Simon Warner
Answered Aug 9, 2014 · Author has 244 answers and 354.2k answer views
Originally Answered:
Do NFL players get full game checks, full salaries, for preseason games?
Preseason pay is set out by the collective bargaining ageeement.
Regular season pay, excluding bonuses, is paid per contract at a rate of 1/17 per week.
From Article 23 of the 2011-2020 Collective Bargaining Agreement
Section 2. Room and Board: All players will receive room and board during the pre-season training camp, and housing between training camp and the Tuesday prior to their Club’s first regular season game for those players who have not as yet established resi-dence in the Team city.
Section 3. First-year Player Per Diem: A first-year player will receive “per diem” payments, commencing with the first day of Preseason Training Camp and ending one week prior to the Club’s first regular season game, at the following weekly rates for the respective League Years: $850 (2011–12 League Years), $925 (2013–14 League Years), $1,000 (2015–16 League Years), $1,075 (2017–18 League Years), $1,150 (2019–20 League Years).
Section 4. Veteran Per Diem: A veteran player will receive “per diem” payments, commencing with the first day of Preseason Training Camp and ending one week prior to the Club’s first regular season game, at the following weekly rates for the respective League Years: $1,600 (2011–12 League Years), $1,700 (2013–14 League Years), $1,800 (2015–16 League Years), $1,900 (2017–18 League Years), $2,000 (2019–20 League Years).