MFG rebuild getting started pics


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

That looks pretty good ! I'll bet you got an "A+" in kindergarten coloring class for staying in the lines ! :D
The Admiral says the shark should be black .. Maybe grey so there will still be some contrast with the black edge ..

If I get the right size black nylon rope do you think I can glue it in for a rub rail ?

I was looking at Sleeper-6 's thread and I think that's what he did but not sure .


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

Personally, I think a White Rope would look better untill it got dirty. The Sealer you Might have to buy online.


Nov 21, 2011
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

Like the emblems...would the rope stay on with just glue? Maybe some 5200 that stuff is pretty awesome


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

If you choose white rope, this might be helpful.

Not so much about choosing a rope, but keeping it clean :cold:


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

I like the rope idea...
I was thinking of using that if my rubber molding is too far gone...
I would be very interested to see what you use, if you go that route, to glue it in...
Oh and BTW, Yes, Thank you...I did...
Here ya go...a matched pair...sort of...:rolleyes:


Have a great weekend!:D


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

Personally, I think a White Rope would look better untill it got dirty.
White rope would look good but a black one would kinda tie the inside gunwhale black stripe along with the stripe on the trailer and the o/b lettering all together .. White rope would prolly be a nightmare to keep clean I'm thinking ..
Like the emblems...would the rope stay on with just glue? Maybe some 5200 that stuff is pretty awesome
That is the million dollar ?. The application ! Pull tight or just lay it in ? Black rope , black adhesive . White rope ,white adhesive . Mechanical fasteners ? I,m sure someone has done this successfully..
If you choose white rope, this might be helpful.
That's about everything you would ever need to know about rope cleaning .. Good thing I have never tried it in the Admiral's machine ! :eek:

Here ya go...a matched pair...sort of...:rolleyes:
I think your on to something ! The more me looky the more me likey ! It makes the shark look more real and stand out from the white hull. :cool:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

How about this .

Clear or black adhesive . Sillycone maybe ? I have this thin black leader making wire that I could tie around r/r fastening screws to use for a mechanical fastening "backup" ..
I have heard the only drawback with rope r/r is fish hooks like to get snagged on them sometimes . I don't do tons of fishing with the MFG so I see it as not a problem . Prolly no fishing once the GM gets back on the water ..


Nov 21, 2011
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

we must think alike SP...I was thinking along these lines...


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

I'd bed in 5200. That stuff is strong... It's white but you wont see i...., and also tie it off... Going to look really cool, and hooks don't get caught if you have fish on them :)


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 8, 2012
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

Not much help here other than to say I like the rope idea.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 8, 2012
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

Absolutely loved that video! I think I might have peed myself. Best laid plans......thank God you had the foresight to test your plan.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

best laid plans :facepalm:

Next time to simulate taking on water, maybe ya could have Chris throw water at you too... :rolleyes:

If you want to continue w/ the rope deployment system, I'd suggest you tie the PFD's at the neck collar. Hopefully they'll lie flat and not get hung up during retrieval....

Quickly getting them untied, so they can be put on & the wearer can go overboard if needed, may be the plan's undoing....

Maybe the hamster needs fresh water, a new bowl of food, fresh woodchips & some axle grease on his wheel....

Nice of you to also post the almost as planned video.... It's all trial & error...


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

I loved it! LMAO&ROFL!:laugh:
Perfect way to start out the week, Thank you!

Actually a very hamster stimulating scenario...
I have given a passing thought to this throughout my build and have come to a couple of conclusions...

You can plan for every conceivable event and still not be prepared...:facepalm:

You can prepare for every event and something will screw it up...:eek:

You can screw up a perfectly prepared plan and have it turn out OK...:faint2:

Hopefully when the time comes, I will take the advice of those more knowledgeable than myself and always be wearing a PFD when under power, and try to keep the PFD's slung on the back of a seat when just floating...

I don't ever want to be under power and slam into something, get thrown out of the boat, knocked unconscious, run over by my own boat, be shredded and this guy almost did, but was saved by having a kill switch and a PFD...

Keep working on your idea, might come up with a million dollar life saving set up...

Oh yeah, and on the rope for the rub rail...if you use wire to help tie it down, make sure it is a rust resistant type...
Like Monel wire { available here...High Performance Alloys - Wire Products } or SS...:rolleyes:

Have an excellent week!:D


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

I'm disappointed!!! With your fabrication skills I woulda thought you woulda made a conveyor belt or a vacuum tube. But a ROPE PULL!!!! Come on Sam!!!! You can do better than that!!!!:D


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

Keep working on your idea, might come up with a million dollar life saving set up...


I am all about life jackets and safety... However, a huge part of boat safety is not driving like a mad-man, at full throttle in a grossly-overpowered boat, with very little draft.

I am truly glad he is okay, but if weren't show-boating and ramping wakes he would have never needed his life jacket and kill switch...

Off my soapbox...carry on!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

Absolutely loved that video! I think I might have peed myself. Best laid plans......thank God you had the foresight to test your plan.
Yeh that test run didn't quite go as planed ! At least I kept my composure when the first jacket got hung up .
If you want to continue w/ the rope deployment system, I'd suggest you tie the PFD's at the neck collar. Hopefully they'll lie flat and not get hung up during retrieval....

Quickly getting them untied, so they can be put on & the wearer can go overboard if needed, may be the plan's undoing....
My thought was to get some of the little aluminum spring clamps to hold them to the rope . I have a pvc pipe installed in the bow that the vest are hung on then pull the rope and the slide off the end . First run was flawless but that was using both hands to help guide. It was a bit more difficult operating a camera at the same time. I think I need to change the hamsters diet .. :joyous:
I loved it! LMAO&ROFL!:laugh:
Perfect way to start out the week, Thank you!

Oh yeah, and on the rope for the rub rail...if you use wire to help tie it down, make sure it is a rust resistant type...
Like Monel wire { available here...High Performance Alloys - Wire Products } or SS...:rolleyes:
Glad I helped start your week with a chuckle ! Good point about the pfd and kill switch . A friend at work has one of those 90 mph bass boats . His girl friend and her friend was out in it by themselves . They got hung up on a log and to free it up they left the o/b in gear at idle speed . Both on the bow bouncing until it bumped over the log . One girl fell out and the boat ran over her almost cutting her leg off .Not sure if she had a vest on but it just goes to show anything can happen no matter the speed if you do stupid stuff.
The wire I have is made to make rigs with . I'm not sure if it,s even metal. Haven't seen it rust yet ..
the rope idea looks really good
Thanks , the rubrail rope or the pfd rope ? :facepalm:
I'm disappointed!!! With your fabrication skills I woulda thought you woulda made a conveyor belt or a vacuum tube. But a ROPE PULL!!!! Come on Sam!!!! You can do better than that!!!!:D
:dispirited: Yeh your right .. But sometimes simple design's work the best . Just not this time !
Off my soapbox...carry on!

Yeh the boat was definitely doing a chine dance to start with . I almost always slow down going over wakes . Never at wot . I never wear my jacket just cruising but if it gets rough and I feel uneasy it,s going on ..


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

Happy Labor Day everyone !!

Took a chance on the crowds and the weather . Turned out to be a nice day !


Nov 21, 2011
Re: MFG rebuild getting started pics

Looks like a fabulous day! Glad you are getting out and having fun with the boat...