I can't help but seeing Don's face (the wizard face icon) bantering with Rick as he brought Don up to the cockpit window and opened it. I imagine it going something like this................Don wasn't a flyer but he was USAF...... Good enough for me!
Thanks for the plane ride Rick. What a beautiful view from up here. You know, I never really liked flying much but your piloting skills are to be commended........such a smooth ride. laneas Rick moves Don to the side window) WOW, we're really high up here.....very cool. Hey Rick, your window is a bit opened.............Rick............why you opening the window..........hey, we're gettin a little close to the opening there pal.....:concern:..........Rick what are you doing......RICK......BRING ME BACK INSIDE.....:yell:...........hey, why don't you land this thing and take me for a boat ride instead............Rick, Rick, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick...........:scared:.................YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAA........eace:.
Couldn't have popped for a Chock Full -O- Nuts can?
I could hear Don barking at us, "all you needed to do was handle this back in July and there would be no hassle now. Why'd you go and make it so difficult?" And I'd say, "yeah, I guess you're right." And he'd say "well yeahhhh" in his drawn out way with a little chuckle added in to soften it. Miss you, Don. Godspeed.
Edit: I so wish I had a recording of his voice. I really miss talking to him, and I'd love to share it with those who never had a chance to actually talk with him. Picture his avatar with a Santa Clause voice and chuckle, and you'd pretty much have the Don I knew on the phone. I almost wish we hadn't found the picture. The wizard in his avatar was the Don I knew in my mind's eye.
Dang I forgot who found the pic Speak up.