Re: hull extension in progress with picks
Re: hull extension in progress with picks
i just stopped in at the bowling alley to post goin to mrs oops for a victory celebration. and she wont let me use her puter for i boats any more....
the good
the boat jumped out of the water....
the boat was on plane so fast that noklu and i could not even tell the difference...(it was so fast)
the hull felt strong with no worries.
trim tabs......who needs trim
there was a slight hesitation in the carb...(like noklu said)
the vibration was gone.....(special thanks to
don s spent about an hour with me here on the forum. he even went thru the training manuals, came up with the solution......i boater and bud rob j brought the correct part (one in a milllion) to my area "just in case i needed it" last year.
the weight is not a factor at this point...add another 1200 lbs for people and gear and we will see what happens...but when i hit the throttle a little bit, i just about knocked noklu off his feet....(sorry bad
The bad
the drive ratio must must be changed....this means a new drive or new uppers. .... 1.86 is just too low for the big motor...i had lots of throttle left to go at 4,250 rpm.....even with the big 23 stainless prop we tryed.
the carb still hesitates ....minor.
the problem was found in the accelerator pump.....the pivot arm was jammed....fixed that and then found that the journal was plugged.
(the accelartor pump is a small rubber diaphram that squirts gas into the main throat of the carb under fast acelleration....normally this is done by vaccume.....but vaccume takes time so the acellerator pump is an instant "shot" to the cylinders....the problem was ....under fast accelreation.. the carb was starving).
we had to take tha carb off twice to find the problem.....but after we found the problem ....YEEE HAAA !)
the valve covers still need to be changed ...there are still minor leaks.....but i was not going to change them as long as there was a chance the motor had to come back doesnt
the speedometer does not work for some reason.....its hooked up to the drive. i dont really want to go with the standard pitot tube,,,,,(do you know how much drag that is !
there aint none......looking at the boat in the parking lot, i cant believe how cool it looks .....
cheers my goin for a beer.