Re: hull extension in progress with picks
Re: hull extension in progress with picks
I have been reading this thread and it's amazing what you are doing. All of my previous fiberglassing was on sailboats and nothing this extensive. I'm learning alot. One question - with as much work as your doing on this it almost seems a pity to throw the little v6 on it. With all the gurus you've had helping you and all the attention to detail you've paid to this I can't see how you would have issues. Lastly will you be adding any sort of foam under the floor in between the stringers? Is there any foam that once exposed to any water will not become a sponge? Thanks again. I read the whole thread in two days - my wife kept asking me what the heck I was doing being so mesmerized - I told her I'd found the best reality show so far
hi renny...the 4.3l is only for the water tests.....jus untill i make sure the hull is good...(doesnt turn corners on me

) once the water trials are good....the 4.3l..(v6 )comes out...and a 383 stroker goes in...575 hp@6000 rpm.....that ids the only way i can see the boat doing any thing respectable on the water....
as far as the foam friend "coors" calles it "water sucking foam" and he's foam in the boat under the deck...(floor)
however ...i agree with the need for flotation in case of i left room in the sole (floor) for alternative that pfd's under the floor....or actual spray on foam under the top deck....the jury is still out on this subject.....however im leaning toward some of both