The R?surrection of the SeaGem


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 14, 2009
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Hey Bill you know in the HVAC world how they brag its hard to stop a trane. We have found out its hard to get one started too. LOL Look above your head. See that Black cloud. It seems to like being over mine too! I so wanted to take the sail boat out today. I check the wind report. There is not a whisper of a breath. Power boating for me today. You have to just go with the flow. Your not meant to be on the water right now. Its Gods way of telling you to finish all the little details before the lower unit arrives so you dont have to stop and handle those small details. Sounds like a good time to to pain the bottom while your waiting.

Good Luck man it is so worth it in the end. I hope to take my daugher skiing today for the first time. I think she will be a natural at it.

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Hey Bill you know in the HVAC world how they brag its hard to stop a trane. We have found out its hard to get one started too. LOL Look above your head. See that Black cloud. It seems to like being over mine too! I so wanted to take the sail boat out today. I check the wind report. There is not a whisper of a breath. Power boating for me today. You have to just go with the flow. Your not meant to be on the water right now. Its Gods way of telling you to finish all the little details before the lower unit arrives so you dont have to stop and handle those small details. Sounds like a good time to to pain the bottom while your waiting.

Good Luck man it is so worth it in the end. I hope to take my daugher skiing today for the first time. I think she will be a natural at it.

Sorry to hear you couldn't go sailing. Yep I really don't think God or someone don't want me on the water :(

Hope all went well with the skiing

I just checked the shipment status again and this is what I found

Tracking Information
Status: Billing Information Received
Shipped/Billed On: 08/03/2010
Type: Package Service: GROUND
Special Instructions: SIGNATURE REQUIRED Weight: 50.00 Lbs Multiple Packages: 2

What The Heck "Billing Information Recieved" ???? I really hope this just didn't turn into a insurance clame and they have to re-ship :mad: I will be one real P.Oed camper. If it is still having that status on monday I think I am going to call and insist it is shipped next day and UPS eats the entire freight for the inconvienance


Jul 16, 2006
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Well, although irritating, I don't know how you can blame a derailment on the shipping company. I'm sure the company you are getting the drive from ended up getting contacted about the derailment and they ended up shipping out a new drive with UPS getting their other drive back to them after they clean up the derailment mess, in an effort to get product shipped with some level of expediency.

I know it's frustrating, but things happen sometimes, and it sucks when they do. If this is the worst thing that happens to you and your boat, won't you be happy in the long run? I'm just sayin'....;)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 14, 2009
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Dam Bill did you send some of that cloud back to me?? I put in yesterday. Family all on board. Lunches packed. Skies and tubes and ropes. Friends anchored and waiting. Hit the Key after parking the car at the far end of the lot and running back not to hold up the other launchers. NOTHING. DEAD BATTERY. I just took it off the charger. Back to the car and hook it up to jumper cables. Drink a beer and let it charge off the cars altenator while the family stews in the boat waiting for Dad to get it running. Back in the boat 3 turns and then nothing. :mad::mad:

Family smiles disappear. Moves the boat all the way to the looser section of the dock. ( you know the one everyone drives by and looks at because your boat wont start). I run to Pepboys. I come back with a new battery 1 1/2 hours after launch and 120 dollars less in the wallet. She fires up and smiles come back on faces and 2 hours later the 10 year old is water skiiing. Life is good again,

Waiting so sucks but life will get good again for you. Very good again and you will tell the story over beers and laugh.

good luck man it will be there soon!


Jul 16, 2006
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Another good reason to make sure the boat fires up on muffs before you leave for the day. If it doesn't start at the launch, then you probably have a loose connection. I picked up a Schumacher battery charger that tells me the state of charge. I've been working on desulfating a nice Minn kota deep cell battery that was completely dry when I got it from my dad. Filled the cells with DI water and started charging it. It charged up quick, but after a couple of days, it only had a 15% charge. I've been working the battery for a month now and it's holding a 60% charge. I dunno if I'll get it above that...likely not. But, I can play with it for now and do some experimenting before coughing it up to the recycler for $6.

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Hey Damifudo- Sorry to hear you had a bad start of the day with the boat. I always warm up before heading to the harbor. I am always fearful that I will get there and I will have engine or starting problems, so I make sure she is golden before I venture out.

Hey Red, Well I got a notification that it is supposed to delivered tomorrow so I guess I must have logged in while they were resetting the information.

As far as the shipping company not being responsible for a derailment,although not their fault they are still responsible for the freight. Once cargo goes into the hands of a carrier and gives a delivery date it is their responsibility and contractual obligation to deliver in the time specified. In this case the railway is their sub-contractor but UPS is the primary. Back when I was trucking if I wrecked my truck while hauling freight from a broker, the customer looked at them and they in turn looked at me. Kinda like the food chain. lol

If I wound up 3-4 days late on a delivery it would have been good luck getting paid for the load.


Jul 16, 2006
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Oh, I agree, ultimately they are responsible for the goods they are shipping. I guess my point is that they had to have made the best possible effort to get that freight moving to its destination ASAP.

I'd probably be more irritated if I had paid for overnight shipping and this happened, vs standard freight.

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Finally @ 5:30 tonight the new drive arrived! :):D


I was able to get it assembled before it got dark, tomorrow I will install it. The one thing that troubled me is I ordered a COMPLETE drive, yet it comes less the shift shaft, water pump guide tube, nuts, and allen bolt for assembling it together :( . I think SEI should change their description to ALMOST Complete LOL .

I did notice that the driveshaft has 3 O ring groves as opposed to my old one which has 2. Guess the 3rd O ring up at the splines is to hepl protect the grease @ the coupler ?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 13, 2008
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Hi there congratulations for the new outdrive I know the feeling, especially looking at the drive, Good luck....

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Thanks Beta, BTW I recorded the serial #'s and saved the invoice and all in
my safe

OK:D, Update, I had some time today and installed the new drive



I got real lucky my trim anode just clears the prop by 1/4"
Tomorrow night I should have VIDEO :D I am dropping her in about 12-1pm, 12:50 is high tide for here tomorrow. I am not taking any chances this time.

I went to install the new Humminbird I bought but the cable for it doesn't reach the unit for the transducer :mad: nobody has the extension wires in stock. I might :mad:just temp the mounting so I can use it till I get the extension in


Sep 11, 2009
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Hey Bill,
Great news. :D Congrats man. :D
Good luck on the second splash tomorrow. We will be watching for the video.
The new drive looks great.
Take care


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 14, 2009
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Take lots of video I think we are all watching this project. I am almost as excited for you as I as when I finished up mine. Your in my prayers it all goes well for you tommorow


Jul 13, 2009
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

that freakin awsome Bill ya got it already! COOOOOOL!!!! :D

ok now we're all waiting on the video! glad you went out at high tide!

wow so they dont bother with the bolts and tube....fraking hilarious...good info to know for future Se106 buyers..

Im assuming it came empty of did fill her up right? :p :p :p

cant wait to see the pics of your kids.... smiling ear to ear ...on the boat fishin with daddy!!! enjoy the day!


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 28, 2009
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Good Luck with the run!



Sep 7, 2006
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Hey Bill, glad you got 'er installed. Can't wait to see the video. I wish you nothing but good luck. I'll (hiccup) have a beer for your good fortune....Wait a minute, (hiccup), I already did..Just kidding. Good luck with your splash, part deux...

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Thanks All for the well wishes.

Well they say a picture is worth a thousand words so I guess a Video is worth a Million

Click to play :D

and here is another

I even let my 1st mate pilot her a little

My son Liam and I had a wonderful and very memorable day on the LI Sound. Everything went perfect!!!! I did forget to put in the rear seats over the engine but we didn't need them anyway.

We had a total and complete BLAST my son loves it :D The boat ran great. I was doing 32mph at 2500 RPM the prop calc says I was getting a 20% slip. I am thinking maybe trying a 23p prop. I can't believe how easy this boat gets up on plane


Sep 11, 2009
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Congrats on the great day. With all the problems you had to overcome you deserved the day.
Once again great job.
Take care

HVAC Cruiser

Sep 12, 2009
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Thanks Bob,

Today is a day that I will remember for the rest of my life. Liam had a blast it was a true father son moment :)

Here he is as we were coming back into the harbor


he was dying to stand on the bed and up through the hatch the entire trip LOL

We ended the day as nice as it started. He and I dropped the boat at the house got my wife and youngest and went back for family fun & dinner on the beach





Days like today is what life is all about


Sep 7, 2006
Re: The R?surrection of the SeaGem

Days like that make you appreciate what you have..Awesome.