxy then fairing them in.

Seeing I used epoxy and not poly on the boat, I have to paint. If I had used poly for my repairs, I would simply open them, remove any de-lamination , and re gel coat

I have to work the rest of the week. Air conditioning season is upon us now, so it looks like no work on the boat till the weekend.


Apr 18, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

Not sure what the correct process is but the Interprotect is a high build primer and can be sanded to cover most cosmetic flaws.

If the cracks are from stress points from the rollers then you'd think epoxy filling and then the high build primer would be the way to go. It doesn't look like osmotic blistering from water trying to get out but I'd wait from the verdict from the glass pro's :)

I used the Interprotect on mine and has some decent technology in it from what I recall which all the overlapping micro plates, blah, blah. As I recall the overcoat times were somewhat forgiving as most epoxies want you to go over them within a certain window or you have to sand for them to bite again.

I'd double check on the web for the overcoat times...

I just noticed I've got a gallon and a quart of that stuff left.

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

Hey Sprint, well I called interlux and got the scoop on re-coat times I can do multiple coats making sure it is still tacky in between, then re-coat weeks later with a final interprotect and bottom paint.

Well life got in the way a little this weekend, no work saturday because ewe had a birthday party. Today I started working on the boats at 7:30, first I had to fix a screw up on the Sea Gem and remove one of the engine stringers because I installed it almost a full 1" off . Had I left it the oil filter would not have cleared it :eek:

Well it might not look like much BUT its actually 18 hrs of sanding work. I got almost all of the bottom paint off. I forgot to take before pictures untill i was almost done, but this is what most of the hull looked like before I started


What a nightmare to get it down to gel coat but this is how it lookes by 6pm tonight



And here is proof why to wear a respirator, here is what it looked like midway through sanding, I changed the cartridges right after this photo


I am very glad that copper based bottom paint is on the filters instead of in my lungs

Tomorrow I am going to hit it a last time with 80 grit, tape off and prime with interprotect. In between coats I am going to try to paint the bilge and the deck :D


Apr 18, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

Whoa dude. That's was some serious work.

The boat lines look great.

The overcoat times were what I was looking for as I didn't think I could do it all in one shot.

That mask is a life saver. Without it that would be like smoking 200 packs a day :)


Sep 11, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

HVAC Cruiser,
I knew there was a reason we needed to wear respirators. :p
You had better be glad you were wearing it.
The boat is looking good.
You could have went with the remote oil filter and saved yourself some work.
Nice Job and take care.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 5, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

We decided to not open up some gel coat cracks and just paint over them. They ended up showing through. If you wanted perfection from it best would be to open them up and epoxy then fair then high build then sand till they are gone. :) Then again thats just my guess on my personal experience with our crappy paint job.

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: Transom replacement-Turned Complete Boat Rebuild

Hey Sprint,

The directions say you have to coat with bottom paint while it is still tacky so bottom paint coat bonds to the Interprotect. Tech support said to paint at intervals the same way with interprotect, if you are going to wait to bottom paint then put on an additional interprotect coat the day you bottom paint. Otherwise the bottom paint will peel off if you miss the tacky window.

Hey Bob,

I am going with a remote filter, I was using that as an example of things on the block won't clear The block is about 19" wide. I actually had put the new stringer where the old one was, it looks like this had been done once before. I found a layer fiberglass over bilge paint. I have a sneaking suspicion that that's why they had to chop the corner off to fit the raw pump for clearance.

Hey Thrill,
Above the water line I am opening all the cracks chips and dings then fairing, and Interlux Epoxy Primekote. Below waster line I had to use 40 grit to start, to get the bottom paint off, the gel coat was real thin is areas it actually feathered in at a lot of the cracks, dings and chips.

Everything I have read whether it be Pettit or Interlux says to give it a coat of epoxy at the blisters. does anyone know if it is to seal it or merely to level it off?
I started off my priming the deck transom etc.. using Pettit Protect, which is a real high build primmer. I have found that the leveling quality is incredible any little spots I missed with fairing just disappeared. The blisters on the hull are now all opened and sanded smooth.
Should I still give it a coat of resin?

Just got off the phone with tech support, looks like I am giving the bottom a coat of epoxy. I am being told it is for structural integrity Oh Well
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