Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2008
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

Heck yeah it is a lot of work! I cannot work for more than a couple hours a day bent over laying down resin then glass then more resin then rolling it all out nice and smooth. The good news is I have to cover the two outer supports (not really stringers) with csm and cap off the top of the stringers and I am done...then comes cutting out the floor section.

I also have to figure out how little of a bulk head between the bilge and front area I can get away with. The idea is to be able to find some ballast bags that can fit in the between the center stringer and can be fill with air or water.


Sep 11, 2009
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

Look at the bright side. It won't be long and you will have that phase completed and closed up to never see it again. :D :D
Great job


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2008
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

No pictures.

I just did a little work tonight since I was able to heat the garage.

I cut out some CRAP glass that just didn't please my eye (not much) and prepared to cover it up. I also put down some 1708 over the stringer down the center of the bilge.

If the weather is good this weekend I am going crazy on the boat and HOPE to have the deck down ready for glass on the topside.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2008
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

I will snap some tomorrow or maybe even tonight. I have to put some PL in front of the heater since it was in the shed outside and use it to fill a small gap between the outside stringer and chine.


Jul 3, 2009
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

I am ready to see you progress. I think I am going with the durabak!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2008
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

I put some PL on the outer most stringers (more like deck supports) in between them and the chines. This was a very small gap...too small to shove CSM into so I figured I would fill it and lay the glass over the PL. I made sure to mop up any left over buggers and it came out much better than I hoped... crap I guess I will get some pics.

Here are the outer most deck supports. The gap is on the outside or bottom side and filled with PL.



Here is a really bad picture of the bilge area. Once the deck is on I am going to sand most of this down and go back over it with 1708. THere are a lot of air bubbles back here and this area needs to be strong and very water tight.



Sep 11, 2009
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

Man, it's looking good, It won't be long and you will have that deck on. The worst is really behind you now.
That's the way to stay at it. :cool:
Thanks for the pic's. :D


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2008
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

I have made a decision on my paint. I know I am going to do the inside of the hull except the floor with an off white restoleum, the bilge with bilgekote and still undecieded on the floor.

I have just a little bit more glass to put down and I am ready for the floor and have to wait for the PL I put down last night to cure before laying glass over it. SO I figured I would work on the caR50 (my offroad truck/suv thing). It is time for the caR50's yearly compression check especially since I have about 215,000 miles on her at least 1/8th of that hard offroad use. I was astounded when I got the compression numbers back.

The specs for a Nissan VG33E motor are Max 178PSI, min 128PSI and no more than 14psi between any two cylinders. This is what I got:

1 - 150
2 - 150
3 - 150
4 - 145
5 - 140
6 - 150

Most cylinders had full pressure within 3 compression strokes! I was impressed. I won't need a motor for it this year! More boat money!


Jul 3, 2009
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

LMAO... "More boat money"... I love it man. That is what I say every time I find extra cash. Your boat is looking great man. You sound like me with being picky. I have to just tell myself to quit screwing with it before I mess something up.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 8, 2009
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

Looking good system-f. Care to offer any suggestion or tips on glass work? I was thinking about building a long tall table to set next to boat to set my cloth and supplies on so I'm not tripping and over things. Any assembly line tips?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2008
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

Assembly line tips? I keep my large 5 gallon jugs in the house to stay warm. I get a 2 quart bucket and fill it with resin then take it in the garage with me. Then it is much easier to use the 16 oz of resin I need at a time since pouring from the 2 quart container is easy. I only kick 16oz at time.

The two biggest tips I can give so far are:

1. make sure your surface to glass is as smooth as possible, no PL buggers, no PB buggers no buggers or bumps of any kind.

2. get all kinds of resin rollers, fat ones, wide ones, corner rollers, pretty ones, ugly ones, etc Resin rollers make taking the air bubbles out so much easier.

Today I got the deck panels cut and test fit. I also did the last of the stringer glass work.

To start off with. This is the space I am working in. Too small and cramped. I plan on building a car port that is closed in on all sides but the front before doing this again to another boat.


Here are the aft 8 foot of deck. The covering over the engine area is a table I have stretched across the boat with my glass stuff on it.


You can't really see the lines in this picture, but in order to get the curve for the front 6 foot of deck I had to measure from center to each side every 2 inches. This worked well to give me a rough shape.


And here is the front part of the deck laid in place.


I think I am going to put the CSM on the bottom side of the deck and attached it to the boat while the CSMis still wet while also putting a nice coat of resin over the stringers. This way resin should flow down in to screw holes and help to hold the deck down. I am also going to dip the screws in resin before fastening. I might have to work faster putting the deck down, but this is why I went to so much trouble test fitting and trimming today.


Jul 3, 2009
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

Houston we have major progress. Nice job man. It is really start to come together!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2008
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

One thing I forgot to mention. I think I am going to do things a little bit differently. The plan is:

1. Finish the deck
2. Finish the front top deck
3 Finish front bulkhead
4. Remove cap
5. Flip hull and fix/paint
6. Fix underside of junk in cap, mud dobber nasties
7. turn hull back over and put cap on
8. Seal cap for last time
9. install transom gear
10. test fit engine, build front motor mount
11. paint bilge/hull
12. Install engine/outdrive/mechanicals/electricals just enough to get it running
13. test run the boat, put at least 3 hours on it, check for leaks.

The reason I want to test run the boat before doing the interior or painting the cap is two fold:

1. I want to have as much room as possible to get the mechanicals back in good condition before building out the interior work.

2. working on a running boat really lifts my spirits and makes the job so much more fun. This is completely mental but most of my battles with any project are my mentalness....


Jul 13, 2009
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

I completey agree with you on that last comment (work on a running boat)
it makes a difference!

Heck what motivated us was riding in someone elses similar boat to work on that non running sleekcraft prject, now with the rain and cold Im lolly gagging....short days.....working quite a bit lately too.....holidays and family functions...uhg...either way Im sooooo looking fwd to warm spring days and such ...as it sets my plan is to wear ski bibs and ski jacket/gloves on the maiden voyage of our boat

Looks like you're really jammed into that one car garage! well atleast its easier to warm up with a space heater!:D


Sep 11, 2009
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

Looks like it's going along great.
I was thinking of using Pl on top of the stringers to hold the deck down to reduce the number of screws required. Not sure yet.
Your plan seems like a good one,give it a good shake down cruise then complete the creature conforts. :cool:
Keep rolling


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2008
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

Today I got most of the deck installed. Then I ran out of screws. I also made a command decision on the underside of the deck. At first I planned on putting one layer of CSM, but then I just soaked the bottom of the deck with several coats of resin and called it good. THe reason for this is two fold:

1. gravity will pull water away from the underside of the deck and my last deck lasted a LONG time with no coating on the underside

2. The resin might chip away, but for the time I plan on keep this boat the current deck will last me just fine.

Now for the pics.

Here are the deck cross braces. There is a coat of csm and resin on this board.


Cross braces are in


I have the deck installed back to the bilge with only two more panels to install.


Sep 11, 2009
Re: Poor Man's Skiboat...Restore?

Just think, soon you won't see that part of the boat ever again. Well at least for a very long time.
Getting the deck back in must seem like hitting a milestone in this journey. Congrats Keith. :D:D
Great Job.