Project Fuggly - No Longer Fuggly And Splashed!!!!!!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2012
Nice progress Arch. Question for you, what tip size and pressure did you shoot the Nason with? I had mine painted with the Nason but was just looking at the trailer and thinking maybe I give that a shot with the left over paint from the boat.


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
GM all of the above. I sprayed the outside of the bow to the windsheild, then sprayed the recessed area and the top / front of the windshield frame from inside. then sprayed down the outside about 8' towards the stern. Then got back in and sprayed the inside of the gunnels and around the dog house. Then back outside to finish up things. I go from one side to the other to keep a wet edge as I am going. Good workout!

As for wood, I picked up some s4s maple yesterday for $3 BF. The Sapele was $5.50 BF in the rough and I got a quote for s4s quarter sawn white oak at $6.50 BF. All 4/4. I bought small quantities, usually it gets cheaper once I pick up more than 100 BF.

I always ended up sanding through the primer on corners We used to spot prime stuff all the time when I worked in the body shop. If it didn't need body work, we just sanded down the paint and went to the booth. I usually spray a sealer (which was a pain in the butt this time) and let it tack up. Then come right back with my paint. The sealer takes care of any transparency splotches in the paint. That usually isn't an issue with solid colors other than reds. Metalics are a whole other ball game, the color under them can really change how they look. As far as adhesion, never had an issue fiberglass as long as it is sanded and clean.

Pat I have no idea on the tip size of this gun, other than it is "correct" lol. By that I mean it is a good size for the speed I like to work at. I will try to take a look later. It could be slightly bigger, but works fine. I'm currently using a DeVelibiss Finishline gun. Not quite a Sharpe, but still works pretty good on metallics. I have also seen some good paint jobs with cheap guns too. Solid colors are a lot more forgiving, metalics really need a good gun.

As for pressure, lol again I have no idea! I painted so much in the body shop that you more or less listen to how it sounds and look at the pattern, I would guess around 45 or 50. I use a regulator on the gun right before the screw on water filter. (the filters are great by the way, get one) I would get a regulator with a gauge on it. I like that because you don't have to fiddle with the regulator on your compressor. I usually open up the air on the gun, get it to where it sounds right, then squirt some paint. You want a nice even fan. If you don't have it high enough, your pattern will be too wet in the middle. Too much and it will be dry in the middle and wet on the outsides. I'd see what Nason recommends on pressure and start in the middle (they probably have a recommendation on the tip too). Depending on your gun you will need to fiddle with it a bit. I usually keep the fan almost wide open, and only tighten up the pattern when I cant get to something. It gets really water gun like when you tighten it up. The trailer should be good practice, I leaned painting semi truck frames. Start at one end and work your way to the other!


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Thanks Teamster,

I was going to start on the trailer today. but its cold and I am thinking I need a break after the paint. I will probably do some cleaning and planning this weekend, then get after it over the long weekend! I really need to sit down and figure out what I need to order, I haven't really thought through the next steps.

I did email 3m and asked for recommendations on spray adhesive for the carpet yesterday. They recommended Super Trim Adhesive. I used Super 90 on Miss Morgan and had ok results. Apparently this one is for use with vinyl backed carpet, so I will give it a whirl. Much easier to work with than a bucket-o-glue!


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
if you can go with 2 15 gallon tanks to evenly space them and t the intake so it pulls evenly from both tanks keeping weight balanced or put tank on port side to offset your weight or vice versa where ever wheel is


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
By the way GM, painting the inside of the bow would be a good yoga routine, lol!

I bet, seeing all the different angled surface areas. That's why I had to ask. Did you use a HVLP gravity type gun or syphon feed? With such angles, I bet it was interesting to get the gun angled to spray without any spilling out the vent holes. I know all about that. :facepalm:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2012
Thanks Arch. I did get some practice on some side transition pieces that double as storage compartments last spring. I used Rustoleum though. Wood limped me through it and they turned out nice despite all my screw ups. Things like spraying the first coat with the compressor unplugged. :facepalm: I newbied that job something fierce. Each coat was a lesson on what not to do. they did come out OK but I think the trailer is more my speed for the level of expertise I have right now.


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
The gun I am using is gravity feed. No worries on the vent drips, Devilbiss has a really good vent. Even my old siphon feed Devilbiss never had drip issues. I have used some guns that had those issues. That is a pain for sure!

Pat, keep in mind the Nason will flash or tack up way faster than Rustoleum. My time between coats was about 15 minutes. I mention that because you have to work back and forth from one side to the other. If you start at one point and work your way around, the area where you started will have flashed and you will get dry over spray where they lap. Not that big of a deal on a trailer. but keep in in mind. I have been planning my and i think I will shoot the bottom, then shoot the tops and side later. Who cares if it is a little rough on the bottom? But I will lap the first coat over the sides some and sand it to get good adhesion.


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
JB sorry :D Wood is next!

No work on Fuggly this weekend, just recharged my batteries! I needed that. Tonight was thinking about the rub rail, there is about a mile of it. I have a new insert but the bow piece is pretty beat up. Shipping on the aluminum pieces is crazy, but there is the option to replace it with one of the flexible vinyl ones. Anyone have any suggestions? Beat and polish or buy a vinyl one?


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
In the end its just a game, the boys from Norman have been whipped good more than once! But I do like it when they win! WV is a good team, they just need to settle down some.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 27, 2007
The plastic rub rail could work, but just seems like it would be a little too plain for how nice Fuggly looks now IMHO. I can't help but picture the retro style of Pusher's sewing machine pic back on page 96 in my head when I'm trying to think which type of rub rail would look best. Needless to say I'd stick with the old aluminum rail, polished up and with a new white insert in it. If the old rail won't clean up, then I'd get a new aluminum one for it. That style of the boat, especially with the colors it is, just looks like it needs some polished metal bits here and there to me. In the end it's your boat, so pick whichever one you like best on it. FWIW this is just my opinion, based on the quality of work I've seen in this thread (and Miss Morgan's) so far.


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
I will most likely stay with the aluminum Gomo, hopefully I can clean up the existing one. The problem with new aluminum is its expensive and the shipping is usually as much as the rub rail. I went thorough that on Miss Morgan. I finally bought it from west Marine, and had it shipped to the store for free. Only problem is the store is in Tulsa, about a 3 hour round trip. I think the shipping on Miss Morgans was going to be about $300. I have found a profile that looks like mine, its about 90$ per 12' stick. I think it would take4 maybe 5 to replace all of it on Fuggly. The bow is the worst of of we'll see.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 27, 2007
That's why I was saying it's just my opinion. I didn't want to sound like I'm trying to spend your money for you. IMHO the best bet is still going to be to try and see if the aluminum rail you have is repairable, which should also be the cheapest solution.

And believe me, I hear you loud and clear on the cost issue. Trying to build the Laker on a fixed income can be a bit difficult at times. I'm always looking for the cheapest option, while at the same time trying not to sacrifice quality. It's a tough balancing act that takes a lot of patience to get it right.


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Gomo, It is fir sure a balancing act! I really didn't plan on replacing it, but after looking at the pain I wonder if that is a least from the point of is it going to look like a rusty bumper on a show car, lol! I think I will try buffing it out and cleaning it up to see where I get.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 27, 2007
The "show car/rusty bumper" analogy is a good way to describe it. That sounds much clearer than how I tried to say it.

If the original rail doesn't clean up, you won't be out anything but some of your time, some sand paper and a little polishing compound. It's definitely worth a shot IMHO.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2012
Well I like spending other people's money Gomopar. NEW NEW NEW. lol. <---coming from the cheapest guy on this site for what it's worth. :D

Keith Ogden

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 22, 2016
I will most likely stay with the aluminum Gomo, hopefully I can clean up the existing one. The problem with new aluminum is its expensive and the shipping is usually as much as the rub rail. I went thorough that on Miss Morgan. I finally bought it from west Marine, and had it shipped to the store for free. Only problem is the store is in Tulsa, about a 3 hour round trip. I think the shipping on Miss Morgans was going to be about $300. I have found a profile that looks like mine, its about 90$ per 12' stick. I think it would take4 maybe 5 to replace all of it on Fuggly. The bow is the worst of of we'll see.

Save $300 for a 3 hr drive ? I'd drive that and I don't make $100 hr. and I am a truck driver ... LOL