To Build a Boat (any boat)


Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)



Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

I'll check into it dink.... see what he's got and let you know. I was told he has lots up there and I needed to give him a call. <br />I decided to go for the lark since I agree with lark and feel the lark has great lines.<br />Wonder how many times we can say lark in one sentence.<br /><br />I see cap't periwinkle is back from reading his "story"..... only now he has wood :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

lol your a crackup... I've got two neighbors that are constantly coming over for one reason or another and redirecting their attention to whatever project I have going on at the time lol. One thinks I'm foolish... the other cant wait for sea trials and launch day and even made me wait for him on the first day of the minimax launch lol<br /><br />I'm considering repainting the max... rebel flag :D would fit in around here great.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

there prolly doin it to get away from their wives.... and since they can't get away with doin it they feel some sort of inner thing helping you... plus then they don't have to worry about sinkin


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

I got to thinking... and don't know if it will work but heres the<br /><br />Build the boat frames and such while it's still 60's here so it will set up... when I go to coat the whole thing open up the garage door on some 32 degree day (properly dressed of course) Spread it all out... close the door and crank up the furnance... what do we think?????


Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

That's called livin' vicariously. My wife is traveling for work this week, she has no idea what's going on in her parking spot!<br /><br />Rebel flag, very cool, no kidding.<br /><br />Dave, if you don't mind, what did that motor cost? Have you run it yet?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

ya know..... you might just be on to something there I like it... doesnt even have to be that cold... once it gets down to the 50's it slows the process greatly of course the resin will be thicker too if you get it too cold so it may not properly soak in to the wood. hmmmmmmm<br /><br />Calico... The progress looks great... your moving right along. c'mon fill us in on the secrets. :D


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

You know though... the garage will warm slowly... so the resin would warm slowly as well... shouldn't crack because your not putting direct heat on it... <br /><br />The motor was $100 Plus the little trip up there I figured for $100 and since parts are easily found still, I'd give it a chance. Plus was told compression is good. Don't know the numbers but oh well... Haven't got it yet... might take the kids up there this weekend for it. Pics can be misleading (not show everything) but from I can tell and what I have been told it looks to be in great shape.


Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Well what you are looking at is the results of about an hour of labor and two days cure time.<br /><br />I'm determined to keep the cost of this project limited to one sheet purchased at retail, all else free, leftover, or picked up off the road. At this point I'm not sure what will all end up in the final product beause I've not finished cleaning my basement.<br /><br />I will concede that I'm using poly resin (and hating it) because I had a half a can left from a long ago restoration of my $100 fishing boat. (I posted a little project I did on that boat this summer here: 1960 Shell Lake ).


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

wow thats a good looking boat. That added a good touch of class to that boat. I like it... how did you find your curve on the inside edge?


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

I was just thinking that cause I always start mixin... and spreadin and then end up with about 1/2 solid in the pan.... and you really would not be increasin it that long... it would only be cold until it was spread... when complete I'd turn the heat on... would only take a few hours to get it nice and toasty in there (gas furnace) and since it's not thick layers... the only additional time would be to get the room back up to 55F I'd be savin alot of time by not havin to keep mixin it. plus would have alot more even coverage. What ever was left...I'd throw in the freezer until I put the next coat on...<br /><br />WE'll let dink try this out... <br /><br />Hey dink... Mix up that whole can of resin and let us know how it works for ya :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

lol sounds like your mixing like me or your working a lot slower.... how much are you mixing at a time? I was mixing up to a quart at a time.. using lil food saver containers from dollar store.. and when I first started I had the same problem... half of it would harden before I was finished spreading it on.<br /><br />I've since learned to make sure everything is setup before I start so I can just go to laying it on all at once. whatever I have left, goes on the old trailer outside the garage door... i'm slowly waterproofing some 6 year old softening wood on the deck. lol


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

lol.... theres something about a big blob of resin on the drive that turns the wife away.... <br /><br />That is what I was doin.... I tried everything.. havin it ready to go.. then I just started addin less hardner... that seemed to work a bit better...Could also have been I was in 100 degree weather. But those have been smaller or less noticable projects.. and I'm looking at a 13'ft boat .. hate to get it all built then end up it looks like sh!t and needs 7 days of non stop sanding....<br /><br />EDIT: A 13' boat I don't want to paint.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Dave an ice scraper will make very short work of that blob on your driveway.... cleaned my whole garage floor with a hoe. didnt hurt the concrete at all and all the lil blobs popped right up... like BB's flying past your shoulder when your pulling the hoe towards ya... thats why I figure ice scraper as you can push it away from ya. :)


Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Thanks for the compliment on the Shell Lake, I scribed the inside lines about the same way as the outside, held the blanks against the hull and drew a line on them using a pencil and a wood block for a spacer.<br /><br />You guys and your poly, lol!<br /><br />EDIT: I'm laughing with you not at you! (see above)


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

lol when ya waste resin the way I do, its much cheaper to go with poly. :D I sure wouldnt have thought to create the inside line that way.. might try that on the other half of the canoe to create chines on it. :D


Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Darn good idea! Most production boats are made with polyester, some of the newer bass boats are made with vinylester, I know of none that are made with epoxy. Cost and the sheer volume of resin is the reason I'm sure. However plenty of high end canoes are made with epoxy or vinylester (like mine :D ). There isn't as much resin in a canoe that is less than 1/16" thick and the extra strength allows for lighter canoes.<br /><br />I'm not knocking polyester now, I think it's a fine resin and cost effective. But when I needed to repair some scratches and gouges in the canoe I had to use epoxy (compatability) and was totally impressed. It is just sweet to work with, but a big investment for sure. If I build a more serious boat in the future I will use epoxy. Poly is fine for my monkey booger boat. lol! :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

zigactly ... I couldnt have said it any better... when time comes for me to take my time and get going on a serious project that I want to last, I'll to order up some epoxy. Till then if my projects last a couple of seasons with lots of use i'll consider them successful. The official name for your dug is going to be Monkey Booger Boat. I love it... you got an real honest outloud laugh outta me for that.


Jun 14, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Monkey boogers and Pansie princesses.Only in the good old USA!