Tallcanadian's 1976 Sunray Refresh.


Sep 7, 2006
Re: Tallcanadian's 1976 Sunray Refresh.

Wow, mine is 17' but a very wide boat, full of foam, and wet mind you, wet floor and transom!! LOL, and I could only get 40mph out of it, with a 115hp and a 13x17 ss prop. We'll see what she can do after the rebuild, I'm hoping for some more top end out of it. I don't think the hull design lends itself well to speed though.

When I took all my wet foam and transom, deck , stringers, it was all water logged. I removed a lot of weight. I know it sits a lot higher now in the water as well. But mind you 40 is a respectable speed. But your right, when you lighten her up, you will get more out of it. You may have more room for a bigger prop too.


Jun 8, 2009
Re: Tallcanadian's 1976 Sunray Refresh.

When I took all my wet foam and transom, deck , stringers, it was all water logged. I removed a lot of weight. I know it sits a lot higher now in the water as well. But mind you 40 is a respectable speed. But your right, when you lighten her up, you will get more out of it. You may have more room for a bigger prop too.

I had a 13x19 alu prop on before, and it wouldn't run up.

JBF 1962

Chief Petty Officer
Oct 29, 2010
Re: Tallcanadian's 1976 Sunray Refresh.

The only thing that I can see missing is the bar :p


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Tallcanadian's 1976 Sunray Refresh.

Hey TC

Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed your project and hope you and yours had a Happy Thanksgiving!!

I'm Just Sayin...:D


Sep 7, 2006
Re: Tallcanadian's 1976 Sunray Refresh.

Hey TC

Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed your project and hope you and yours had a Happy Thanksgiving!!

I'm Just Sayin...:D[/QUOe

Hey Wood, much appreciated and right back at ya. I'm keeping an eye on yours as well. So far so good, keep up the awesome work. I'm just sitting here watching the Grey Cup football game here in Canada.
Aug 10, 2010
Re: Tallcanadian's 1976 Sunray Refresh.

Actually J, I think you may have the next bigger model than mine. Yours looks like the Sunray Bonita. It should be 15' long, 76" beam, 36" depth. Hp rating of 70hp and weighs around 750lbs. They are rare. I think yours is the first one I've seen, actually. If you give me the HIN number I can tell you exactly what you have. HIN number is located on the top right side of the outside of the transom. This tells you everything about your boat.

I was just gifted one on the weekend, with a trailer lol FREEBE. I've wanted a tri haul since i gave up on my 79 sunray...(not enough sapce) speaking of which if anyone in ontario wants it free come and get it, its out side of sunderland.

between all the drinking and horse shoes over the weekend i only got the carpet and seats ripped out
Floor is has to come out next....My fingers are crossed about the stringers being good...wish me luck! she will look sexy again

The number in printed on the rear left side of the transom is ZPR40269V84C
has a newer transport Canada plate guess i'll have to into the mto and get some paper work....

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Sep 7, 2006
Re: Tallcanadian's 1976 Sunray Refresh.

Beautiful boat. I love the Bonita. I know what you mean about the other being too small. It truly is. I've been looking for a Bonita for awhile now. They are hard to come by. I also like the Peterborough Sunchaser. It's about the same size as the Bonita. You boat is a 1984 model. The 'V' in your HIN doesn't match anything. It should be somewhere and including 'A" to 'L'. Good luck with your build. If you haven't started a thread already, I hope you do. What are your plans?
Aug 10, 2010
Re: Tallcanadian's 1976 Sunray Refresh.

Beautiful boat. I love the Bonita. I know what you mean about the other being too small. It truly is. I've been looking for a Bonita for awhile now. They are hard to come by. I also like the Peterborough Sunchaser. It's about the same size as the Bonita. You boat is a 1984 model. The 'V' in your HIN doesn't match anything. It should be somewhere and including 'A" to 'L'. Good luck with your build. If you haven't started a thread already, I hope you do. What are your plans?

Well that all depends on the can of worms I crack open when I open the floor up, lol. she'll get painted pedestal seats in the rear, rino liner on the floor... have a few nicks and chips on the haul that need fixed but nothing to serious....my fingers are crossed about the stringers being solid....just collecting a few things for the trailer so I can drag it home in a couple weeks. Once i really get going I will start a thread. This would be a dream restoration if I don't have to separate the two halfs and replace the stringers :) but we'll see i have a baby due in 4 weeks so this will be a on and off again project over the next year..money and wife permitting lol trailer first!!