Tilt trim wires: Blue/Green
Blue skies UP
Green grass DOWN
I'm trying to figure out similar except I want to add a tilt trim switch at the transom in addition to the tilt trim switch on the remote control handle. I guess I just "splice into" the green (down) & blue (up) & red (power) on the starter solenoid side of the wiring? Still trying to figure out where to splice in.
Your wiring harness from the FORCE to your remote control @ the dash should have the green and blue wires available to connect @ both ends of the harness. My 1996 FORCE 75hp has an engine wiring harness that the remote control box harness plugs into. (make SURE to dielectric grease that plug annually - mine corroded together and I had trim away the plug insulations to direct wire the engine harness (part#11 below) to the remote control harness)
ps: I'm a novice so if I am wrong I look forward to being corrected.
Good luck!