Thanks for all the nice comments guys! I am just about wore smooth out, but wanted to post the latest!
Tnstra, it does have some good room around it, especially in the front and back. But the hanger is big, so why not take advantage of it. I am really happy with the lighting too, all those weeks and months of building the hanger are starting to pay off
GM its just .7 mil plastic, stretched nice and tight. There are only two pieces, the roof and the side walls......just like wrapping a Christmas present with 5 rolls of duct tape!
It is for sure Plasticized wood, lol!
Thanks TC, hope it comes out half as good as Miss Morgan!
So here are some pics from tonight.
This is the blower filter plenum....I was worried that it would vibrate things apart. Actually works like a champ. I haven't built the exhaust tunnel yet, but with the paint booth door open, it creates a nice breeze through the door way!
Here is the door assembly, Its similar to the blower housing in that it just has 4 screws that attache it. Should breakdown and store nicely.
This is the inside shot of the blower filter plenum
And this is the plastic pushed out from the fan. It does a nice job of pressurizing things.