Hoooooraaaah! That's fantastic my friend
Outstanding! Cheers to you for a healthy future!
Good news is GOOD news. Maybe there is something to this prayer stuff afterall.
Awesome news!!!! Congratulations!!
Great News sasto! You'll be back behind the wheel in no time
Great news sasto! Glad to hear it.
More thoughts from Texas here.
Words escape me at the moment, how about YEAH!!!
"Some colladeral damage done, but what the heck, I'm a little crazy anyway."
Does this mean you now have special powers that you didn't have before?!
Congratulations Cap'n! That's great news to hear!
That is wonderful news my friend. So happy for you.
Bring on the purple beer. LOL, No I can't reach the Southern Comfort!We are all very grateful for your quick recovery. Best wishes, my friend. Call if you need anything. I'll bring the purple beer and you supply the sun beaten Southern Comfort....if you can reach it
I'm very happy to hear about your success and hope you feel better soon from the treatment............. I will continue to drink a toast to your health, almost nightly though I'm sure you know you were not the first or the last to hide a serious condition from loved ones either, the last go round, so I would'nt worry about that. Clear skies and soft winds to you Sasto
The family (Coop and iboats) is glad to hear you're doing well.
One of our members "sasto" needs our prayers. I am friends with him on Facebook as well as real life. He posted today that a serious medical condition may hinder a new job he just got. I had to send him a pm on Facebook and ask, he replied back that his brain tumor had came back, he has a positive attitude about it but it can't hurt for a few thoughts and prayers from here. I know he would appreciate it. He was just getting over that when he first joined here and I truly hope that they have found it and get to work treating it quickly so he can go on, they did it once so they can do it again.
"Sasto" I join all the others from the "Who Dat Nation" and the iboats community wishing you the very best. And thanks again for your support early on in orchestrating the First Annual Arkansas Lake Bash. Hope you can make it next year.
Hey there, just wanted to give a shout out to Sasto, and wanted him To know because of his thread on his penn yan boat that was handed down to him, it started me on a journey to me getting my own penn yan avenger. The story of his was great and I followed his resto of the boat which inspired me to really look at the penn yan avenger model for me. I boat in Delaware and the Indian river bay and rehoboth bay are shallow and full of shoals and sand bars. And a PY is the perfect boat for that area with its shallow draft. My favorite pic in his threads is of sasto sitting on the back of his PY fishing with his blue hat on.
I also followed his posts on the pennyanbbs.com forums. He has definitely made an impression on me with his willingness to share his insight and experience to help fellow boaters.
So I tip my hat to the captain.
Glad to hear all is well and you spirit and determination in the face of your recent dilemma, only reinforces what we all know, you one cool cucumber!
May God's will for you and your family be filled with Love and many years of sailing! Bless you Sasto!
Hey Brother!!!
We both... Heck, we ALL knew you'd come out on top of this thing again!!! Ain't nothin' gonna hold YOU down.
I gotta say, I love Jhudds reference to his favorite picture of you. You know... The one with the blue hat!!! It is an awesome pic... Of an awesome dude... With a pretty cool hat.
Can't wait to get together again!!!
Hope to see ya soon!!!
Hi sasto,
You don't know me from Adam, but I know of you from your posts on the forum...
You are one of the most helpful guys and really know your stuff when it comes to all this boating voodoo...
I just found out about your battles with cancer...I read that you beat it back once before, and it seems like you are bashing the heck out of it again...
I can certainly agree with you that sharing this rough time with those that care and love you is much better than trying to be brave and keep quiet about it...the support of those who are in your corner is a priceless source of strength...
A lot of folks don't realize the power that comes from Above in the form of prayer, whether you believe in it or not, it is a definite force to be reckoned with...
As far as I am concerned, it is the most powerful weapon we have against the things in life that we have little or no control over and are trying to overwhelm us...
So, from down here, just a bit South of you...our prayers and thoughts are with you...Godspeed your 100% recovery
Just another fellow Iboater wishing you a full and complete defeat over the "C"...
Get well soon. Thoughts and praters from Iowa.
Ya, ya, ya, you keep saying you are going to drop in, but I ain't seen ya yet! At least not on my turf yet. Made the trip to see you ... Hmmmm. Hey bud, we keep thinking of you and praying for you.
Hey Sasto, how's it hanging my friend?
Thinking of you and sending the prayers everyday from the desert and the heart.
Can ya feel it? can ya, can ya?
Kenmyfamily and all the entourage are still with you my friend.
Anyone know how he's doin I hope your chillin and enjoying another beautifull Florida sunset tonight Sasto .
How are you feeling this week Skipper? Really love your moxy. Keeping a positive attitude through this is so important. My FIL went through radiation treatments when he lived with us, so I know to some extent what your going through. You'll be happy to know it knocked back his cancer. It was his positive attitude and many friends that got him through the rough stuff. I personally have lost many friends and close relatives to cancer so it is good to hear that you appear to be winning the fight. Soon I will have to go to the surgeon and get more skin cancer spots removed. Each time I pray everything is benign. You give me hope and inspiration.
They that go down to the sea in ships
And ocupy their business in great waters
These men see the works of the Lord
And his wonders in the deep