Re: i386 Boat Restoration. (Crosby Sled)
What is that quarter for??? Ballast????
Looking good.
Nah, I thought I'd repair those bubbles with quarters. It's cheaper than epoxy.
I have a question about the foam as I will be putting in foam next year.
Did you pour in the foam and completly fill all the cracks and such then cut it level and put the deck on?
if you do it like this do you need any drainage holes or are you hoping that no water get in at all?
Thanks Fuzzey
I thought about doing it the way you mentioned, but foam is expensive and that method would produce a lot of waste.
What I did was drill 1/2" holes with a paddle bit every 12" in each of the 3 cavities. Then I tipped the bow up. I poured foam in stages working my way from stern to bow. I then filled all the holes with thickened epoxy and finally glassed over the entire deck.
I glued the deck down with PL glue. It's not going anywhere, but the foam IS stuck to the deck so I guess you could say it's helping hold the deck on.
If you're going to do foam I think that's the most cost effective way to do it, but it was also very time consuming. Calculate your required volume carefully and pour your foam on a hot day. The hotter it is outside, the more it expands. The more it expands the less you need.