Re: sasto needs our prayers
AWESOME SASTO!!!!! Knowledge is power. Amazing what changing the ol' diet can do. Thankfully, it's easier than ever to find non-diary products too. Best of all, it didn't take any yucky chemicals or proton beams either. Less is more, indeed.
Tight lines........
Yes it is AWSOME, kfa. I've been researching non-dairy products and have found many subsitutes to try. I have a love for mashed taters. Had them with soy milk. Good stuff. Now to find a good cheese, I'll be in heaven!
Tight lines to you, my friend!
That's great Cap'n!! Like kfa4303 said, there are some good alternatives out there that you might be able to look at if you want the taste but not the trouble. Coconut milk ice cream is really good, almond cheese actually tastes great as a couple of examples.
Best wishes.
Coconut milk ice cream? Dang that sounds good! I may just have to make some myself. Coconuts are everywhere around here, and I like the milk. I will try the almond cheese as you suggested. I am getting really excited about this. The problems I have had with the dairy products really made my life more difficult. More difficult than I ever thought.
Best wishes to you as well, southkogs, and thanks for your concerns and imput.
Good thoughts and prayers coming your way from Michigan Sasto...if God brought you to it..God will get you through it. Peace & White light to you
I have good friends and good memories from Michigan during my many visits as a Captain. St Clair is one of them, especially a prop shop I needed by running agound there once. :facepalm: I have been praying to my God more than ever, not for myself, but for others. Your prayers for me are being answered.....Thanks Buddy!
Sasto that is Good to hear!!! I Hope that everything continues to get BETTER for you...
Thanks, my FlaCowboy. I am only starting to feel the results of my new diet, and it is wonderful. I thought it was just something I had to live with the rest of my life. I accepted it as a fact and moved on. Now I'm not afraid to eat like I used to. There are other things that have changed too, but I won't mention them here.
I appreciate everyones concerns and imput. I am sleeping better, not as irritated (or should I say irritating). One less thing to worry about. I will be off to the Fla Keys soon for a working vacation, a brew will take place of my morning chocolate milk.