how did you go about removing all the paint?
I'm in the progress of my own restoration and will have to remove some paint as well... not sure if ill just self etch prime the bare areas and paint over the previous paint with a good sanding or get the whole hull bare and start there. Struggling to get the good paint off as it seems to have a real good bite to the hull. Don't think its the smartest to remove paint that is already really solid.
I used "Citristip", you can get it at most big box stores.
I worked surprisingly good on the print that remained on my boat. I painted on a heavy coat of Citristip, covered it with some thin 1mil plastic to let it cook without drying out. After about 2 hrs I removed the plastic sheet and used a plastic putty knife to scrape off the goo. Some areas had all the paint/primer removed in one go other areas took a couple of applications. After scraping off the citristip/paint/primer, I used some mineral spirts on a rag (lots of rags) to remove any remaining sticky stuff.
Although the process took awhile, it turned out to be an easier task than I expected.
I will leave your question about removing or leaving the original paint to the experts on this page. I am a novice painter at best, there are others here that have much more experience and can give you better advice.