sold a boat and it busted!

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Seaman Apprentice
Dec 10, 2008
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

Man, I just killed 3 hours at work reading this! Thanks!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 6, 2008
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

Now that the issue is "resolved" for now, you should put up the highlights, or maybe just a page listing of the juicy parts... 35 pages is just to much to read unless someone died.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 23, 2008
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

I'm sure the kid was turning too sharp and over reved.Most likely multiple times.If it ran for 3 hours its his. Blown motors dont run for 3 hrs. motor ran hard for 3 hours BLOW. Good luck.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2007
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

Now that the issue is "resolved" for now, you should put up the highlights, or maybe just a page listing of the juicy parts... 35 pages is just to much to read unless someone died.

I did, but it was about 4-5 pages back:

For the newbies to this thread, who don't want to take the 2 hours to read it completely, I thought I would outline a quick summary of what has happened in the last year:

July '07-Contacted by a kid in Knoxville that want's to buy my boat that was for sale on Craigslist. He drove to Nashville, we took the boat out for a 30 minute test ride with my family. My daughter even skied behind it. He liked it. He bought it. He signed a bill of sale that stated "this boat is sold as is, with no warranties". The next day, after about 4 hours on a lake in Knoxville the boat throws a rod, or something bad, it busted! Kid and Mom want to bring boat back and have me refund money. They are pretty obnoxious about it. After talking to my lawyer. I tell them no.

August '07-Get a warrant from Knoxville General Sessions Court. I'm being sued and have to travel about 400 miles round trip to appear. My lawer gets this case dismissed.

Sept '07-Get a warant from Davidson Co. General Sesions Court (Nasvhille). They have come to Nasvhille and are suing me here. They show up in court with a mechanic. My attorney gets the case postponed.

Oct '07-We go to court. They have a mechanic. I don't get a judge but some fill in attorney. SHE awards the plantiff one half the price of the boat. 2100. Her argument is that my Craigslist ad declared the engine to be in excellent condition, and that even though I had a signed bill of sale that said 'as is', I should share the cost. (I did say the engine was in excellent condition, but this was my opinion of it's condition based on how it ran for me the two years I owned it). We file an appeal.

Jan '08-Get a court date for appeal in June. Send buyer notice of appeal.

Jun '08-Send buyer evidence to be used at appeal 3-4 days prior. Go to the appeal, buyer is no show. I win.

Oct '08-Attorney calls me. Buyer claims we never notified them of the appeal. Claims house burned down and never got the mail. Re-Appeal: next Monday Oct 20th.

Oct 20th '08-I Won!

Dec '08-Sold an Iboat's Poster a car! This was funny. mtsuedi contacted me about a craigslist ad. After we talked and hung up, he called me right back and said:"did you happen to start an epic thread on Iboats called sold a boat and it busted!?" I replied:"Yes, I'm country_bumpkin!". LOL! an epic thread!, love it!

Did I leave anything out? Let me know and I'll edit the post. Thanks for all the suppport!



Nov 29, 2008
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

Hey, thanks! I must confess I didn't read ALL the pages and missed a few parts. A fill-in lawyer as a judge? Was her name Judy? Judge Judy?! LOL
I would have been hopping mad at a kangaroo court like that.
Ooof. I should stop now.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

hey cb.....dont see ya on just in case.......

merry christmas to you and the rest of the bumpkin's......hope you have a great one....

oh....and btw.....i ran into the kid on a law forum.....he's gonna appeal the appeal.......:D :D :D.....j/k.



Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2008
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

Is 35 pages a record for iboats? all of it funny as hell took me over two hours to read.:D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 28, 2002
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

Is 35 pages a record for iboats? all of it funny as hell took me over two hours to read.:D

Not even close. The OOPs Hull extention thread in restoration is over 100 pages with 2500 posts.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

I just spent 3 hrs reading this and I'm sure glad I did. I did not expect the saga to go all the way to the end. I figured it would end on page 20 and the rest would be upping post counts! LOL Just wanted to say, good for you CB. I'm happy it turned out the way it did. You seem like a real stand-up guy. I want in on some beer! LOL I think everyone in involved in this thread should get together for a day of boating and a night of sharing stories and beer! The best thread ever. Hope it hangs around


Dec 20, 2008
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

Tough luck for the kid.... Anyone who buys a boat and without doing a thorough engine revision takes it out shouldn't buy a boat in the first place. I always recommend that to my customers as well even when the previous owner supposedly puts his hand in the fire for the engines.... ;)


Nov 2, 2008
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

The only possible glitch is the age of the "young man". Is he of an age where he can legally enter into a binding purchase contract in the state where the boat was sold??? If so, then your papertrail is solid.

Update: Guess I should read the latest responses before chimming in. I digress. I wonder what specific case law was cited; if any, in that Oct 7th ruling?


Mar 19, 2007
Re: sold a boat and it busted!

The way I see it is if your old enough to buy a boat and haul it away, then your old enough to know the risks of buying used. If the boat was OK on the test ride, and he clearly must have liked the boat since he bought it and took it home, then it's on him. Used is used, the way I feel is if I buy something from a private owner, it's assumed AS-IS. You take that risk when buying that way, if you don't agree with that, go buy a boat from a dealer and pay for a warranty to go along with it.
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