Re: Love, Necessity and Pride
Nice job.... Now get crackin on the glassin'....
.... Seeing that boat without its guts really shows you how wide a beam (relative to height) those bass boats have...
Look forward to the next steps
Thanks...actually did some glassing today...hopefully it doesn't come back to bite me...[see explanation below]...
Speaking of beams and guts and height, I resemble those remarks...LOL...
Enjoyed the conversation and getting to know you. Let me know if I can help with anything...Anytime!
Yessir, me too, and thanks again for all you have done and all the great information and assistance you constantly provide us knuckleheads...I am very excited to see the Flamingo get its feathers's hoping that pans out this weekend...the engine sounded ready...
And, speaking of wet...
My first actual foray into fiberglassing was a fair to midland success...let me 'splain...
set up a little pop up shelter, mostly to keep the heat off, got all the basics set up, and glassed in the bilge drain backer plus plugged up a couple of no longer needed drain holes...
The holes were thoroughly cleaned with acetone, the holes were backed up with good 'ol duct tape, several little discs of CSM and 1708 were cut to fit the holes and build some thickness, and a couple of faired layers, progressively larger of CSM and 1708 for strength were all glassed in...
They turned out solid as the surrounding hull...very happy with the results...
Then the bilge drain backer got slathered in my very first batch of PB, smooshed into place, and a little filetting around the edges... [this is the same piece that I fiberglassed in post #386, pic #5]
See that shiny wet lookin stuff in the picture above...
The Rest of the Story...
As you can see in the first picture, it was all bright and Sunny and warm and No Rain Expected!!!
Well of course as I am sitting there admiring my work, the skies start to darken up, I scramble to get everything under cover, but it was toooooo late! The skies opened up with a vengeance and by the time I got most everything indoors, my can of chopped fibers was pretty much soaked, and in less than 10 minutes, there was water half way up the transom, with no place for it to go...remember, I just plugged all the lowermost drain holes...
So it rained, and rained, and rained for the better part of an hour, very heavily, I might add...and by the time it stopped, even the few holes left in the hull, were no match, water was pouring over the top of the transom and all the remaining hull perforations...kind of looked like the fountain at the Bellagio Hotel in Vegas, although not as pretty or choreographed...
I raised the jack all the way, got about 50% of the water out, then I broke out my recently aquired wet vac, and filled it 6 times [its a 14 gallon size], to get most of the water out [Note to CC254- now I know it could definitely work as a hot tub]...
Well to make a long story longer, it has been spittin and drizzlin off and on since, it'll prolly be full of water again by morning, after which I hope I can get it dried up, the "NEW" piece I installed isn't saturated, and I can get a new drain hole drilled out and sealed with resin...
This has been my fear of starting on the fiberglassing from the beginning...with no proper shelter, I will be running this risk of getting drenched right in the middle of a major lay-up...I am trying to figure out a solution, but they all cost money...something I am not too close to, lately...but in the end, I will prevail!
Hope y'all are havin a fun and productive weekend...
Happy Thoughts...