Re: sasto needs our prayers
Appropriate that tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I'm thankful that me and mine have good health. I'm thankful that you have prevailed once again Sasto, against that insidious disease. God Bless to all dealing with a serious health issue.
Thanks, My best Swabbie I ever had! I feel my health is vastly improving since my new diet. Yes I will prevail. Many around my circle believe I will outlive them all. Many have seen me at my worse, especially when I didn't even weigh 100lbs. I'm with you....God Bless all dealing with a serious health issue.
That's really great news Captain.
In the eyes of your iboats friends you will always be a "Captain".
I don't have the job yet, but I think it is in the bag. I've known the Captain, Steward, and owner for a couple years now and have done some work for them in the past. Wish me luck!
On the mend and a new job to boot! Not to shabby
Gobble, gobble.
hanks kfa.....and gobble, gobble to you too!
Great to see you out here sir. Thoughts and prayers still with you and will never cease.
My thoughts and prayers to the ken family too. Keep up the good work, my friend, many are counting on you!