Re: Formula 330SS Bulkhead Replacement
Big day with fiberglassing . . .
Well I did not run in the Boston Marathon . . . not that I would . . . so, it was a continuation of fiberglassing today.
I made my first batch of "Peanut Butter" (PB) !!!
I needed some to fill in the gaps around the storage compartment floor. very exciting
Here is the floor all resin'ed in along with PB along the edges.
That will have to set up overnight . . . So, it was onto the main bulkhead. Lots of tedious prep work, but finally towards mid-afternoon, I got to tabbing in the fuel bay side of the bulkhead. I elevated the bulkhead about 1/4" up off the hull to match the existing structure.
Here is the main bulkhead tabbed in . . .
I had to prop up the cross member in the middle as it was sagging a little. I did not have a whole lot of 1708 cloth and I wanted to double up on the thickness of the tabbing. So, I used 1708 on the first layer and some 24 oz woven roving on the second layer of tabbing. WR is a real pain to work with, because it unravels as you are working with it. Makes a huge mess in the resin tray.
I used some CSM on the face of the center engine mount stringer where it meets the bulkhead. Then, I sunk a few SS screws into it from the other side of the bulkhead to snug it up tight . It will also get tabbed when I do the engine room side of the bulkhead. . . . Probably will be in the plan for tomorrow.
Just for kicks, I put my reproduction label on the fuel tank. It is ready to go back in the boat.
I won't be putting the tank back in right away, as I have to help my FIL relocate back to the northeast (from Florida) . . . he is a 'snowbird' as we call then in the northeast. So, I'll be doing that next weekend.
I have 1 more day to work on the boat, then probably not until the first weekend in May. I better check my schedule.