Do you think you will change after this Corona thing has been defeated?


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Hmm jim I like sports but have a different take on tv programs.Everybody is mad at china for this virus ,I propose we give them a humanitarian medal for being responsible for doing something the entire world couldn't do.They single handedly put a halt to reality tv!What does it say about society that 100 of millions watch and follow that drivel?20 SEASONS OF SURVIVOR,shouldnt of been more than 1 days worth.That family that name starts with a K ,instead of being millionaires they should be working on a street corner in a just world.Its all about as real as wwf wrestling.:joyous:


Aug 17, 2015
Pretty easy to hate on rich professional athletes, the owners of the teams are the true gluttons in pro sports. The finical impact and trickle down income from home games in Green Bay Is undeniable. It is easy to dislike at one that has more, imagine if the world wanted to learn from the finically successful rather than just wanting a % of their wealth.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
How to fix? Simple. Tax more and/or spend less. Forever complicated: Who pays more, who gets less?

That's a complicated question. No matter who's involved, everyone will probably want to complain about how it affects them.

For starters, how about a 10% across the board increase in taxes for everyone, accompanied by a 10% decrease in the handouts? But fine tune it as well:
  • if you're a doctor, nurse, first responder, handicapped, etc, etc the 10% is waived
  • if you are on public assistance and do public service work or otherwise help in the community the 10% is waived and you get to keep half of what you earned.
  • if you own a small business and employ local workers the 10% is waived
  • if you are a CEO of a major corporation and your salary is more than 30x the average worker's salary, you get a 25% INCREASE in taxes
  • if you are an "entertainer" of any type you get a 50% increase in taxes.
  • if you are one of the ten richest men in the country and own a corporation that employs tens of thousands, you get to be on the board that decides all of the above.
Aren't y'all glad i'm not a politician?

(just sittin' around waiting for Spring...)


Jan 23, 2009
Wow, there sure is a lot of politics in this thread. :rolleyes:

As for me changing when it's all over. I dunno. I'm retired and live in a rural setting. No partying and whatnot. So my social interaction is limited to friends and neighbors.

One thing for sure though. I'll wear gloves while pumping gas or sanitize my hands after I read in this thread about the crotch digger who picked up the pump handle without cleaning his hands. :eek:


More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
Wow, there sure is a lot of politics in this thread. :rolleyes:...

It's not the normal 'politics' that gets discussions turned into fights. This (at the moment) is just a discussion on political policy, and it's not taking the red vs blue approach. So it's not going to get :closed_2: just yet. If you have a problem with that, just walk away. If it gets heated, it will be :closed_2: and members will get a :ban:

iboats mod team.


Sep 14, 2008
I am wondering what is the future of the music business after this covid-19 has been halted. I have had a dream of restoring an older Silver Eagle coach for some years now and in the process of searching the internet I ran across sites by several entertainer coach rental sites that stated every one of their coaches are sitting idle. These units cost about one and a half million each. How do you make the payments on them when they are sitting on the lot.

The current dynamics of the music business today if you are not performing concerts, county fairs, festivals, etc. you are not making enough to live on just from record sales or airtime. I think for up and coming artists and bluegrass groups the loss of this revenue is going to be devastating.

Many of these bluegrass groups have been on the road for years doing a couple or more shows a week. One of the largest bluegrass festivals just a couple of miles up the road from me draws in more than 500 campers and thousands of individuals and it is still up in the air if it will still be on in early July. I know many retired persons who work at the fairgrounds in the summer tending to everything from parking to tending for the needs of the RV’s. Multiply that times the number of such venues nationwide and it adds up to a lot of lost revenue.

Add to that the number of new individuals and groups that only play local shows in one or two states. Will it recover in a year or two. During the depression people still would go to a show for a quarter or so and the entertainers squeaked by due to the number of people who shelled out that hard to earn quarter. Now even if large assemblies are permitted how many will still be afraid to go?

Sorry for being so long but I don’t know the answer and am interested in hearing others opinions.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
I guess it all depends on how long the lockdown lasts, and how financially savvy the people were. Entertainers don't necessarily work all year long, so when they ARE working, they need to prepare for the times that they don't.

Being self-employed takes a lot of planning. In my case, with my own business, I always took off June, July & August to go boating. That meant I had to work extra hard the other 9 months. The 2008 Recession was a big eye-opener, but fortunately I was prepared because I didn't spend all the profits in 2007.


Rear Admiral
Jun 26, 2012
Didn't read the while thread...

The changes I make will be more mental. I dont think I will ever be able to trust the media. I dont mean that it would take independent verification to trust them, I mean their reasons for pushing whatever narrative they are pushing will forever be suspect to me. I also will never trust the government, not that I do now but now I am certain they are a bunch of globalist elite snobs that dont give a hoot about us. That's how I will change. I will also go out of my way and I will go without as much as reasonable to never spend a dollar on china goods.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
I know this sounds kinda petty and stupid maybe but I have not eaten any Chinese take out food since this crap started and I watched the video's of those "wet markets" over there ... Just made me sick to my stomach ...

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
I know this sounds kinda petty and stupid maybe but I have not eaten any Chinese take out food since this crap started and I watched the video's of those "wet markets" over there ... Just made me sick to my stomach ...

People are starting to believe me when I tell them the story of when I lived in Toronto in the early 70's. My apartment was 4 stories above the SPCA. Every morning there was a line up of people there and when they left they had something in boxes. I tried to figure out why there was people standing in line every morning and what was in the cardboard boxes. I eventually asked the staff what was what and I was shocked when I got the answer. I will leave the rest to your imaginations. I swear on my parents graves. This is not fake news folks.

Back to my question. My wife and I will definitely change our lifestyles if and when we all get out of this. I don't believe we will be travelling by air much in the future, definitely never by ship. We have cancelled our European cruise out of Rome Italy that was set for June. It was cancelled anyway. That's another shemozzle for another thread. My health is not the greatest. With my age and an immune deficiency because of diabetes and a few other things we will fly only if it's absolutely necessary. We do not want to be in close quarters with another 200 folks we don't know from Adam. I have travelled the World and that is out of my system at 65. We sold our US property a few years ago so that no longer is an issue. My wife is 10 years younger and is ready to retire. She does have sisters in the US, Nova Scotia and The Dominican Republic. If need be we can drive south or east and take our sweet time, the D.R. is a different story they also have a place in Canada but only stay for a few months in summer. We now have been talking about a 5th wheel which was never ever in the picture before. We have plenty of time to make that decision. I believe many will look very differently at what they took for granted only a few months ago Because of he new norm, which is the new catch phrase today, we will take preclusions we never thought of like simply going shopping. The stories of countries far far away suffering from epidemics we only saw on CNN and to us it could have been on another planet, change the channel and we were just fine. Now there aren't many channels to change to get away from this alien invasion. My empathy goes out to our young adults and their children. They may not and most likely will not live as freely as we Baby Boomers did and the Greatest Generation before us.

Old Ironmaker

Dec 28, 2015
The current dynamics of the music business today if you are not performing concerts, county fairs, festivals, etc. you are not making enough to live on just from record sales or airtime. I think for up and coming artists and bluegrass groups the loss of this revenue is going to be devastating.

I think one can make a list of every occupation in the World and I don't believe many will not be taking a devastating hit because of this global economic shut down. The list of those, if any, not impacted is going to be the shortest list. Even our politicians are vulnerable. If they don't do the right things today they won't be re elected tomorrow.
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Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
I am wondering what is the future of the music business after this covid-19 has been halted ... The current dynamics of the music business today if you are not performing concerts, county fairs, festivals, etc. you are not making enough to live on just from record sales or airtime. I think for up and coming artists and bluegrass groups the loss of this revenue is going to be devastating.

Nashville is pretty quiet right now. The Honky-Tonk Highway is closed up. The Opry is closed. No street musicians, CMA fest is cancelled, and the concert circuit here in Nashville is all sitting still. But, lots of festivals like Bonaroo and Uncle Dave Macon days have been rescheduled for September. Alan Jackson (I only happen to know 'cuz my FIL mentioned him last night) has concert dates starting back up in later June, and the expectation is that things will be moving again by late summer.

Many (if not most) of the guys I know in the biz, do LOTS of their recording at home. They cut their track and send it in. Songwriters can still do their work as per normal. And honestly with the potency of internet channels like YouTube and Apple Music, a musician who really wants to connect with their audience right now has a captive group lookin' for stuff to watch.

One of the guys I know has been in the business as a performer for decades. Has supported himself and his familly without ever having a record deal. He's struggling right now like the rest of us, but expects things will come back online as fast for him as they will for anyone else.

And, to their credit - lots of the stars who have made it are being gems about giving back in these times. Dolly has been a real voice of encouragement to Tennesseans (if not to a much wider audience) and donated quite a bit to help research COVID at Vanderbilt. She's the main one I can think of quickly, but others have been helping since we had the tornados come through just before COVID.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Food supply is becoming a major issue. With so many food service customers, restaurants, hotels, cruise lines, airlines and more, farmers are not able to ship and food is rotting on the vine and being plowed under. Chicken suppliers are destroying eggs, dairy farmers are pouring milk on the ground and slaughter houses are closed. All this when food banks are running out. There is no plan, there is no management! Just PR stunts!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
I am fortunate to have 3/4 acre property with good soil.-----Started gardening 10 years ago.------More potatoes going into the ground this year.-------If you have no food you won't need as much TP either.-----Might have to sharpen the hooks and paint some lures to catch more fish too.------Correct I believe there will be major problems with food supply in the big cities.----Give it another month or so.----There will be problems !!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
GA , with everything shut down as far as restaurants and such there is no reason to restock . Waste is gunna happen ..
‘But like you said , would be good to fill the food banks or give to other countries in need . But that would be just the non-perishables right ? How can food banks keep stuff from going bad ? I don’t know much about this stuff so idk ...


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
I know this sounds kinda petty and stupid maybe but I have not eaten any Chinese take out food since this crap started and I watched the video's of those "wet markets" over there ... Just made me sick to my stomach ...

I stopped eating chinacrap over 50 years go and would never go back.

Back in the early 1970's several local restaurants were raided and closed down because they were selling chicken that wasn't chicken.

A few years ago I answered an ad for a used tinny. The owner was also the owner of a restaurant. In his back yard (surrounded by an 8' privacy fence) were 50 or 60 cages, and they didn't contain chickens. (I dunno, maybe he was a pet lover.)

Last year, the police suspected a car hit a deer and they followed the blood trail to a restaurant, where they were promptly butchering the road kill and putting it in the freezer.
