Had a great day today! Got a decent nights sleep last night and put in 3 solid hours of work on the boat this morning. Typically we only have about 1 or 2 hours max before the heat forces us back indoors. We got out there earlier today compared to other days. And it was just a bit cloudy this morning too, which kept the heat down and allowed us to keep on rocking. Booyah! :thumb:
Bucked all the remaining marked rivets down tight. I reckon we bucked between 200 and 300 rivets in total. Did a final grinding of all the seams and cleaned 'em up bright and shiny. After that we called it a day and packed everything up as storm clouds started rolling in.
Next step will be to do a final vacuuming of the hull interior and a wash down with 1/2 vinegar and water. Then I'll pull the boat off the trailer and start applying the Gluvit! Woo hoo!
While out running errands today we swung by HD and I checked out several things. They do have some marine ply in stock for $79 per 3/4 x 4 x 8 sheet. Steep but it will have to do. And I'll also get my 10% veteran discount so that'll help.
Checked out those Cloroplast sheets and I'll definitely be buying those to use for the side panels in my Kingfisher. They're plenty strong enough for that purpose and are nice and light. Plus they're UV resistant and paintable. HD only sells them in 72x36 white panels but I know they're available in a variety of colors. Am hoping that I can order some 4' x 8' gray ones without paying outrageous shipping fees. If not, I'll get the white and paint 'em up. Eyeballed some aluminum angle stock as well as some flat stock to use to hold the panels in place.
Then we went over and looked at the pink foam board insulation. The only size I saw at HD was 3/4 x 4 x 8 for the pink stuff. Looks like it'll work but I'll also go to Lowes and check out their options. I believe they have some 2" blue foam board over there.
Plus we checked out the 1 5/8 stainless deck screws and I will definitely be using those to secure my deck flooring back into place when the time comes. I like the idea of being able to easily remove the deck if I need to for some reason.
Sooo... a
great day today! Got good work done in the hull and also went boat supply shopping.