You'll be way ahead of me Minch!Not sure if I missed it but whats you time frame for splash!!!
I am with you KC. Projected my first Splash date for around Feb 1st, then May 1st, Now June 1st and really don't see that happening either but will give it a shot. I have a wife, 2 kids and 2 dogs I would love to introduce to the world of boating.
What are you doing sitting around patting yourself on the back????? There's plenty more work to be get out there and get at it.... Oh, and congratulations on getting those boxes done. :thumb: Although I don't know why I believe pix...hmmmm.
Ha, chicken ala Kevin with a nice eeepoxy sauce :hungry:.105 DEG!? could cook a chicken in there!
Ah, pics, now I believe you . Looks great :nerd::encouragement:!
Ha, chicken ala Kevin with a nice eeepoxy sauce :hungry:.