hull extension in progress with pics

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Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 2, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

I just spent the last 2 hours looking through the mid section of this tread. I never found where you put any flotation foam in the boat. Did I miss something, or is it not needed?


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

i did not foam the boat.

this was due to my fear of the foam rotting the stringers
and it is not required in vessels over 25 feet, ir hime built/rebuilt boats.

however.......foam has some super qualities i love and cannot ignore.

i have since devised a way to foam a boat with out any worries of costs a little more and takes a little longer....(5 hours longer).....but well worth it

if i step the hull this winter...
i will post detailed pics of how to do this and never ever have fear of water saturation.
this will allow you to use the anti crush benefits of the foam as well as the obvious safety benefits


Sep 8, 2006
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

i will post detailed pics of how to do this and never ever have fear of water saturation.

What a wonderful Christmas present this will be for forum members!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 8, 2009
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

I don't get on iboats much. It's great to see this thread is still going strong. It's my favorite at iboats. (although I just found that one about the HydroSwift hardtop) Run, Oops, run!


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

lol....more to come........just waiting to get over the christmas money crunch......


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 8, 2009
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

I've been meaning to ask...I guess enough time has passed since you created those dust storms by sanding with no mask. Have you experienced any respiratory problems (increased lung sludge, productive cough, ear or nasal infections, etc)? Also, include any noticeable increase in sensitivity to fiberglass products.

I've worked with glass, resin & catalysts, and foam for years and in spite of my best efforts I sometimes experience that increased sensitivity. Working with exotic hardwoods can produce some of the same problems. Be safe.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 19, 2008
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

OMG the hull thread. This needs to be a sticky. Everyone references it when it comes to boat repair.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

I've been meaning to ask...I guess enough time has passed since you created those dust storms by sanding with no mask. Have you experienced any respiratory problems (increased lung sludge, productive cough, ear or nasal infections, etc)? Also, include any noticeable increase in sensitivity to fiberglass products.

I've worked with glass, resin & catalysts, and foam for years and in spite of my best efforts I sometimes experience that increased sensitivity. Working with exotic hardwoods can produce some of the same problems. Be safe.


i do not have any infections, skin rash (except after direct contact with dust, but this goes away after a few hours).. acetone with out a mask now just about makes me pass out (when im cleaning a gun.....a little on a rag and wiping is just fine) porblems with styerene.....i still get the itch......but with the bio med suit.....this only happens when i quickly grab the grinder and do a small part with out suiting up....(it takes me about 20 mins to get dressed to grind) far as lung a

ondarvr and i discussed this over a beer one night......he said "in all my years of doing this....i have not heard of one person getting problems from poly based materials"....(it was forgone that he meant using basic safety equipment)....."epoxy is a different story"


when we were sanding the hull.....we did not wear masks...we were higher than the boat (as the hull was flipped) and only using hand powered long boards, so the kick up was minimal for sanding.

now-a-days.....i repair hulls for a living and i use different safety equipment, like a full face resporator and a bio med suit with coveralls over top.

i am under boats all the time.....when i blow out a room there is in inch of dust from just one hours sanding/grinding.....the dust is immence...and really nasty stuff.

my gf says i wheeze at night.....this tends to subside over a week or two from a major 5 day session. as cartridges for my mask are 10 bux each....i just blow them out with air lots and change a small filter in them often ranter than the whole cartridge every day.

just recently.......i changed the filters on the aircompressor......(i am really anal about keeping the compressor free of dust, but this was the first time i changed the compressor)
plastic parts of the compressor filter cage were so badly clogged with dust ie used wire brushes and acetone to clean them......the stuff was like rock....

this has challenged me to further think about proper breathing aperatus and better ways to keep the area properly vented in the winter. !

this is real serious stuff guys......the side of the shop i work in is just about the size of the average one car garage.....(we call it the dust bowl) the big door is closed due to winter.....and the dust stays in the room........ if you are sanding or grinding in an enclosed area like this..... take extra special care of your safety equipment.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 8, 2009
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Thank you for that response. I guess if anyone were to have a 'silo explosion' from all the dust, it would be Oops. heh heh
Seriously, large amounts of dust can create a static charge in the air, especially when the air is very dry like in the winter.

It sounds like you've developed a sensitivity to solvents, acetone specifically. I figure I've ingested enough glass, etc over the years I could build a surfboard. Other than my eyes getting itchy and watery and sore, I haven't had a lasting problem

The worst case of sensitivity I have seen is my friend who has run a cabinet shop for many years. His skin will break out with what looks like mumps and if he doesn't exit the room soon enough his esophagus will constrict and he may aphixiate. This even though he is very on top of keeping his dust system clean and emptied every day.


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

In general, and I say in general because some people will have reactions to almost anything, I haven't seen people have problems even when they don't use good safety gear and/or techniques, and this is even over many years of exposure.

After saying that, you should always use common sense and do whatever you can to not breath dust or fumes, there's no need to take chances.

For decades it was common to not use any protective gear, many shops didn't have respirators and even dust masks were rarely used, even then what killed the employees was drugs and alcohol.

The typical person that hasn?t worked with resin before will be able to smell even very small amounts of styrene (the smell of resin) in the air, it will be far lower than the recommended levels set for long term exposure in the work place. So just because you can smell it doesn?t mean you are going to die next week from a brief whiff.

Yacht Dr.

Vice Admiral
Feb 26, 2005
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

For oops...

For your closed cell grind-o-rama area..I would build a DIY filtration system. I have done this for internal exhaust..and external exhaust..

Its basically a cheap box made from osb..has a fan in the box with both sides cut out.

For internal filtration...

Tape a furnace filter ( or multiple furnace filters taped together ) on the Sucking side and a filter on the outlet side ( for a defuser kinda thing ).

For external filtration/exhaust..

Same box and filters..but this time you have 2 sections of 24"(ish) ducting attached to the front and back of the box. One side is close to your grind area ( or placed inside the tent of your work area ) and the other hose from the back end of the box going outside.

You can modify with multiple boxes/fans/filters to the application and location :) .


PS. allergic reactions with poly normally happens when your away from it for some time..


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

even then what killed the employees was drugs and alcohol.

OH SH*T.....gonna make an appointment to see the MD now !
(hmmm......i wonder if the doctor can remove my liver....wash it with a garden hose, armorall it back up ...and re install it?

For oops...

For your closed cell grind-o-rama area..I would build a DIY filtration system. I have done this for internal exhaust..and external exhaust..

PS. allergic reactions with poly normally happens when your away from it for some time..

an exhaust fan was discussed.......but since i intend to get my shop back soon....we decided against cutting a hole in the guys shop.

and not to jinx myself......but im one of the lucky people that does not have any allergys.....even after i step away from it for a few doesnt bother me.

but i will admit.....I HATE THE ITCH!


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

speaking of the itch......

as i mentioned...i am using a bio med suit for is basically a light raincoat with a hood and elastics around the cuffs and feet.
i use this, along with coveralls. i also wear a large bath towel around my head over the hood of the suit......the ends of the towel are wrapped around my neck (this is incase a grinding disc flys apart) and tucked into the coveralls.
i use 11 mil rubber gloves that are tapped to the bio suit. and a full face resporator....
not one inch of my skin (or hair) is exposed

in the 07 bluewater i just did......i was grinding for over 50 hours.....(yep....a full week of grinding) and i was so well protected that mrs oops didnt even notice glass dust in the bed !


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 19, 2008
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

opps Livers are pressure washed, Dried with a lint free towel and then armorall is applied. Use the internets and Presidents Bush,s The Google to find more information.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 8, 2009
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

All the hubbub on this thread is a's a sign that Oops needs to get busy and supply us with more pictures of his hull extension. I got the itch....


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

lol.....she is in dry dock right now........but not for long guys !


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 21, 2010
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

This thread has been a great inspiration to all who read it oops! thank you for all the great advice you give and continue to give all in this forum.
I hope to continue to receive more advice as my personal project continues thanks again.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 5, 2009
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Seriously Oops you should post a picture of your protective suit. Folks should know they must protect themselves at all times working with fiberglass, remember it was not so long ago when we were told asbestos was safe.
You have an awesome post going here...


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 16, 2008
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Hey oops, have you ever thought about going down the the southern states and fetching a hurricane right off? I kinda want to, get a nice like 60fter :p...hahah, just a thought


Jul 16, 2006
Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Re: hull extension in progress with picks

Seriously Oops you should post a picture of your protective suit. Folks should know they must protect themselves at all times working with fiberglass, remember it was not so long ago when we were told asbestos was safe.
You have an awesome post going here...

He did. :p


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