Just wanted to say great job on the hull you got her looking good. Before you know it you'll be out fishing and have forgotten all about the itch.
Quite a project you got there GT. You'll have a nice piece when you are done. I feel for you working in that heat. We had record setting temps here in Dallas this past summer. That is a big part of why my project slowed to a stand still. Now that the weather has cooled off an injured back has me down and out. Hopefully back surgery fixes all that this month. and I can get mine done before spring.
Thanks Jon, that is what I am hoping...stop itching and start fishing!
Thanks Mohican,
The heat isn't too bad, OUTSIDE the dust dome, its inside the damn thing that it gets Stupid Hot!
Hey man I will keep you in my prayers for a super quick recovery from your back surgery, heal fast, splash soon!
Pine isn't very rot resistant. Only some Lowes carry it, HD does not. I'll take a look and see if I can ifnd you some.
This is 3/4" http://www.lowes.com/pd_161485-49114-LBR-161485_?PL=1&productId=3014767
My HD carries it, also cannot rely solely on the website for everything, going to the store or calling is you best bet, they don't always list everything
Thanks JDA,
I will probably try the calling route, cause the only HD's or Lowes I will go to are at least 20+ miles away...I don't like the service at the 9 different HD's and Lowes that are closer......too many Know nothings...hopefully I can get someone on the phone that can actually help me out...