Re: Fat guys in a little boat
Not a fan of those jons with raised platforms. Its one thing to put big guys in a boat. Yet another thing to raise them up on a platform, then raise them up further on a pedestal seat. You will be raising the center of gravity from about the top of the gunnel, to almost 2' above it. Makes for a very unstable situation
^^^ Completely agree. I've seen a bunch of "decked" jon boats and most of the guys throw in a bunch of 2x4's and 3/4 plywood, easily 100-150# of added weight. I've also seen them done with light weight materials, that's an exception though. I low decked my jon boat and added about 50#, 3/8 plywood and 1x1 stringers. The seats sit about 3" higher than the benches, so it's stable.
I bought my Tracker 1426 jon boat new and regret it. I should have bought a used boat to fix up. Then, Trackers are not the best quality and I have had some cracked welds. It's and OK boat, but the Alumacraft 1436 available here now (they came in a year later) is a MUCH better built boat, kicked myself for not looking harder. Also, if you buy a new boat, you will have to buy everything else; motor, trailer, safety equipment, etc., etc.. That $1000 15' Tracker would probably cost $2000 to get on the water.
Are you going to put an outboard on the boat? I though you were looking for a boat to mostly use at electric only lakes. Bigger boats will require a bigger trolling motor and that 17'er will be a lot for a 12V trolling motor, unless it's a light weight aluminum boat. I have a 70# 24V digital trolling motor on my heavy 18'er and it has marginal performance. Since you are going to be on electric only lakes, I would put some money into the trolling motor and buy a "digital" trolling motor. They use far less power at slower speeds than the less expensive speed coil trolling motors. The downside is they cost twice as much, the up side is you can carry 1/2 as many batteries. I use that 70# 24V digital trolling motor on my jon boat and can go for about 24 hours before the batteries are discharged, with a cheap 40# speed coil trolling motor, those same batteries are discharged in 8 hours......
Oh yeah, what ever you buy, make sure it has titles for both the boat and trailer. I would question if that 17'er has a title, not saying it doesn't, but........