

Apr 24, 2005
Re: Lost

Ken, in response to the remarks by JB, I hope you understood and actually am sure you realized my remark about stupid was made in gist. As for JB it is clear where you stand and how you chose to operate.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Lost

By the way all, my purpose on this post was so we could all see the numbers and digest the meaning. We talk and all the while young men and women are dying and for what purpose and to what end.

Just so we remember we have sent over 2600 to their death and over 19,000 wounded.

W says his plan is to let the next administration handle it, I say we can not wait while more soldiers die.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Lost

JB, Ken,

Where did anybody say mods cannot have opinions?

We just went through all of this a month ago and here we go again. The expressed "opinions" are to be about thoughts and ideas, not people. If my "opinion" of you you is something less than favorable, AM I ALLOWED TO EXPRESS IT? The short and long answer to that is NO!

That is precisely what happened. An opinion was expressed regarding txs, and not his words. It is getting very old hearing the same person make personal attacks and then come up with some crazy justification for them. There is no justification for personal attacks, even if it is an opinion. I guess if you don't get it by now, you never will.

Speaking of "never getting it," why do you continue to say something as ignorant as that KIZ? Are you trying to say intelligent people do not have the ability to learn? That today's thoughts and opinions cannot be different tomorrow with just cause? That opinions and beliefs do not change? Rediculous. Do you also believe you have some kind of inside track on the knowledge of war, on terrorism, and that any opinion different from yours is wrong? Only the truly ignorant believe they know everything KIZ.

Regarding Chong's article, you read it and applied it to your personal beliefs. You did not read it w/o bias. Then you claim to understand it and then make some crazy claim that others "will never get it.".

Where did Chong say to destroy Iraq and continue to die rebuilding it? Where did he say Iraq was the enemy? If you read all of his words, he clearly states that terrorist are the enemy and OBL is the main player in terrorism. I never disagreed with this, txs never disagreed with this. We are speaking out against what is happening in Iraq. Chong never said we must be united in the rebuild of Iraq nor did he elude to it. Chong clearly states that to stop terrorism, the person in charge must be stopped. Do you remember who he clearly states that person is...OBL. As long as extremist are willing to die for their cause and are given direction from their leader, nothing will change. OBL is their leader. Are you getting it yet KIZ?

You can keep knocking out little cells here and there but they will quickly be replaced as long as they have direction. OBL gives them direction and cause.

Now, for someone claiming a great understanding for what Chong's message is, you show little evidence of that. Are you getting it yet? Go back to the first post of txs after Chong's letter. Txs said what I just said. He was one of a few that got Chong's message. Some of you others read it and then made it fit to what you believe and what W is doing today.

Fight terrorism, great, I'm all for it. Sit around waiting for something good to happen by accident, I'm not happy with it.

Furthermore, regarding this expert Chong, he speaks a great deal regarding how to win. He never, ever, ever, states how we will know when we have won, nor have I ever heard W or anybody else ever attempt to explain how we will know when we have won. The simple answer is when all the terrorist are dead. That will never happen. Chong also attempts to explain why good muslims become terrorists. If you also believe that, then you must also believe terrorist will continue as long as there are muslims with one extremist among them. Sounds like a bunch of propaganda to me. How do you win a war, when you will never know you have won? Chong does nothing but write fluff in an attempt to bring a few anti-war people over to the republican side with nothing more than scare and guilt tactics.

What does "national elections" have to do with being united against terrorists? Nothing! Is Chong saying we cannot be united with a democrat as a Prez? That is exactly what he is saying.

Chong said;

"These people are a serious and dangerous liability to the war effort. We must take note of who they are and get them out of office."

"I hope now, after the election, the factions in our country will begin to focus on the critical situation we are in, and will unite to save our country. It is your future we are talking about! Do whatever you can to preserve it. I reiterate. A national election is months away."

His entire piece is is flavored with pro republican and anti dem BS. What does being "united" in a single effort to stop terrorism have to do with elections?

Since I am in disagreement with Chong;

Does this mean he will pray for me as he said he would. Is he telling me I will go to hell, unless I believe and follow his words? Now he thinks he is God or that he knows what God would do. Hmmm, sounds like a scare tactic to me? Not only does he give himself a great deal more credit than he deserves, many of you are as well. Sheeple. Did Chong not say something regarding "false prophets," as described in the Bible.

By the way, for the record, Chong mispelled many words in his well written document including "Profit." Worse yet, he did not mispell it, he used the wrong word entirely. I only point this out as my claim that he is not all that he wishes you to believe.....sheeple. Does W have an alias?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Lost

JB, you said;

"says something stupid."

"How, pray tell, is this not a personal attack if "He just doesn't understand." is out of line?"

Would you like us to believe 2 wrongs make a right? Otherwise, it's irrelevant regardless of the intent of txs.

Txs explained his motives. Besides, if txs did use it as a personal attack, he was simply following your mode of operation. You keep doing it, therefore, it must be fair game.

I will tell you why saying "he does not understand" is personal. It's personal because you have zero proof of his understanding. You only have an opinion, not proof. Therefore, when you say he does not understand, you have placed your intelligence above his. You did not break his thoughts down with your own points. You simply implied, you are smarter than him. Show proof, otherwise it was a personal remark.

Nobody here is a "JB basher." It only happens when you take it to the next level. I have never attacked you prior to you making a personal attack. Even then, I attack what you say and not you the person. There is a difference.


Jan 22, 2002
Re: Lost

Just so we remember we have sent over 2600 to their death
we did not send a single soldier over there to die, that is total BS. that is a total sheehan-type falsehood.
I do not condone Saddam or his actions but they were not our business and in many parts of this world, if the leader is threatened with assassination, then leader responds as did Saddam.
so did you forget bush sr was also threatened with assasination by saddam? geez
No one mentioned anything as we invaded Iraq that we were fighting to wipe out terrorist.
nah, our prez really didn't say we were fighting a global war on terrorism on several fronts, and iraq was a part of that global fight against terrorism.

i don't recall how many times our prez has gone over this, but its probably in the last state of the union addy, and you can probably still find it on the www.

have a good evening


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Lost

Seek out all of the bad seeds in Iran,Iraq,etc...etc...and snuff them out by "surgical" or "covert" means..Fantasy land.Our countries politically correct machine can't even clean up gang corruption in any one of our major cities.Now I'm not advocating doing nothing.Just viewing the "war on terror" as more of a perpetual exercise instead of something that has an end date in sight.I liken it to a 3 story wood house infested with termites and killing them one at a time with a toothpick.


Jan 22, 2002
Re: Lost

Where did Chong say to destroy Iraq and continue to die rebuilding it? Where did he say Iraq was the enemy? If you read all of his words, he clearly states that terrorist are the enemy and OBL is the main player in terrorism.
i didn't see any mention in the MrLF post regarding chong - where OBL is mentioned.
What does being "united" in a single effort to stop terrorism have to do with elections?
you can probably refer back to a part you apparently erased from your short term memory.... right out of the document you're complaining about:
The politicians and pundits have even talked of impeachment of the Secretary of Defense. If this doesn't show the complete lack of comprehension and understanding of the seriousness of the enemy we are fighting, the life and death struggle we are in and the disastrous results of losing this war, nothing can.
and also this part:
Again, the answer is simple. We can lose the war by "imploding." That is, defeating ourselves by refusing to recognize the enemy and their purpose, and really digging in and lending full support to the war effort. If we are united, there is no way that we can lose. If we continue to be divided, there is no way that we can win!

and as a parting stmt on your flaming & war dissertation, i can use your own reply to others you are flaming because you think they are out of line....
I guess if you don't get it by now, you never will.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Lost


Please read my post where I also quoted Chong and his writings. Perhaps you erased that from your short-term memory. Maybe, you completely skipped over it.

As far as politicians speaking of impeachment, a few democrats speaking like this will keep us from being united in the war on terror? Not hardly. Please explain why people in this country wanting to change directions keeps the mission in Iraq from being accomplished. Remember, W is "staying the course."

Also, remember my position on Chong. I do not agree with his total view. Therefore, don't ask me to recognize those quotes you have provided as a record of proof. He lacks credentials to offer anything other than opinion.

The problem is not the talk of impeachment. Rather, it is the actions of W and the rest of this admin. His poor judgement and direction is what is dividing us.

You quoted Chong twice, please tell me why his words are absolute. They are not.

As far as my final quote "I guess if you don't get it by now, you never will."

It was sarcasm only used because those are the same words KIZ keeps throwing around. Did you not read them in KIZ's posts? I am not so shallow that I would take someone else's statement and attempt to use it as my own in a serious manner. I have stated before that I often do this when a rediculous statement is used.

Please read all of the posts, and thanks for trying.


Jun 14, 2005
Re: Lost

Been awhile since I did this, so here it is. For those of you that dont know, its a little picture I made for txs winnner. Since all of his topics are trolls, I made it in his honor. And it pisses him off that I get to add to my post count when I post it.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Lost

All I can say further on this topic is if it is the all important struggle that W, and the neo-cons say it is, and what the libs are too "dense" to understand the importance of, why did we adopt the Rumsfeld doctrine of going in with just enough troops to lose?


Jul 27, 2004
Re: Lost

Maybe because the military was so run down after the Clinton Administration that we didn't want to commit any more troops than we felt absolutely necessary in case hostilities broke out some where else and we had to go there? Because they thought that it would be like the first gulf war and the Iraqies would surrender easily? Maybe I have missed something while out fishing but I didn't realize we had lost. When did that happen?


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Lost

How lame is that to still be blaming Clinton? You guys crack me up! Is there any accountability or responsibility ever in your beloved idealogy?

If we were not ready to go in, we shouldn't have gone in! It's not like Saddam was an imminent threat to us


Master Chief Petty Officer
Nov 28, 2003
Re: Lost

PW has finally said something I agree with. We did not go in with enough troops. What the hell was the rush to Bagdad? In my opinion we should have taken our time and taken over the country slowly from the south. You completely crush them, occupy the area and stabilize it before you move the front. It would have taken longer and probably cost more lives but if you are going to war to overthrow a govt. you do it completely. Rumsfield has screwed this up from the get go IMHO.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Lost

PW2 said:
All I can say further on this topic is if it is the all important struggle that W, and the neo-cons say it is, and what the libs are too "dense" to understand the importance of, why did we adopt the Rumsfeld doctrine of going in with just enough troops to lose?

Good question. Why did the liberal congress approve it. And how did this topic drift from a troll or whine to W .....



Jun 19, 2002
Re: Lost

cpj said:
Been awhile since I did this, so here it is. For those of you that dont know, its a little picture I made for txs winnner. Since all of his topics are trolls, I made it in his honor. And it pisses him off that I get to add to my post count when I post it.

This is good but somehow I imagined him with hair like Al.Enstein... can you revise it for me?


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Lost

Hey tx and others. I rarely take offense to anything said here. Its just a good discussion. These discussions can get heated and being humans we can put emotion in it.

I once got POed when someone said I put my boating before my childrens education. If they saw my boat and how often I use it, they would realize how much the opposite is true. Accusastions based on assumtions do tend to PO me.

What I mean by "dont get it" is that you wont ever understand my opinion. You clearly dont see things the way I see them, and you probably never will. It doesnt question you intellegence, just your viewpoint and opinion.

In other words, it is my opinion that your opinion is wrong.


I strongly believe that the majority of Iraqis want the USA to be there. If not, then the US military deaths would be much higher as they out number us significantly.

It is only the radical Muslims that want us dead and I really want to fight them in thier own country, rather than have them come here and fight.



Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Lost

Your right we didnt have enough troops, you never ever can have enough.

Plenty of mistakes have been made, I cant think of a single war that mistakes werent made.

Remember, the Allied forces got their butts kicked for the longest time in WWII.



Apr 24, 2005
Re: Lost

For someone who does not understand and is nothing more than a troll, these threads of mine sure get a lot of attention.

CJY, If you note, any response to intellectual opinion or reasoning seems to me with attacks directed at the ability of ones process rather than the opinions. This has always been a tactic of power leading the uninformed or non-thinkers. It works today in many countries. Those who might have read such works as Exodus (the book, not Bible chapter) see where this ignorance by the people is needed to give the limited few power.

What is most frightening today is we see it here in our country where the masses tend to not think but repeat ideologies that they simply follow without thought.

An example is to attack the remark "We have sent over 2600 soldiers to die," by commenting we did not send them to die. A better response than attacking the rhetoric would be to explain ones opinion of exactly what they died for. Perhaps such a response is not available.

Remember we went to Iraq to eliminate WMD and then to free the people of Iraq from the oppression of Saddam. I say ok W, mission accomplished now get the troops home and let the people govern.

OK let the personal attacks begin. It is good to see many on here who actually do read and think.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Lost

I believe Mr Ladfish's post is what saved your troll. :devil:

Often times ones process is attacked because it is the process that allows that opinion to be formed.

I wholeheardly agree with you about the masses tending to not think. Overwhelmingly the masses are against GWB right now. I blame the media. Your belief that the leadership can control the country is flawed, just check any recent poll.

Your phaseology incided a smart ass reponse. Phase your statement in an unbiased way and you will get a better response.

Here is why they died: They died fighting the enemy. Period.

Why pull out now when we have so many enemies in one location?
