Re: hull extension in progress with picks
Re: hull extension in progress with picks
ok guys........
one step forward and five steps backward !
as you know.....i found some minor orange peel in the side areas last night and needed to take them out.......i ran out of 400 grit so i went to get some more and my supplier was i went to a boat gellcoat specialist called marguetts.......i tryed to beg some 400 hook and loop for a 8 inch disc.....or even a 6 inch !
i was a little disturbed by some minor surface scratches in the i thought i would just ask about that as well.......
they told me that on white gellcoat....they wet sand at more.!....then just polishing compound and done.......
they also told me to put a light on the area i was it shows everything.
they didnt have any paper in the grit i i just went to lordco and paid $2. 50 a sheet
in the mean time i figgured id try ondarvrs trick again...(and wize's suggestion kept nagging at me) when i got back to the boat.....
i polished at 600......then 800.....and still minor scratches....
then i wet sanded a little more thouroghly than i did last night....hit one spot and polished and saw what happened.......
in another spot....i dry sanded and took it to 1000.....(the boat is allready done in 1000 right now.......)
and what a revelation......the wet sand spot still had the minor surface scratches in the gell and the 1000 grit dry was absolutely perfect........
the guys from the boat place sat it and were amazed at the shine i got out of the area i dry sanded..........
so i figgered i was done......just polish........the hull was allready dine to 1000 just the bow, chines and strakes needed to be finished off.
then i took the light to the side and all i saw was tiny orange peel dimples every two inches or so............ARRRRGH....!
so tonight it was back to 400 grit on the sides.....and do my nemisis....the bow and the strakes and chines........
the good news is......all the boat needs right a few passes with lower grits.....400-600-800-1000 im even gonna go as high as tests with the high grit were spectacular.......this can be done in just a few short hours..........and i also changed to a lower grit of farecla polishing compound.......(finer)
tackelwasher wants me to launch saturday......but this weekend is supposed to be stunning...(camping time) im still gonna try to float tommorow night.....
i took of the highly polished area....after i worked on the doesnt look like much.....but when it was first was flawless....
this is last nights wet sand
this was tonights dry sand......after i had allready sanded over it with 400 grit
the farring sucks....there is worbles every where....but im gonna have to live with them unless i want to regellcoat another 3 times
sorry i didnt get more pics....but the boyz had my truck and the camera was in it........
tommorows a big day