Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project


Dec 7, 2010
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

keep us posted on what you end up using.

Caguama time! in both contexts.......


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

Sounds good, I think we all wish we could find that magical paint. Sounds like Caterpillar has nailed it. Looking forward to seeing your progress & results. I did notice that the Easypoxy was pretty sensitive to temperature on the different coats/days.

Rainbow hunter

Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 3, 2012
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

keep us posted on what you end up using.

Caguama time! in both contexts.......

It doesn't come in 32 oz bottles, but I do have a cold case of Dos XX on hand and a nice bottle of 1921 tequila. Should cover the job.

Rainbow hunter

Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 3, 2012
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

The good news for the day, or yesterday when I did it, I managed to dump the stripped donor hull at the regional waste disposal facility. Total cost, $31.28. That included seven gallons of gas out of the tanks and five gallons of oil from the old motor and some other stuff I had laying around. No charge to dump gas and oil if you can believe that. Hull was considered refuse at $68.00/ton. I stripped the good rollers off the trailer this morning because mine needs them and then sold it to a neighbor for $125.00 to get it out of my hair and make room for the SS 18 trailer while I work on the hull. I have three spaces in this storage yard into which I squeeze a 38 ft motor home, my 14 ft Gregor fishing' rig, the 14.5 ft Falcon on a 16 ft+ trailer, and the SS 18. I have to get the SS ready to go to Mexico by mid October because I put my son-in-law's 30 ft boat in that spot for the winter. We keep it on a local lake during the summer.

Glad to get all that junk out of my spaces though.

Rainbow hunter

Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 3, 2012
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

Got 'er done!! Man it was hot out there today. Weatherman says it was 100, but on that asphalt lot it was more like 110 after about 1 pm. Spent the day getting the bow rail off. Twisted off a bunch of te screws. Had to drill out an old antenna mount. Did a bunch of clean up in the area that was under the old motor and vacuumed out the accumulated crap from sitting open for the past few weeks. Took all day to accomplish those few things. Took a break at 4:45 and then the help showed up promptly at 5:30.

Here we are getting it off the trailer. Note the mallard cruising by top center to make sure we're doing it right.


Then it was time to roll it.


We put some Harbor Freight furniture dollies under it and rolled into her regular place.


Then it was beer :30 time.


I'm the skinny old guy on the left. Unfortunately the guys couldn't stick around due the demise of our daughters dog who suddenly developed lymph cancer and was suffering. Oddly, to me anyway, they put him down at 8 pm. Both my wife and daughter take this sort of thing very hard, so it's been a somber evening. The guys in the pic include our daughters husband and his son (the two really big guys), our daughters son (the one who resembles zitz) and a family friend. We all loved this little Jack Russell named Wingnut, so I'll save the rest of the Dos Equis for another day.


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 31, 2012
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

Making good progress..... Maybe I missed..... What color are you going with?

Pets are great and I don't look forward to having to do that to either of my german shepherd dogs.....

Rainbow hunter

Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 3, 2012
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

Making good progress..... Maybe I missed..... What color are you going with....

The base color for the bottom will be white. I hate to be pessimistic, but this is an ocean boat, and out there in the middle of no where, the easiest color to spot is white. If I'm in trouble, I want spotters to be able to see me. I've even thought of using international orange as the accent color, but I'm afraid he Coast Guard might haul me off to the funny farm. Accent and top color will probably be light blue.


Dec 7, 2010
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

very realistic approach. but i might disagree that white will be easy to spot in the middle of a bunch of whitecaps (you aren't likely to turtle the boat on the days when the Cortez is like a lake). it is a good color for hiding minor hull booboos but i'd add somehting red/bright yellow/orange for aerial vis.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

very realistic approach. but i might disagree that white will be easy to spot in the middle of a bunch of whitecaps (you aren't likely to turtle the boat on the days when the Cortez is like a lake). it is a good color for hiding minor hull booboos but i'd add somehting red/bright yellow/orange for aerial vis.

Something like this:

If you can see this, please call Coast Guard :eek::facepalm:

I thought we wanted an upright, level float when swamped, and flotation foam high in the gunwale to help w/ that.....I might suggest that highly polished & bare might be a good choice for a turtle'd boat ;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 7, 2012
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

very realistic approach. but i might disagree that white will be easy to spot in the middle of a bunch of whitecaps (you aren't likely to turtle the boat on the days when the Cortez is like a lake). it is a good color for hiding minor hull booboos but i'd add somehting red/bright yellow/orange for aerial vis.

You all just gave me an idea for painting my 21 ss. Being a Florida guy, and a UF fan I am thinking Gator Orange below the waterline and Gator Blue above!!!


Dec 7, 2010
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

Tigger---just be sure to wear shoes and gloves, and keep some burn ointment handy.....or just do the topsides in white with pinstriping to match the orange/blue hull colors.

JB-- I thought we wanted an upright, level float when swamped, and flotation foam high in the gunwale to help w/ that.....
we do, as an aspirational goal. but testing whether it will really work out that way is tough.....hard on boats and motors. so i think it's realistic to plan for the possibility of a boat turtling on you, esp if you fish big water like RH does, while you still try to stuff as much foam up under gunwales, splashwell, and bow as you can fit.

Rainbow hunter

Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 3, 2012
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

Thanks for this heads up EZ. I've done some reading of manufacturer product literature. Like to know where you heard the "good things" about this stuff or if there's anybody you can refer that I might consult. This stuff is expensive, but has several qualities I like a lot and might give it a try. Product lit says adhesion to aluminum and coverage over old paint is good.

Rainbow hunter

Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 3, 2012
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

For the past few days I've been working on stripping the bottom of the SS 18 during the 100 degree days and doing paint research by night. Finally, I think I've accomplished both and have ordered the paint.

First stripping details. I used Jasco Premium stripper (the expensive stuff) at $29.00 gallon from HMD. I've used it before and believe its the best. Makes the job go fairly quickly and painlessly and leaves the removed paint in a dry, inert state easily disposed of. It is water soluable and cleans up easy.


The little tool above with the red handle is a straight edge razor blade holder that has been in my shop for as long as I can remember. When stripping paint, a straight edge razor is the easiest, most effective tool you can find.


Rubber gloves and eye gear are mandatory. If working in warm weather, keep a sweat towel handy; one end wet, the other dry. The wet end is to wipe off and cool any skin that might come in contact with the stripper. Also, like antifreeze, this stuff is sweet, so don't leave open containers of it where animals might get to it.


It took about 12 to 14 hours to strip the bottom and now it has to be scuffed for paint. The green hue is a very thin amount of the original self etching primer which will come off when I sand. The paint on the gunwales is in pretty good condition and I'll be able to feather out the rough spots and scuff it and paint.


There are a couple of small dents and several scratches to fill also. More pics when that's done. The white stuff in the bow area is body filler from some earlier happenstance.

So the paint I settled on is a PPG product originally developed for the US Navy. It is a two part epoxy that can be applied over well adhered previous coatings after scuffing and directly to aluminum without primer. It is called AmerLock 2 and Naturally it is designed for underwater use. At $170 for a two gallon kit it was about $30 cheaper than either of the other two part epoxies I looked at and they required a $140 primer coat.

By the way, Catapillar uses another PPG product, but it is not advised for long term submersion.

Rainbow hunter

Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 3, 2012
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

Well it's been awhile since last I had the time to update this thread. Sorry about my tardiness, but it has been a long extensive effort to get this paint job accomplished and I've spent many days of ten to twelve hours getting to this point. Two reasons: I really like things done right and I have an auto painter/body specialist friend who insists on things being just so, and he's been my help all through this job. Therefore, this became a first class paint effort, the kind that would cost you several grand if you went to a custom paint shop to have it done. Without going into great detail of all my pain and suffering, here are some photos and explanations of the work as it stands today and which wil hopefully be done by next Tuesday.


Top left: I started by stripping the bottom beginning Aug 7. It took about five days to do it all in the heat which considerably slowed the process. The two black lines are hull damage/wear caused by using round pipe for a large V shaped guide-on on the trailer. This needs to be removed from the trailer and replaced by flat bar stock. The pipe wore indentations in the hull plate which had to be filled. Top rt: I put a light coat of self etching primer on the bare aluminum to stop any oxidation since I knew it was likely to be at least a couple of weeks before I'd get paint on it. I now wish I'd gone ahead and stripped the entire boat. Instead, I used glazing putty to fill all the damaged paint areas, scratches in he hull, etc. Huge job. Lots and lots of sanding as you can see if you look closely. Probably took 10 to 12 days. Lower left: nearly ready to prime, a few places to touch up with filler, but she's now straight as an arrow down the gunwales. Lower rt: Transom prepped.


Upper rt: Tent me and I'm ready for paint. Upper middle: First primer, grey filler primer to help fill all scratches, pin holes, etc. Must be block sanded after drying with 220 grit dry. Two days what with the hundreds of rivets to work around on the bottom. Upper rt: first of two coats of sanding primer. When dry it must be wet sanded with 320 grit. One day per side, two days on the bottom and two plus hours on the transom. By the way, a few minor exceptions, I did all the sanding. Bottom: three coats of Amerlock 2 two part epoxy reduced 30% with zxylene to get an approximate 5 to 6 mil build. BIG PROBLEM. Paint looks gorgeous, but would not set up and dry. Took a full week to get dry enough to feather where we have to blend the bottom and sides together. It's going to be a couple of more weeks before it fully cures and I was not happy. The literature says this is a fast dry paint. But the guys who sold it to me didn't do their homework. After talking with an industrial paint specialist I was told that zxylene is recommended for reduction up to 20 percent when brushed or rolled, but when spraying this paint should be reduced with Methel Ethel Keytone, a rapid evaporator/dryer. So now that the previously sprayed bottom is dry, we can spray the rest next Tuesday. Since we both have a golf tournament to play Monday, well get 'er done Tuesday.

Over all, this amerlock paint is beautiful. It's almost impossible to make it run. If you brushed it, it would fill in like a dream. It is a very high solids content paint, and the test pieces I've done have dried up hard as a rock. This stuff will be durable, and best of all can be applied without primer on any metal surface or can be applied over any existing paint.

Ok, I've brought it more or less up to date. I'm way behind schedule, but that's the way it goes. I'll be back with more pics next week when we get e rest of the paint on it. Then I've got to get the trailer squared away so I can put this monster back on it, seal it up, get floor in it and install that six banger, all before it rains!!


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

I'd say you have put a lot of work in the paint and it shows. Good progress, RH. Quality takes time.


Oct 25, 2009
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

Great job RBH, you are definatly going all out on the paint job and it show. Will be a great boat when your done.

Rainbow hunter

Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 3, 2012
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

Hull exterior paint is done!!


Ain't she pretty, and hanging with a good looking old fart too. Bottom paint finally tightened up. Side paint dried to the touch in about six hours using methol, ethel keytone for reducer, and when we painted the port side, for some reason we attracted a bug and I literally had to stand watch and shoo them away for nearly three hours until the surface hardened. Caught a few nats, but they will rub out easily as they have no mass, but the bigger bug that seemed to be attracted to the paint would make a mess if one got stuck in it. I was lucky enough to kill a Half dozen or so and keep the rest out.


Here she is with the trailer she'll live on. Now it needs a fair amount of work: New rollers, bunks, lights and wiring plus a brake and wheel bearing overhaul. Then probably some paint. Eventually I'd like to find rollers to replace the bunks with.

this rig has a sliding v that runs on rails the length of the boat. Roller bunks would mean you could haul the boat on without dragging it over the bunks.

OK guys, I'm taking the week off and going rainbow hunting up to Shasta Lake. My Gregor is sitting in the car port and nearly ready to roll. Be back the end of next week.



Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2003
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

Looks better than new, you can be proud of that job!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 7, 2012
Re: Starcraft SS 18' I/O restore project

Looks AWESOME Rainbow! Enjoy the fishing