sold a boat and it busted!

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Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 28, 2002
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

This kind of make you lose all faith in the Justice system.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

What Honda Power said ^^^^^^^


Sep 9, 2007
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

That Sucks!
Sorry CB


Jun 11, 2006
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

I am interested in the details, but I am not surprised. We are only hearing one side of the story and my guess is that many many details were conveniently left out. I have always wondered about this, but really started to suspect something when CB started another thread asking how much it should cost to replace the engine...can't always believe what you read.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 6, 2006
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

You've got to be f*ckin' kidding? J*sus Chr*st! That's just wrong! Was the judge on drugs?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 9, 2007
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

hey CB, you got a pay pall account -- I have $10 to contribute to the defense fund!


Please share when you have time to complete the lesson.



Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

I am interested in the details, but I am not surprised. We are only hearing one side of the story and my guess is that many many details were conveniently left out. I have always wondered about this, but really started to suspect something when CB started another thread asking how much it should cost to replace the engine...can't always believe what you read.

That's why I want to hear the judges reasoning ... He has heard both sides ... but then again, he could be a moron!

As I was reading this, I was remembering some other cases that have been on here, Like Sud's "Listing to Port" and KKC's battle with the Municipal Authorities. Some you win, and some you lose, but they all sound good from one side.

Don't get me wrong, CB, I am not against you ... from what you have told us I think this is a stupid judgement. I just want to hear why the judge felt he needed to give the "cry baby, snot-nosed" kid and his mother $2100! Do you get the boat back????


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 26, 2007
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

ahh...I was wondering when the nuggets of wisdom from cmcpherson was going to show up on this thread. I knew the thread was missing something...


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 6, 2006
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

Do you guys even know CB? Blind faith...
CB didn't have to come here and share any of this. He did, for all our benefit should we find ourselves in a similar situation. I applaud his efforts and contributions as well as everyone who's followed the thread either actively or passivly. I hope to sell our boat in the spring and from what I've learned on just this single thread I know I have to take extra precautions to protect myself from any liability. That in and of itself is a contribution from CB that I appreciate and lead me to pick sides.

None the less I think it suks that he's now got a judgement against him. He's in essense sold his boat for half of what he should have got.

It would have been cool to have the kid that bought the boat come here and tell his side of the story. There's a few of you guys who would have jumped all over him and ate him alive!


Jun 11, 2006
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

ahh...I was wondering when the nuggets of wisdom frommcmcpherson was going to show up on this thread. I knew the thread was missing something...

What is your problem? I am not allowed to question? I love these forums for just this reason, if an outsider tries to interject their thoughts they are ridiculed like so much garbage. This country was not built around this type of an attitude, but I am sure any further words on this would just be lost on on you gatortom.

Gary H NC

Fleet Admiral
Dec 1, 2005
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

I think the judges decision is just plain wrong!!! What happened to sold as is?
I think i'll buy a used truck,beat it until it dies then sue the previous owner! GEEZE!!!
The next boat i sell will have papers drawn up by my lawyer!!!
We all learned a lesson on this one!
Sorry CB...


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

I'm sure the judge had good reason to rule for the plaintiff. I am interested in hearing his reasoning. Must be something that was brought up that we were unaware of. Something plausable and identifiable. Something that would make everything that CB told us seem inconsequential.

Like the judge is the kids father.



Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

hey guys
sickwilly is right!
I eluded to it in an earlyer post.
we should all chip in 5 bucks. and have cb appeal. we could all be in this position some day.
we sell our beloved boats, the buyer takes them out and destroys them the next day. this ruling says we would be on the hook for their stupidity!
lets really stand behind cb and use this oppertunity to protect ourselves from future.
if he appeals and wins then we have a pressident to quote if we (lord forbid) end up in this situation.
if we dont then mommy and jounior can quote this case and we fork over more money! (after costs and ruling cb sold that boat for a grand!)

I suggest cb gets a pay pal set up and we all thro in 5 or 10 bucks, he goes back to court over this assinine ruling.

what happens if i buy a boat from one of you guys and dont like the motor because its too small. I take it home and blow the motor intentionally, go to court and get enough money to put in 2 motors!

cb, if your willing, what do you think about this, (i think your the kind of guy that will stand up for the principal of the matter). unless you just want the whole thing to go away.(and thats ok too)

If you cant get pay pal. just go on e-bay and put up some dryer lint up for sale. well all buy it at 5 bucks a small bag.
with the amount of hits on this thread it should cover the legal bills and the 2100. hopefully the lawer and court costs of an appeal!

sorry to hear it turned out this way.
Raced home at lunch to get the update. it wrecked my day. no free beer:(


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 9, 2007
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

while CB hopefully can shed some light --

in the meantime, I never loose sight of the fact that judges are just human, and there are rules that sometimes limit the evidence. Having been an expert witness at a time in my life, and having to sit there and not be allowed to offer relevant information, you learn justice is not perfect.

Also, having judged a situation wrongly before myself, people screw up.

Just watch a couple of football games -- even with replay they can't get calls right.

From what we know, I think the verdict sucks, and on top of that, CB has legal fees to pay too.

**** happens!
Oct 24, 2007
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

Here it is brothers.... The kid needs to learn from his mistakes, grow up, and take it like a man. I had to and I did it with some dignity. Here's my E-bay story.

So I'm fresh out of college, new job and money to burn.... So I venture to purchase a custom Kawasaki 750SX (stand-up jet ski).. This baby was the right price, $2500, had the right paint job, and I wanted it. I drove 8 states away to pick this rig up only to begin my little adventure.

Upon pickup everything checked out and I was in like Flin.... Not to mention I just spent 13 hours driving one way and I wasn't going home empty handed. So the second time I had her in the pond I'm opening her up and flying.... I run her for about 500 yards and then..... BOOM!!!!! Blew the motor. I then proceed to purchase a rebuilt motor. Hours and hours of work time I spent on this rig. Then the exhaust hoses went, then the battery, then the started, then the bendix. It was one thing after another. By the time I had $4500.00 in it and what felt like hundreds of hours in it I snapped.

I picked up my axe and smashed the damn thing. I mean I really cut that thing in half. I then heaved it off the trailer and drug it to a construction dumpster across the street. Get this now, get this... My co-worker gets it out of the trash and posts the motor on E-bay. It sold for $700.00. He rubbed it in my face.

Take it like a MAN.. LEARN.... GROW...


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2007
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

Back from the meeting. Cmcpehrson seems to be skeptical. I will be very accurate, and try not to be biased in my account of what happened

We waited through one case in the courtroom that we were assigned. After about an hour and a half someone came in and called us both out and ushered us to another courtroom that was empty. We were heard by another attorney, not a judge. She was a younger (than me) women. In her mid 30's I would guess.

The young man stated his case. His point was that I claimed the eninge to be in excellent condition, and that an enginge in excellent condition shouldn't quit after 3.5 to 4 hours.

My attorney questioned him. He told everything fairly accurately. Admited that there was a test drive, that he drove it, that my daughter skiied behind it. My attorney asked him why he bought the boat if it was defective. He said he didn't know it was defective, he's not a boat mechanic. He also agreed that he signed the bill of sale when it was produced by my lawyer.

The 'fill in attorney judge' asked for the boat mechanic got up on the stand. My attorney asked him what caused the engine to fail. He said he didn't know. My attorney asked him if a new engine could fail spontaneously, he said yes. I think the mechanic hurt their case.

There was other back and forth, but not of much consequenses, the "judge" said "I want to understand what you are saying, you are telling us that a brand new engine could do the same thing? Just fail?" He replied yes.

The "judge" asked to talk to both my attorney and the boy privately. She asked them if a fair solution could be found. My attorney relayed this to me, and I told them I would offer them 500 bucks. My attorney felt that she was going to rule in my favor and felt bad that the kid would get nothing. Okay I offered 500 bucks. They wanted 1600. SO!

This is the good part. She looked at me and said:"your ad says the engine was rebuilt in 2005, in bold letters, your ad says the engine is in excellent condition, starts right up, runs strong, you place alot of emphasis on the engine, if died a week later or a month later is one thing, but it died the next day, on the other hand (turning to the boy) you signed a contract agreeing to buy the boat "as is no warranty", and you didn't get the boat inspected before you bought it..........JUDGEMENT FOR THE PLANTIFF FOR 2100 DOLARS"

End of story....oh, wait she looked at us and said you have ten days to appeal my decision.

My take on it? She ruled with her heart. Here I am, dressed well in a suit and tie, my lawyer dressed well, the plantiff in a t-shirt and jeans, his mother in a sweatshirt and jeans.....and thought......tough situation.......the kids out 4200, the deffendant can oviously afford it more than the kid.......that's my decision.........

Oh, and here is my add, there used to be a link to it, but it has since expired, I kept a copy.

And to CMCPHERSON, the other thread was just in case, just in case this happened, there really is no other side of the story, that I know of at least. The inquiry didn't help because the "judge" came up with her own amount

Looking for a copy of the add.....I'll post it when I find it......


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2007
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

Sorry I typed that pretty quick, I'm still at work.......but I wanted to get some details out there.....I'll clean it up later and hopefully I can find the ad.
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