Do you think you will change after this Corona thing has been defeated?


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
I thought that was interesting somewhat until it became just a political hit piece ..
Im sure there are more things to consider with their findings other than their stupid because
they voted a certain way ..


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
I would not read that extremists rag ,even in the outhouse at camp.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
Hopefully governments / people will change.----You may be aware that if you want to take one of your pets across a border then you need paper work / certificates from a vet I believe.-----People on the other hand march onto airliners free and clear of that requirement.--------About 1000 planes a day arrived in Italy every day.------200,000 people.----No surprise to me that these tourist / travel places have the problem.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Not sure about everyone else, but reading the title for this thread, I think I will change a heck of a lot sooner then waiting for after this virus to be gone. I usually get my weekly shower either Friday or Saturday evening. And I also change my underwear then as well. So I will stick to that routine... :laugh:

Come for only a few seconds people... :D

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Anyone alse checking in to a detox center after this?

On 4th run to liquor store for 2 weeks of supplies


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
Individual1 is putting out some interesting statements these days.----Perhaps he will change after this is over.
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Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
Strange that after 9/11, billions were spent to make changes.-------Now they are saying ----" sorry this pandemic happened "----And the sooner we forget about it happening the better.


More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
Here's an idea....(of what SHOULD change)

We have been given a fantastic glimpse of who is important and who is not in the world under the current situation. Sporting fixtures were the first to get the chop. Not sure what it's like in USA, but in Oz, the football players (of both codes, NRL and AFL) are all bltching about having to accept between 50 and 75% pay cuts, for the duration of shutdown. Meanwhile a lot of Australians, myself and my wife included, have taken a 100% pay cut... And once this shutdown is lifted, we have to then compete with thousands of other people for a scare few jobs.

But the people who are our last line of defense against this virus are still struggling on, some dying, on salaries I would only describe as insulting. We've also seen concerts cancelled, and most TV and movie productions shutdown, but doctors, nurses and research scientists are expected to work, even harder and under far more trying conditions than most of us could ever imagine. There's been many stories in our media of nurses and doctors sending their children away to live with grandparents, and for the medical staff to be living in their own isolation for fear of bring the virus home. Some have even isolated away from husbands and wives. Medical research teams are being badgered for answers and vaccines, with the public crying foul as to why the situation got so bad so quickly...

I think it was a Spanish researcher summed it up very well.

So, here's my proposal for when this is all over, and what should change...

I'm calling it the Australian Science Fund Tax (ASF)...

Every sporting body, sport club, sports-person, actor/entertainer, TV and movie production company (basically anyone who does not contribute to the 'functioning' of society) is to pay 1% of their GROSS income to the Fund, which distributes the money to research institutions and staff (including nurses and doctors). The Fund to be administered by a body of research and medical persons, NOT accountants. Accountants should be relegated to where they belong, doing the book work. Most of the mess this world is in can be laid at the feet of the accountancy profession. :mad:

So, who's with me? As a society, worldwide, we need to reward the people who keep us safe far more than those who provide 'entertainment'... Entertainers are not essential for us to live, they are nice to have around, as an embellishment, but when the smelly brown stuff hits the rapidly rotating air movement device, who'd you rather have on your side? A guy who can throw a ball rully rully fast, or someone who knows how to stop you dying? Personally, I think its a 'no-brainer'...

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Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Here's an idea....(of what SHOULD change)

We have been given a fantastic glimpse of who is important and who is not in the world under the current situation. Sporting fixtures were the first to get the chop. Not sure what it's like in USA, but in Oz, the football players (of both codes, NRL and AFL) are all bltching about having to accept between 50 and 75% pay cuts, for the duration of shutdown. Meanwhile a lot of Australians, myself and my wife included, have taken a 100% pay cut... And once this shutdown is lifted, we have to then compete with thousands of other people for a scare few jobs.

But the people who are our last line of defense against this virus are still struggling on, some dying, on salaries I would only describe as insulting. We've also seen concerts cancelled, and most TV and movie productions shutdown, but doctors, nurses and research scientists are expected to work, even harder and under far more trying conditions than most of us could ever imagine. There's been many stories in our media of nurses and doctors sending their children away to live with grandparents, and for the medical staff to be living in their own isolation for fear of bring the virus home. Some have even isolated away from husbands and wives. Medical research teams are being badgered for answers and vaccines, with the public crying foul as to why the situation got so bad so quickly...

I think it was a Spanish researcher summed it up very well.

So, here's my proposal for when this is all over, and what should change...

I'm calling it the Australian Science Fund Tax (ASF)...

Every sporting body, sport club, sports-person, actor/entertainer, TV and movie production company (basically anyone who does not contribute to the 'functioning' of society) is to pay 1% of their GROSS income to the Fund, which distributes the money to research institutions and staff (including nurses and doctors). The Fund to be administered by a body of research and medial persons, NOT accountants. Accountants should be relegated to where they belong, doing the book work. Most of the mess this world is in can be laid at the feet of the accountancy profession. :mad:

So, who's with me? As a society, worldwide, we need to reward the people who keep us safe far more than those who provide 'entertainment'... Entertainers are not essential for us to live, they are nice to have around, as an embellishment, but when the smelly brown stuff hits the rapidly rotating air movement device, who'd you rather have on your side? A guy who can throw a ball rully rully fast, or someone who knows how to stop you dying? Personally, I think its a 'no-brainer'...


Wow! A profound comment. I agree almost 100%.

Your 1% gross income tax is too low. Should be more like 50%. My local "sports" team just signed on a new (fat, moron, low intelligence) player for a $5,000,000 contract. If he were a scientist he would maybe get $150,000, so for him to keep $2,500,000 and give up $2,500,000 would still be more than he's worth and it would help fund the cause.

OTOH, so many people are sports fans because they don't know what to do with themselves, so I propose that sports tickets be reduced to $5.00 per game. Let the team owners help the people that support them.

Finally, the only good thing that has come from all this trouble is that there is no freaking sports on the blasted TV now. Very happy to watch old 1950's reruns of Gunsmoke.


May 26, 2018
..hmm. Getting a little political here. And I've been spanked for that. ..probably will get another here.

There is simply not enough revenue to meet each country's needs. World ave debt/GDP (what you owe/what you make) = 57%. Japan is at 237%, US @ 107%.

How to fix? Simple. Tax more and/or spend less. Forever complicated: Who pays more, who gets less?

What will change when we are in the clear form COVID19? I hope spending priorities change worldwide.

We've met the enemy. And the enemy WILL return. And the enemy doesn't carry a gun.


More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
..hmm. Getting a little political here. And I've been spanked for that. ..probably will get another here.

There is simply not enough revenue to meet each country's needs. World ave debt/GDP (what you owe/what you make) = 57%. Japan is at 237%, US @ 107%.

How to fix? Simple. Tax more and/or spend less. Forever complicated: Who pays more, who gets less?

What will change when we are in the clear form COVID19? I hope spending priorities change worldwide.

We've met the enemy. And the enemy WILL return. And the enemy doesn't carry a gun.

Hey Dave. It's not that simple. I really wish it was. The problem is how money is created, and yes, it's created...

When a government wants money to make payroll, or as handouts, it must first borrow that money from the reserve. The problem most countries have is that the reserve is privately owned. When they borrow from the reserve, the reserve must be paid back, with interest. It's that interest that's the 'problem'. It can never be paid back, and actually is ever growing. The financial system relies on debt to continue to function. If every person on the planet paid back all the money they owe, then the financial system would collapse right there. There is a series of films called 'Zeitgeist'. I suggest you look at the second, as it explains it far better than I can....

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand moving right along......

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