Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)
But the bow looks good, nice and dry. So it's going to stay.
What's less clear is the middle section. It looks like it might dry up OK. But on the other hand, maybe it should come out and the foam underneath be inspected?
Opinions welcome.
That's it for day #1!
So, a recap on my questions on the day:
1) Is there any trick to removing the little drainage tubes at the top of the splashwell that go through the transom?
2) The marvelous red "carpet" on the wife adores it (adores the whole boat, especially the '70s interior) and it is after-all her boat (40th birthday present from me this year) is replacement available anywhere? It would have to be the same wonderful red?
3) What exactly do I use to glue the plywood together for the transom? I have real "LP" a lot, but LePage make many different kinds of LP. Can I just park my truck tire on it for clamping? I don't really like idea of screws...seems counter-productive to pay for marine plywood that has no voids and the put a bunch of voids in it, no?
5) What should I use use on the seams and between the transom and aluminum?
7) What is likely culprit for so much wet / rot at the back corners / edges of the transom?
8) Where to put the tubing tow points? Will they be ok back in the :stock: location, with a new transom?
9) I Plan to add a fish finder transducer and some trim tabs...anything I should do while I'm doing the transom R&R (like maybe insert some stainless nut-certs in the transom?)
10) Anything else I really must do "while it is all apart?"