Re: sasto needs our prayers
We are still praying, that is good news that the treatment is working. Wish there was more that I could do.
You have done alot already, nlain. Just by starting this thread you lifted my spirits up. I thank you!
That's so hard when the treatment is almost as rough as the problem. I remember my dad going through his treatments too, and he had the same struggle with strength and energy. Providentially, he's still alive and well years later.
Be encouraged that many are praying your behalf, and keep fighting the good fight Captain!
Your are correct, southkogs. The treatments are worth everything to me at this point. I plan on being around a long your Dad....this is just a speed bump. Yes, I am very encouraged and amazed by the outpouring of prayers and well wishes by all of you.
One day at a time, my friend. Each will be better than the last!
With my spirits high, and my hopes and prayers being answered....I will take your advice!
Hey Sasto. Good to hear the treatments are working! You have prayers coming your way from a lot of good members. It doesn't hurt to pray for yourself too.......

I'll say it again my friend, WIMUSKY...I am amazed! I do pray for myself some. Not to get me well, but to give me the strength and courage to carry on my day and beat this. It will be done!
Sending prayers from Texas!!!!!
Thanks, texasabil. Coming from Texas...that's a big one!
Add me to the list - you are in my thoughts for another recovery.
Appreciated very much, Jay.
Sasto, Thanks for checking in again. This thread is the first thing I check each time I sign in to iboats. My families thoughts and prayers are always with you my friend and it will remain that way.
That's very nice, kennyfam. Thanks for lifting my spirits up!
Praying for you Sasto, Keep up the fight My Friend...
Gotta meet you someday, well as the others. The fight will be won!
Mike, my friend...I am glad to hear that things are progressing and again, I send my best wishes. Although your personal situation has changed, rest assured there are plenty of people around tht are supporting you and your fight. Although I am not as small or agile as you (by any friggin' stretch!), if you ever need any assistance in your position as Captain keeping your vessel in shape, please do not hesitate to call.
Thanks for the offer, my brother. I will keep you in mind, as I always do anyway. My personal life is in order. I really don't have the time or energy to dwell on it. I have recieved some get well cards from all over that makes me appreciate mankind like never before.
I went through this before, abiet much worse, with only a couple friends around. I chose it that way as not to burden anybody. After sharing this time around with everybody maybe I should have done it differently. You guys are making me proud to be a part of this family.