Will post a couple pics tomorrow, dont feel like doing it tonight, but I test fit the transom, cut it down a bit to fit and laid the first layer of epoxy down today. Also got the inner transom skin primed. Have to pick some more primer and paint up tomorrow. Hopefully have transom installed within a week (so by next friday). I have all my thru hull fittings/aerator and hoses except for one, company sent me the wrong size hose for the livewell drain. Good customer service though, they told me to keep the wrong one they sent me and they are sending the right hose out. I also have the SW drains and the flange tool (yes I bought the tool because for me it'll probably work better/easier than the one i make). So as soon as the transom is done with epoxy I should be able to make some headway. Kinda stuck until payday with getting more materials, I do need to pick up a sheet of 1 1/2" foam for going between the ribs under the livewell and gas tank tub.